i want to try making art for now simple sketches but i've always doubt my own ability any help or sites cause i don't find the paint on my comp useful to me at all
Well, are you more inclined to virtual art or are you more fond of...tangible materials like pens and pencils? If you want us to help you should inform us of what kind of art you wish to do first.
well digital art is nice because of the help i get but i like the pen and pencil stuff cause i like the look of sketches but the problem is combining the goodness of two because I'm only 13 so buying anything expensive is really out of the picture :/
Well, you could combine both if you had a scanner. I can't really give you any advice on digital art, I'm more of a pencil artist myself. Maybe if you looked in libraries or schools near where you live you could find one you can use for free, that's what I did at my college to make my own art thread.
AH! What you want is to be taking my Digital Design class haha! We combine hand drawn art with computer art... Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and a scanner, are what we use in the class, computer-wise...
If you need any help with digital art I would can be the person to go to And i'm not that TOO terrible of an artist, but Fallen would be better to ask those kinds of questions to :P
sorry, i shouldve mentioned that Adobe Illustrator CS5 is about $600 up to $2,000(premium version) but it is amazing!
What in bloody hell!?...I can have an overpowered computer/laptop for that price! Oh well, if you have questions pertaining to pencil drawing, don't hesitate to ask.
so what fallen what about that light shading uhm yeah how to do that do i just take the side of my pencil and do that?
That's a little unclear but oh well...You can shade in many different ways, one is to smudge like you described. You take the side of the lead and you smudge. That will only get you so far though. In professionnal drawing, you must hatch. Hatching is basically tracing lines with more or less space between them to give the illusion of depth.
Draw something about illegal aliens from Uranus. Literally. :P
That...could almost be considered spamming; it's short and not on topic. Pay attention when posting, you can't just go around posting random or scarcely related to topic posts.
Though AlienGirl's post was not on topic it does raise the fact that you have not drawn anything yet, so we don't have a 100% accurate idea of how you draw and what should be improved upon...
wtf? i'm like 13 so my salary is...$0.00 so making my budget...$0.00
I know it's expensive and I don't have it at my house either because of the price. But what i'm getting at is if you want have good digital drawings then you should download those two programs, even if you have to find it somewhere free on the internet...I personally would have taken a copy of it by now, if not for the fact that we use Mac OS-X computers, and i have use Windows Vista at my house... If you want to draw on computers i highly suggest finding those two programs,i know i'm reiterating that over and over, but paint just doesn't cut it like you said...
I will ask my teacher today if there are any good free art progams online and come back and post it for you as soon as I get home, about 6 tonight (approx. 6 hours from this post).