ForumsArt, Music, and Writing50 Theme Challenge

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3,337 posts

Well! What was originally going to be my own little poetry challenge has turned into a major competition! Please read every word in this opening post very carefully as everything I say must be adhered to. I don't know if you know this, but I am very strict with my rules and regulations...

The general point of this competition

A few of us users have come up with a list of 50 themes which can be found below. The aim of this competition is to write a poem or a piece of short prose for each theme, just for fun! There are no deadlines (as of yet) for the submissions because I don't want the pieces to be hurriedly written, so don't let that put you off participating. Everyone is welcome to participate. There's no pressure to submit all 50 pieces, take your time, have fun!

Please remember to follow the basic rules of the AMW. All work must be your own. No flaming, trolling, spamming, etc. Only provide critique on a user's piece if they have asked for it specifically. Keep general discussion on this thread to a minimum so as to remain at least a little bit on topic.


A list of rules that (hopefully) cover everything you need to know about submissions. Read carefully. If you have any questions, contact me on my profile.

*You do not need to submit the pieces in order. You may start with whichever theme you like.

* Once you have written and revised a piece, submit it!

*You may submit more than one piece at a time, although submitting too many at once will seem as though you've rushed them.

*I will keep track of how many submissions each participant has entered on my profile, so take a look once in a while.

*Only short prose pieces are accepted. Nothing too longwinded please. I am going to include a word limit of 1,500 words.

*There is a certain structure to submitting a piece in order to keep the thread nice and tidy:
- Your piece must have the theme name and number as the title in bold. You may also include your own title in brackets next to it.
- You must state which form you have written your piece in, for example, haiku, short prose, sonnet, standard verse, etc.

Here is an example post;

51. Insanity (Two Minds) - Haiku

Come here; don't be scared
I am confined in both minds
Stay away from me

List Of Themes
1. Innocence
2. Entombment
3. A Forgotten Name
4. Rising Tide
5. A Broken Picture
6. Leaves Falling In Autumn
7. Birth
8. Falling Into The Abyss
9. Near-death Experience
10. Beautiful Sunset
11. New School
12. Describing Colour To A Blind Person
13. Home Alone
14. Nightmare
15. Dreams
16. Inner strength
17. Self-Hatred
18. Martyrdom
19. Political Corruption
20. Self-Completion
21. Genius
22. Thanksgiving
23. Halloween
24. Christmas
25. Guilt
26. Daydreams
27. Orange Leaves In Autumn
28. A Shy Person In The Middle Of A Crowd
29. Unrequited love
30. Kraken
31. Memories
32. Revolution
33. The Shining Auroras
34. Poverty
35. A Hero Among Evil
36. An Entity Who Shows Itself
37. The 5th Dimension
38. Berserk Wildlife
39. A Light In The Black
40. Trial And Error
41. A Creation
42. Two-Faced
43. Disillusionment
44. Regular/Ordinary
45. The Mind Of A Villain
46. Someone Who Lives To Watch The World Burn.
47. Old Age
48. Something For The Girls
49. Something For The Boys
50. Go Crazy

And now for the fun part...

I am going to include a few features similar to Strop's 'erks and penalties' idea in the WoM. Some of them are preeeetty difficult, so good luck with that. Once you've completed one, I'll stick your name on my profile.

Here they are:

1) Theme-a-Rama!: Mention 15 separate themes in one piece.

2) Sonnet 130: Write a mock sonnet which relates to love and one other theme.

3) Total Overkill: Use the theme title 6 times in one piece.

4) Like a Freight Train: Be the first to complete the first 10 themes.

5) In The Dank And Dark Recesses Of The Mind...: Be the first to complete themes 8, 14, 17 and 46.

And there'll be more coming your way!

Lets get started!

  • 202 Replies
176 posts

1.) Innocence
Trying to prove your innocence
Pleading with the smirking judge
One that holds a grudge against you
So she'll be biased, nothing you can do.

Verbally defending yourself
Tear trickling down your face
You weren't the one who pulled the trigger
To bring up this case, but the judge s******s.

The judge bangs her gavel with a loud thud
That echoes throughout the room
You demand for your innocence
But the judges verdict, fills you with gloom.

You're stuck in a small jail cell
Not much space for you to move
When you get out; time will tell
Hopefully, your innocence is proved.

176 posts

Ah, I forgot that that word would be censored, if you're wondering, it's sn!ggers.

176 posts

5. A broken picture
A broken picture smashed on the floor
Shattering the memories which we've known
Glass spread out across the empty room
The love of life in our faces; can't be shown.

All the memories already beginning to fade
We look at what once was a great moment
A moment, which will never be remade
We pick up the pieces of glass.

The glass pierces our hands deeply
Blood spills out over the picture
The memory now gone into crimson red
That one memory is now as good as dead.

257 posts

Why does this thread have Gantic in the name? It has no way that it is even related to Gantic!

176 posts

Have you noticed the names of every other sticky thread in the forums?

6,800 posts

41. A Creation

Blossoming onto the page,
Ink flows from my pen.
Master of my realm,
Fates lie in my hand.

Ink flows from my pen,
Bleeding on the paper.
Fates lie in my hand,
Scratch! And you are gone.

Bleeding on the paper:
Death, destroyer of worlds.
Scratch! And you are gone.
Blood flows everywhere.

Death, destroyer of worlds:
Master of my realm.
Blood flows everywhere,
Blossoming onto the page.

140 posts

5-A broken picture

There I stand in my hall,
Wondering at the wall,
Will my picture fall,
The one with a blue ball.

The frame is broken,
And my mother has spoken,
"I will throw the picture son"
"No", I say, "it is really fun"

It is a part of me,
And I hope you will see,
That me and this broken picture,
Make a great and bright future.

140 posts

11-New school

When I was kicked out of my old school
I was the best, I mean the first rule
But then I looked like a big fool
At my new, for now very stupid school.

Every one was laughing and pointing at me
Then I looked down and had something to see
I spilled my fizzy drink all over me
Then I was late about 10 minutes you see.

Everything was dull and the teacher punished me
And made me sit next to a cute girl, Penelope
Then suddenly everything was completely fine
When she smiled and her teeth started to shine.

140 posts

13-Home alone

I am sitting in my coach and reading a book
When I hear a strange noise coming from outside
If my parents were here I wouldn't be so afraid to look
I looked and saw my bike telling me to go for a ride

The tree turned into a troll which wanted to shook
They pointed at me and said "dude just look"
I saw the window getting smaller and then it popped
I closed my eyes and then it all just stopped

I was home alone, no one with me, alone in the dark
I felt that the room was hungry like a big scary shark
All the feelings went away when my mom was at the door
I said "I don't want to be home alone any more"

12 posts

46. Someone Who Lives To Watch The World Burn.

Gray skies fade to amber in such a way to enrapture the heart
In warm embrace of the heart of the star that provides life to all.
Mere moments melting, ever so slightly shifting speed,
The mask of a villain, a burden worth bearing to create glory.

A cold brisk air, a world in silence
a cry lost to emptiness, the artist is working his wonders.

He has created his masterpiece,the universe will see it and know that mankind made it.

Life is a small sacrifice for something truly beautiful.

274 posts


The sun is the brightest yellow ball in the sky
With the birds rising to fly
The bright white clouds
And the green little mounds

Short poem

17 posts

I LAUGHED (44. regular/ordinary)

I moved to the Bible belt and had to laugh.
I laughed when I drove through the cotton fields searching for a radio station that didn't sing Christ's praises over the airwaves. As if AM and FM frequencies are better techniques for spreading the gospel than just letting that God tell us himself. It turns out that self-advertisement works better when the "self" part exists.
I laughed when I drove down a street with more churches than houses- a speckled string of multi-denominational worship. Forty-six churches claiming divine foundation, ignoring the obvious segregation: Forty-six ways to read the same **** book to reach the same **** destination.
I laughed when I saw books of Christian propaganda on the shelves of public classrooms.
I laughed while I walked through a parking lot, seeing decals of a dead man with thorns on his brow and outlines of silver fish tacked on the backs of luxury sedans and rust bucket trucks alike.
I laughed a little softer they woke me up on Saturday to play their word games in their church clothes, hoping I'd smile and nod at their pretentious little pamphlets, then watched their shiny shoes run away when I started talking back that day.
I laughed softer still when a child who used to greet me with a wave and smile, turned a cold shoulder when she learned I didn't believe in the fairy tales she was raised to worship.
I laughed very little when the biology teacher told a student that snakes didn't have legs because God was punishing them for the devil's stunt in the garden. As if the serpents committed the crime, or as if God wouldn't know that an ounce of prevention's worth an eternity of punishment that can't be cured- only treated by a steady regimen of religious guilt cleansing. "Just another dollar in the coffer, please."
I laughed at first when a woman at a party told me humans can't come from monkeys because we still have monkeys today. I laughed heartily, impressed by her stern composure to not laugh back despite the essence of her own hilarity. My laughter faded when I understood that she wasn't joking.
I laughed because this little town with an entire church for every 100 people was a humorous parody- the perfect substance of a colossal joke. It wasn't until I finally accepted that I was the only one who knew the punch line that I cried.

29 posts

15: Dreams; Free Verse
Eyelids flutter anxiously
Awaiting sleep to come
The only reason closing them
Awaiting escape and hope.

Everywhere, children nestle inside their beds
Or in a sleeping bag
Some hope for most trivial things
Others, simple nessecities.

It does not matter who dreams what
They're secrets, motavation, light
They're something to push us through every day
Something to get us through the night.

Every night, knowing or not
We close our eyes and pray
For our dreams, each original
To someday be obtained

29 posts

1: Innocence; Free Verse
Everlasting childhood
Never to wane
Something we'd all like
A gift given to stay

We swear we never do it
Yet somehow, never trust
Those old enough to know
Diamonds are cut rough

Remember being innocent
Believing everything
Trusting the world was beautiful
Carved with no mistakes

Remember being trusted
Believed in for any dream
Wearing a heart upon your sleeve
Smiling innocently

Being friends with everyone
No mean girls, groups, or cliques.
I wish I could go back in time
To being innocent.

29 posts

25: Guilt; Traditional Ryhming (not sure what it's called)

I lied, I'm sorry
I really did
I crossed my fingers
I closed the lid
To all that was once had between
Us two friends in harmony
Please don't be angry; my stomach hurts
With guilt from my now enemy
I'll try again
A fresh start
I made a mistake
I know your heart
Was hurt when I lied
And mine did too
Guilt eating me
From the inside through.

Showing 181-195 of 202