dont know if this is much so plz subscibe or what ever u guys do
id like to thank my friend kyle for helping me make this
me and my brother micheal were out pking,so listen up noobs to the words that im saying i saw a noob come over the hill, 1 hit kill 4.2m my name is jon i play emps-scape all day, and walk around eating manta rays thats it noobs, ive had enough, watch me hit my spec and take ur stuff
Um...please learn how to use punctuation and grammar. Furthermore I would suggest you learn how to spell, considering you spelt rapping as raping. And lastly, it isn't very good. Besides the lack of cohesiveness I fail to see the subject of your rap, it seems to drift from killing someone to playing a game, to introducing yourself. If you want to rap better I would suggest reading, of all things, Dr. Seus. Why? because it rhymes quite well and has a nice beat.
When I saw the title, I freaked out. After I saw the uh, Rap, I Lol'd.
Now I can judge this, because I do listen to rap. Lemme tell you this, It sucks. It really does. I mean, at least raps nowadays make most sense. This is like you went and gave a friggin bipolar ADHD schizo caffiene. Not that great of results.
And subscribe? Really? There isn't a big yellow button here to say "SUBSCRIBE". Even if there were, I wouldn't go near it. Work on your grammar, and work on your rhyme. Maybe if you do, this might be worth my time.
Let me take you to school. Did you here the bell? I think you should sit down and learn how to spell. And while your sitting there learning a lesson. I should tell you that your rap went about 4 frames per second.
So before I subscribe, or whatever we do. Let me pawn some noobs in Exit Path Two.
What's the tale of the tape. Are you that great at playing EMPS-Scape?
Did you say you went around I couldn't here you over all my noob slaying.
Oh sorry, was that you? While your wating for a rewspawn. Here's a nice link to a spell check tool.
[Sorry, if that came across harsh, I'm just kidding with my rap, I don't really mean it. No hard feelings. Your rap actually was pretty good! Keep the raps going!]
And I will point out something different than the others: Do not use the term noob, neither when talking to one person, or as a general term. It is considered rather rude, if you are actually aware what the general meaning is which would come down as "Babbling fool with the inability to see their own faults", and not "Newbies" or some other definition you might think it is. Besides, usually the only people calling other noobs are noobs themselves anyway, and I assume you don't want that label.
So please, "Folks", "Peeps" or any other general term instead of something that is similar to "Jerks".
I'm pretty sure he was trying to come off as rude Cen :/
Is this directed at me? My whole rap is a joke. I don't mean any of it. I don't even play EMPS-scape and I'm barely on Exit Path 2. And the spelling in the OP isn't that bad, they just used a lot of abbreviations.
I can't tell about the OP. My first thought was that they were just being playful about the rap not really meaning it. Like an "as if we are actually this great, even though we know were only kind of good, but needed rhymes for this rap" IDK.
Let me take you to school. Did you here the bell? I think you should sit down and learn how to spell. And while your sitting there learning a lesson. I should tell you that your rap went about 4 frames per second.
So before I subscribe, or whatever we do. Let me pawn some noobs in Exit Path Two.
What's the tale of the tape. Are you that great at playing EMPS-Scape?
Did you say you went around I couldn't here you over all my noob slaying.
Oh sorry, was that you? While your wating for a rewspawn. Here's a nice link to a spell check tool.
Efan, you forgot the misuse of "your". It should have been the contraction "you're". And the other misuse of "here" just above the final stanza where "hear" should have been used as well. Also "awn" is not the proper term when referring to "wning" so that one is technically incorrect as well, unless he was referring to taking out a loan on noobs on consignment.
Seriously Efan, if you are going to be a pedantic grammar nazi you have to give it 100%!
It would have been so much better if you rap battled me that I also need a spell check. Sadly, My browser includes one. lol. And you missed my misuse of the word your.
While your wating for a rewspawn.
It should be you're.
But I have to fix it:
Let me take you to school. Did you hear the bell? I think you should sit down and learn how to spell. And while your sitting there learning a lesson. I should tell you that your rap went about four frames per second.
So before I subscribe, or whatever we do. Let me pwn some newbs in Sonny 2.
What's the tale of the tape. Are you really that great at playing EMPS-Scape?
I think that you said you went around But, I couldn't hear you over all my newb slaying. Oh sorry, was that you that I caught acting a fool? While you're waiting for a respawn. Here's a nice link to a spell check tool.
[Again, sorry if that came across harsh. I'm just kidding with my rap. I don't really mean it. No hard feelings. Your rap was pretty good! Keep the raps going!]
(Sonny 2 is the title of the game and that's why it's spelled so.)