I saw a while back that someone created a competition for themselves in which they have to write a poem for 100 different themes. It looked like a challenge, so I want to do the same!
100 themes sounds far too many for me to handle, so I'm going to try 50. I need help from you guys to come up with a list of 50 themes, then I'll get to work writing either poetry or short prose for each. I don't want the themes to be totally vague, (i.e. love, hate, light, dark) I want something a little more specific (i.e. hazards, giving up hope, entombment, etc). Make the themes as random as you like, that's the whole point of this thread. I'm sick of having nothing to work with when I try and write.
This'll be my progress thread, but I'll be making a new thread of all 50 pieces when I'm finished. By all means, feel free to join in!
These are the only themes I have so far:
1. Innocence 2. Entombment 3. A Forgotten Name 4. Rising Tide
I'm not sure what you're talking about here Jezz... are all of us participating in a 50-theme poetry, or is it just you, but we are giving you themes to work on?
1. Innocence 2. Entombment 3. A Forgotten Name 4. Rising Tide 5. A Broken Picture 6. Leaves Falling In Autumn 7. Birth 8. Falling Into The Abyss 9. Near-death Experience 10. Beatiful Sunset 11. New School 12. Describing Color To A Blind Person 13. Home Alone
1. Innocence 2. Entombment 3. A Forgotten Name 4. Rising Tide 5. A Broken Picture 6. Leaves Falling In Autumn 7. Birth 8. Falling Into The Abyss 9. Near-death Experience 10. Beatiful Sunset 11. New School 12. Describing Color To A Blind Person 13. Home Alone 14. Nightmare 15 Dreams(not while you're sleeping, I mean like a goal). 16. Inner strength. 17. Self-Hatred 18. Martyrdom 19. Political corruption 20. Self-Completion 21. Genius 22. Thanksgiving 23. Halloween 24. Christmas 25. Guilt 26. Daydreams 27. Orange leaves in autumn 28. A shy person in the middle of a crowd 29. One-way love 30. Kraken
Just organizing the themes, it's a real ninjafes here.
I'm glad its a ninjafest! I hope this gets popular ^^ I don't know how this competition is going to work, but I don't want it to be a speed test. I want everyone who participates to capture each theme in the most unique and inspiring way they can. Remember, the only rule is that it has to relate to the theme, and most of these themes have multiple meanings. Also remember you can use either poetry or prose!
Okay maybe when we have all 50 themes I'll write a new thread with rules and goals. Perhaps a few select themes must be written in a certain way or something.
Reminds me I kinda-sorta wanna start up my 100-pic-challenge again. Anyway.
You should try Regular, just for my amusement. People are always so forward and go for the more interesting ways and themes in life. Sometimes we just ought to look at that regular old everyday life. Normal person blending. Nothing new an exciting, just... like it always was?
I have an idea. What if we set a thing for every theme? Like haiku, rhyming poetry, prose, short story(w/word limit), medium story(word limit), long story(word minimum no limit), cinquain, etc? Obviously we wouldn't be able to think up 50 different styles of writing but maybe we could do one type for every 5 themes or something? Just a thought.
42. Two-Faced 43. Disillusionment
And I had another idea(I should stop doing that, shouldn't I?). Perhaps we could do it as less of a quickness thing but as a thing where all participants put in an entry but with a deadline...
I don't really want deadlines for this, purely because I suck at meeting deadlines.
I forgot to say, hey Sam!
And hey Cen. We'll use a theme just for you.
44. Regular (make it nice and ordinary) 45. The mind of a villain 46. Someone who lives to watch the world burn.
I've got a TON of ideas for the competition now. I was thinking of doing something similar to what Strop and Cen did in the WoM, with a prize for first entry in, forfeit for late entries, etc. I'll have to change it to something other than entry submission time limits, however. And nice ideas Hyper, I'll take that into consideration.
Just a quick announcement: Do not start writing yet! Please wait until the official thread is up, with official rules and the first few competition goals. I'll be writing that tomorrow morning.
48. Something for the girls 49. Something for the boys 50. GO CRAZY
Okay, if anyone doesn't understand a theme, speak now and we'll have it explained! Also, please tell me if you're thinking of participating here so I can get a rough idea of what I'm doing tomorrow?