[quote=Zophia in the First Animation Contest]Alrighty, this has been brewing in the artistic minds of a few AGers lately - an animation contest! Similar to the Art Skills Competition we need a few rules in place (largely copy/pasted, so credits to Carlie for parts of this): 1. Must be hand drawn, either on paper or in a program (Pivot is allowed). It can then be manipulated in an graphics program (GIMP is a nice free one with a build in animation filter - google it). Copyrighted images cannot be used. All pieces containing copyrighted images will be disqualified. 2. Submissions must follow the current theme. If you submit more than one piece, please clarify which one you would like to be judged. 3. If your animation is larger than 630 pixels wide, please provide a link to the animation instead of posting it in the forum. Otherwise, the animation will be cut off. 4. Artists cannot win in subsequent weeks. You can still submit, but if you won the week before, you cannot get first place again the next week. Unless only one person submits......let's hope that doesn't happen![/quote]
First Theme will be: Balloon Darts
Just show someone/thing popping a balloon with a dart in any possible way.
I'll judge (unless someone else would like to), and no offense but I don't want a noob judging.
Oh, and about the fps, i wonder how iMogwai makes his anims smooth as a gif.. Hmmm...
You have to make the fps 17. If it is higher it might convert to a really low fps like 12. So before you save it as a .gif, change the fps to 16 or 17.
Wow great entries from everyone I can see the creativity boost in them all making this judging harder than the last! ok here goes -3 computer crashes later-
First Place - Jdoggparty
I love the fact that the stickman throws the fire ball at the log, lighting it. Also how the stick man gets smaller giving the animation depth really makes this animation the best.
Second Place - Fukwon
Great animation to fit this theme! I mean who hasnt just been talking with their friends around a campfire when all of the sudden BAM a random alien appears and scares the crap outa you The background at that campsite was amazing! Only problem i had with it was the speed, you couldn't really tell what was happening to those 2 stick figures there on the log. You're fire looked great (I would say almost better than Jdogg's if it wasnt so fast). Third Place - TheLastGamer
Great use of lines to give expression to the animation! problem with it was the blood shows up many frames too early and 2 random dots appear, other than that great animation!
Not Placed:
Very very funny, you were so close to placing. It wasn't as smooth as your last animation and that tree is a little awkward, but that bear trap. very nice work!!
It was a great idea, but when I first saw it I was not sure what I had just watched. I would never have guess that was a tent (though i did assume because of the theme) The jump was nice and the story behind it is great. I would like to have seen it possibly a little smoother or with more of a background element.
Great animations guys keep up the good work!
New Theme: Sports -I figured there are enough sports in the world where this can possibly be a very easy to make animation, it will all come down to who has created the animation which best fits this theme!
Judging Date: December 20 -I will be judging this one a little later in the day due to the fact I have a bowling tournament that day.
bc i was too lazy to put in like 20 extra frames so i decided to put the black in so it gives like an illusion that the person was moving during the black out....lol...