I saw a while back that someone created a competition for themselves in which they have to write a poem for 100 different themes. It looked like a challenge, so I want to do the same!
100 themes sounds far too many for me to handle, so I'm going to try 50. I need help from you guys to come up with a list of 50 themes, then I'll get to work writing either poetry or short prose for each. I don't want the themes to be totally vague, (i.e. love, hate, light, dark) I want something a little more specific (i.e. hazards, giving up hope, entombment, etc). Make the themes as random as you like, that's the whole point of this thread. I'm sick of having nothing to work with when I try and write.
This'll be my progress thread, but I'll be making a new thread of all 50 pieces when I'm finished. By all means, feel free to join in!
These are the only themes I have so far:
1. Innocence 2. Entombment 3. A Forgotten Name 4. Rising Tide
I'm up fer this. I need something to do now that I'm a substitute judge and still awaiting permission for Beta, so I'll join in this little charade of yours
It's going to be preeety tough though. But that's okay! More difficulty, more satisfaction.
Umm.. You know how some bands write a load of gush about how fantastic girls are? Well basically big up girls. And then big up boys. I'm going to bed now! See you all tomorrow.