This is nothing really to do with anything on Armor, but one of my buddies threw me the idea of drawing a warrior atop a flying a Yoshi. Last night I loaded up MyPaint and began sketching it out. Current progress is as shown and I will update as I finish the piece.
lol you should make the rider a spartan , give em a shield and a helmet and a cape
That is part of the plan, I don't like the current pose of the warrior so that is gonna be altered, and Yoshi's wings need some work. Going to make them more in the style of the SSBB wings. Also trying to come up with some awesome battle armor for Yoshi.
No, it's a freeware program called MyPaint. It's extremely versatile and works a lot more like a sheet of paper/canvas would be expected too. My sketches so far in it have come out a lot better than they ever have in photoshop, almost to the point of mimicking my style on actual paper. It is very well suited to actual digital artistry.
That's very nicely done; I never learned to draw with frames and layouts like those. I know it's the base to succesfull realistic art but somehow, I was never really appealed by the draw-and-erase process. You'll probably grow better than me because you have the right technique, given that it's not already done. If you want to see some of my art, my thread's link's on my profile.
You'll probably grow better than me because you have the right technique, given that it's not already done.
If there's one thing I've learned from all my art classes is that there is no definitive right or wrong way to create art. I have to rely on building the form because I have a hard time visualizing forms. From what I've seen of your art, which is very good, you do not have that problem. If it works for you then it is the right technique, if it doesn't work for you then you need to try something different. That is the elementary distinction of art that creates an artists unique style.
Thats realy cool i have something that i like the sketches better than they real drawing
Thanks. I do admit I often like the sketches more so than the final versions myself, there's a certain raw fluidity and interesting randomness of line that develops from rough sketches that is often lost in the finals. My buddy has managed to develop a style that keeps that in tact and as such he has become one of my favorite artists because of it.
If there's one thing I've learned from all my art classes is that there is no definitive right or wrong way to create art.
I'd have to say; it depends on the art in question. I would agree there is no better way than another to create expressionism or art forms as such, but when it comes down to realism, you really must have the basic of ''mathematical drawing'' (measured outlines, multiple frames piled up, etc) to be proficient.
I may have expressed myself in an unclear way, but I still believe you'd make a more...let's say...technically talented artist than me; I admittedly work with instincts alone. In any case, it's always fun to see some fresh faces around, especially when they prove to be quite brilliant. You look like a spirited person, and we're missing some right now. I'd gladly spam the forums of my own art these days but I have trouble finding a scanner; in a month or two though expect to see me back!
you really must have the basic of ''mathematical drawing'' (measured outlines, multiple frames piled up, etc) to be proficient
I can agree with that, in basics. My brother started that way but now he just draws straight out form. I think once you have a firm grip on those basic structures, anatomy and foreshortening you can kind of shift away from the layering techniques. He doesn't use them anymore but he is still one of the best technically sound artist's I know.
I'll be happy to see some of your newer drawings when you can finally get them up.
But I do like this idea: lol you should make the rider a spartan , give em a shield and a helmet and a cape
Yeah, like I said, Yoshi and the rider will be decked out in armor. I am still trying to decide however if I want to do a normal human character in battle garb or Mario/Luigi in battle garb. Both ideas seem good to me but I'm not sure which to go with.