I saws it...btw is it javascript?
Now if the room is based on your bedroom, is the person based on you (Cenere)? Or one of your characters?
More or less. Strop said he could see my expressions in poor Cen's face.
Now, I wonder, you people who scored the jackpot, what do you think about the changing?
And, because I couldn't get myself to post in the 50 theme thread for this, here is a few short(!) stories about a bunch of characters I hope to write about one day.
All connected more or less.
1. Innocence
"You know, sometimes I really wish none of this had ever happened to any of us. That we could have stayed whatever we were back then,"
"That we could have stayed human. Instead of transforming into these monsters we have become over the years."
"Perhaps we were always monsters, dear brother." His twin smiled up at him, for a moment, before going back to cutting his hair. "We just might not have realized."
"Sometimes you sound smarter than what would be good for you, Charles." He stared into the mirror, half expecting the image to change into what he truly was and jump at him. The monster inside.
His brother just laughed, a few short noises.
There was a short hesitant silence between them, while the scissors cut through the long blonde hair.
"Do you think mom and dad would still be here, if nothing had happened..." It was not a question, he did not actually want an answer.
"I don't believe in destiny, but it would probably not have changed anything. It was independent happenings. Actually, I..." Charlie sighed and put down the scissors. The image in the mirror faded to nothing as he turned towards his brother. "I think it would have been worse, if nothing had happened. Then we would have known nothing and lived in a lie."
The other nodded slowly. He knew it was right, but it did not drown the feeling for doubt and guilt that was choking all the life out of him.
Charlie turned back to the mirror, without the image returning. "You never caused any of it. It is not your fault. It never was, Ricks."
Eric did not reply.
2. Entombment
The first day, the doctors could not tell if he had died from the crash or from the bullets. It could have been either. A crime, but no witnesses, no evidence.
The fifth day, his family stood over his grave, all in black. Then the casket was hidden under the cold dirt.
The 20th day he woke from the sleep others would know as death, remembering nothing, unable to speak, to walk, to think.
On the 25th day, his father came to him, spoke with him, and brought him back to life as he would come to know it.
The next spring, he would wish he had never woke up that winter morning.
He was out of the coffin, but never out of the grave.
3. A Forgotten Name
It is funny how life can change from one moment to another. How being lost in the woods will give you are new life somewhere else. Not that she had had much choice in this.
She had used much of her time trying to get back, but the time with the Fae does something to your mind and soul.
The trip through the Hedge takes away both, if you are not careful, and she was never careful.
She could still long for her family, but over time, she never knew if it was months, years or perhaps a few days, her memory of her former life faded to a grey blob in her mind. But at least that blob was there.
She visited her world often, doing those chores she was asked to do, still human enough to hide in the crowd before she returned through the hedge.
However, one morning, life changed again. She saw a face in the crowd, a face that reminded her of something. The face saw her as well, and yelled out a single word before it disappeared in the stream of people.
The word scared her, the face and the memories made her hide. She did not return to the Fae, she could not do that any more. They would take away the memories again. But she couldn't stay either, she was not someone any more, and her only chance to be someone again was lost in the crowd.
Instead she clung to the one word that had broken the spell.
4. Rising Tide
It seemed like everything else he had done. Creating some anger and frustration is a fine way to make people aware. Sadly, making the anger revolve around you and you alone is a really bad idea.
So what if he knew. So what if he knew everything.
That had never hurt anyone, had it?
He hadn't. He just wanted to learn, to understand and, perhaps by doing so, create some peace in a world where everyone is focusing on all the differences and who was being superior, and not the similarities.
Then again, there was not an awful lot of those either.
Either way, this time it all meant trouble.
Time to get out.
5. A Broken Picture
Once again their home had been ravaged through by their enemies. Nothing had been left unharmed. At least by now, she had learned not to put up pictures, buy new books or sculptures. Only the bare necessities, not even a TV any more. It got too expensive over time.
She sighed, and began to pick up the pieces of her life again, knowing very well the facade needed to be kept up. Fake smiles, no worries. Forget the troubles, and if you can't do that, then remove them from your life.
Like ripping out your ex in all those once great pictures, and burn the rest.
Leaving no trace behind.
/Nope, not read through either. My head doesn't work well tonight.
Also, one of those are partly (C) Zophia.
Two of them are based on some of my more known characters, because I am obviously not very creative.
The story is also based upon the World of Darkness setting, and I am using the concepts of the games for the characters and their abilities.
And no one can guess who I am talking about, what they are, or what their connection is, so this is entirely useless information, woo!
I am tired and art blocked, and my head hurts.
Screw you, life.