We need more art, so another remake of my art thread. Nope, nothing more to say.
You know the paint-thread No paint no gain? I saw it, thought "Hey, I wanna try something like that again." and opened paint. Now, the OP states that it should be crappy 5-minutes paintings. Let's just say I ended up using just a wee bit more time than that.
I think I managed to get impatient, lazy and uninspired five times making this, and then I had to colour it too. And background is craptastic, because his hair is just a tiny bit annoying to try and colour in between, and I generally don't have patience for background. Perhaps another time.
Also, as seen in Strop's thread: For whatever reason. Like... The background.
--Oh, well, uh, send a gift basket or something. And make an irrelevant post on that one thread to make it look like we're off-topic, you know, just to ruffle things up a bit.
--Yeah, well, who cares.
Mazzelh is not a pokemon!
Flareon was probably Zophia.
Swablu, Altaria, Bellsprout were drawn by the same person. Swellow, Zubat, Nidoking, and a bunch of pokemon I don't know the names of. probably Cenere.
To start from the top... I am really annoyed I can't get to finish the project the way I wanted. I am thinking about another way but that will make it lose the effect I was going for. Oh, and the internet decided to die on the drawing-computer, which makes it a bother to upload > >...
Ever think about using a real time video web app, like livestream or ustream?
Thought about it, yes, but my internet is a crappy shared one, and my drawing computer is not very happy about streaming stuff (either way).
Thanks to Strop, it looks really funny, but you know that.
Thanks to Reton, and I am happy you enjoyed it.
Possibly thanks to Gantic. I am quite unsure, though.
Mazzelh is not a pokemon!
Well... They... could be... > >....
As for the pokemon, I think you are right about the Flareon, but I didn't draw the Nidorino, Zubat or Swellow. So long ago...
Oo you gotta wonder if all those posts will be given in the AG 3.0, I wonder when they are going to update it with forum access hmm. Anyways wouldn't it be nice when theres a NEW empty forum for you to have no work to moderate for a while :P
@Thoad: It was a bunch of fun. It was quite nice too, and the ugly bunch was much more fun that should be allowed.
@Hect: Well, that would be answered in the AG3 section (When: After the launch), and it seems they are going to build a new forum. To be honest, I wouldn't mind that all my threads were... forgotten. I should probably do like Strop and get an art blog.