I drawed some spaceships it has a backstory, The one the far right is a rocket and on the side is writing saying "WISDOM 13" The top right one is a Gunship the one on the bottom right is a fighter Above the fighter is a Personel Transport and the one to the right of the fighter is a fast cargo transport#
Backstory: The rocket Wisdom 13 found a planet and a found 3 others and thats how the humans got the idea for theese shipes and more.
I know It's not long but it sounded longer when I thought of it a said it.
I made photoshop version of escartian's paint version of ShadowArcher's pencil version.
It looks better smaller.
Mine too, it's harder to spot total absence of talent. I should have added that "WISDOM 13" on the red trash can from original picture but I remembered that just after uploading pictures.
That's true, they are not connected. I guess it's some kind of magnetic attraction, I'm not familiar with space ship technology, I just reproduced escartian's drawing.