well, there's many writing threads around here and some art ones too, but I wanted to know how many people on armorgames are involed in the music bit... so put ya hand up if you're a music guy?(or girl)
like composing stuff? I have tried to relearn the music stuff, notations and writing and such there are a few good free apps out there but most of the best you got to buy. I mostly looked at music to make simple tunes for games but I haven't made anything.
If your looking for some free stuff heres a couple of links
I'm a professional-level pianist who does it as a hobby. I also compose and arrange. Recently my brother and I did some duet arrangements of well-known classical music. We hope to do more on a regular basis, but we live in different countries so it may have to wait. Nonetheless we're going to form our own Youtube channel with the aim to eventually updating it regularly!
Umm . . . violinist for 4 years now, and I wanna learn alto clef (easy peasy XD) so I can do viola as well . . . that's all at the moment. I also really want a theremin, but those're expensive and I'd have to autodidact it because theremin lessons aren't exactly a common thing DX
Lyrics and such? Meh, occasionally, but not as much as I poetrize or prose it up. I do listen to a s**tload of music though 8D
Im totally, fully involved in music. Im in two bands and I ve performed on stages with many metal bands. I make music all the time on my Fender Squire Strat but I mean music, not lyrics. I've been playing guitar for 7 years and next two months will make it 8. I teach guitar classes in my class/school but the thing is that Im only 13. So yeah, Im into music.
Pshya. Music is mah life. I like writing lyrics at times, and making up random tunes that will get stuck in your head for eternity. I listen to a crap load of music as well, though not as... thouroughly as alt.
Oboe, french horn (melophone too), flute, getting better at guitar, and saxophone is sounding great. I'm not very good at piano, but I make little tunes on there. I would upload me playing, but I am far too shy and I underestimate my abilities on an extreme degree. Maybe later?
I love music, I play guitar (I'm just a beginner), but an instrument that I like and love to play is the piano. I also like to compose, though I do not know if I'm good at composing, so yes, i make music.