I drawed some spaceships it has a backstory, The one the far right is a rocket and on the side is writing saying "WISDOM 13" The top right one is a Gunship the one on the bottom right is a fighter Above the fighter is a Personel Transport and the one to the right of the fighter is a fast cargo transport#
Backstory: The rocket Wisdom 13 found a planet and a found 3 others and thats how the humans got the idea for theese shipes and more.
I know It's not long but it sounded longer when I thought of it a said it.
Maybe see if you can take the picture of the image straight on. It looks like the drawing is stretched upward. Not sure. A ruler or even another pencil might help to make some of the lines straighter. But it doesn't look to bad. When I draw I normally doodle for a little while and then when I find something I want to draw I flip the page and just let it come to me. When I say, "I want to draw.. A monkey." And then do it. It doesn't come out to well. So, maybe try that once. I don't know. But definately use a ruler. (: Nice.
well I drawn it the other way round the letters on wings are up side down if you got a laptop look at the smaller imageand turn your laptop upside down for a few seconds thats how i drawned it
Not quite sure what to say...they're ok i suppose...but if you want like a critique of them: I like the creativity of the ships themselves, as for quality they aren't the best. The wings on some are just sort of drawn on there, with disregard to the body outline going right through it (reffering to the 2nd ship from the right) ummm...not sure what else to say besides that. I mean it's not exactly the best, but I mean it's just all childish to me, not realistic, etc. If you were going for like drawings that you would see on a game or tv show, you should really consider working on that...
also: drew is the correct way to use "draw" in past tense...(wrong)I drawn this yesterday, (right) I drew this yesterday. (horribly wrong)I drawned it myself (right) I drew it myself
I'm going to draw that (future) I did draw that(past) I drew that (past) I'm drawing that (present)
I like the idea, but as was said, they seem to be rather quickly drawn without much focus on the symmetry or detail. I would keep the picture, and try redoing it a bit slower. You may try, as was suggested, a ruler for the straight lines, and to make sure it's even. Strangely enough, humans find beauty in symmetry, and complete chaos, not much in the middle. If it's something that should be symmetrical, then that's what is going to get you good critiques.
no offense but that was kind of horrible. try making the lines straighter and firmer so we can see exactly wat they are. wen i saw i didnt know wat it was.
I just had to make my own rendition of that picture. It looks better smaller. (hopefully this one is smaller) Now about your picture...it just look like it took five minutes during math class or something...