[quote=Zophia in the First Animation Contest]Alrighty, this has been brewing in the artistic minds of a few AGers lately - an animation contest! Similar to the Art Skills Competition we need a few rules in place (largely copy/pasted, so credits to Carlie for parts of this): 1. Must be hand drawn, either on paper or in a program (Pivot is allowed). It can then be manipulated in an graphics program (GIMP is a nice free one with a build in animation filter - google it). Copyrighted images cannot be used. All pieces containing copyrighted images will be disqualified. 2. Submissions must follow the current theme. If you submit more than one piece, please clarify which one you would like to be judged. 3. If your animation is larger than 630 pixels wide, please provide a link to the animation instead of posting it in the forum. Otherwise, the animation will be cut off. 4. Artists cannot win in subsequent weeks. You can still submit, but if you won the week before, you cannot get first place again the next week. Unless only one person submits......let's hope that doesn't happen![/quote]
First Theme will be: Balloon Darts
Just show someone/thing popping a balloon with a dart in any possible way.
I'll judge (unless someone else would like to), and no offense but I don't want a noob judging.
I don't have an entery, but the last three are very nice. KingLemon nice job getting the Armorgames logo on the bowling alley banner thing. And nice animation too!
Fukwon the ball animation is looking sweet! as well as the whole thing.
iMogwai it's nice to see you post another animation, it's been awhile. Always look forward to your animations.
...king lemon jus wonderin... Why are your backgrounds all saturated?
GIF images only support 256 colors. The background was probably a photo, with around millions of possible colors, that was converted to a GIF. The photo was most likely a JPEG, Bitmap, PNG, or some other type of file that supports far more colors than a GIF. When the image, with more than 256 colors,is saved as a GIF some color information is lost and it looks a bit strange.
I thought the backgorund looked fine for a GIF and it conveys the message (that the stick figure is at a bowling alley, quiet well).
I am so sorry for this very late judging, the holidays are crazy.
Ok so here we go:
First Place - iMogwai
3 Step approach? really?! haha very nice and that bowling ball was amazing, the detail! Once again a very smooth animation with a humorous twist endings!
Second Place - Fukwon
Impressive background! Very classic example of a Sport Animation! good work!
This made me laugh the first time I saw it! Very nice, i had to think about this on. Youwerethisclosetocominginsecond. I would have to say that maybe next time try to create a more consistent person, overall an awesome entry!
Not too bad of an entry, very funny! Would like to see maybe more movement of the stickfigure, that will show off more skill and possibly get you placed.
Way to be lazy! Haha...actually not that bad of an "entry" :3
New Theme: Winter/Holiday -Anything winter related is acceptable -Christmas is not the ONLY holiday this time of year! -Try to be original! (If someone already did an x-mas theme try something else, though this will not affect whether you get placed or not)
Deadline: Saturday, January 8
I'm giving 12 Days this time just because some people might be away on vacation or just busy during the holiday. Hope to see some good entries!