I would like for everyone to acctually put some thought into their answers, not just say that this is a disgusting thread and should get locked.
The only reason I bring up a subject like this, is that so many humans die every day, and the most common way to dipose of them is to put them in a coffon/urn and bury them in the ground. That is not ecological in the least.
If you get cremated your body is releasing harmful gasses into the air, and if you get buried then your coffin has just taken up a plot of earth that will take a long time to grow any plants on it.
I think that there are a few ways to make disposing of human corpses more ecologically friendly, but I want to see what you people think of first.
No, the quote said that religion GAVE us morals, not that it is the only way to have morality,
Theoretically monogamous could mean "one partner for life" which sure as hell doesn't exist much in today's society.
That may be true, i will have to research my understanding of the word monogamous, but as far as i know, (not literally translated) monogamous means to have one partner or spouse
To do good for fear of reprisal is no good at all.
As far as i know, good is an opinion, thus it would depend on the person whether it is good or not, but, what is not an opinion is the oxy moron in your statement
'to do good for fear or reprisal is no good at all'
If good is done for fear of reprisal, according to the begining of your statement, good is done, for 'to do good' means that good must have been done. But, if 'no good at all' after 'good is done for fear of reprisal', good must be done and not done at the same time, thus a self-contradiction
To do good for fear of reprisal is no good at all.
That's ridiculous no matter what reason you do good it's still good. If you help out at a homeless shelter in the hopes of sleeping with someone it's still a good deed just immoral.
I see it is a selfish act, if you help someone because you wish to avoid the fires of hell, then anything you do is for self gain. No matter how it effects others.
I see it is a selfish act, if you help someone because you wish to avoid the fires of hell, then anything you do is for self gain. No matter how it effects others.
It doesn't matter if you do it to be selfish all that matters is what the deed you did is. Would you say if you've lived a evil life and you stopped an apocalypse to try to goto heaven your still a bad person who deserves to burn in hell.
Do simple animals have morals? or are they monogamous? do they have souls? we arnt just simple animals, we are awesome things or something like that
The more-complex animals are sentient enough to have morals, though we have not cracked that just yet. My dog has morals and my dog before her had morals.
Animals do not have souls. WE do not have souls. It can also be a part of whatever religion you believe in.
But I degress. I did not mean simple animal as in nothing special. Oh we are VERY special to have created a...wonderful...utopian...wastela--er, beauty..such as this...thingy. We have brains. We have the intelligence to create that which is synthetic. Everything else, we are simple. If we were that great, we would be smart, strong, agile, and rational. Some of us are, some of us...well, they are inept in multiple areas.
Which leads me to the point that ecological ways to dispose of human corpses can be ethical.
i see it is a selfish act, if you help someone because you wish to avoid the fires of hell, then anything you do is for self gain. No matter how it effects others
Not all good deeds done by Christians is to avoid Hellfire, and even if it was selfish, they would still be helping more people then they hurt, how can that be a bad thing? oh and gratz on 3k posts in like a minute
Not to be a shotgun mod or anything, but what you guys are talking about is what the WEPR is for. Go erm...make a new thread discussing ethics vs. religion or something. This is for discussing cool, green ways of disposing of human corpses.
I know! Let's force their bodies to be used for science! They ain't much use just laying down 6 feet under anyhow!