Name:Hail of Stone Level:Warmage 1 Components:V,S,M Casting Time:1 Round Range:Medium (100 ft + 10 ft/level) Area:Cylinder (5 ft radius, 40 ft high) Duration:Instant Saving Throw:None Spell Resistance:Yes Descriptioneals 1-4/level to creatures and objects in area
(Warmage edge adds Int bonus to all spell damage, but not more than 1, like magic missile, it only adds to 1 missile, not all missiles)
Okay. The party continues down the tunnel when suddenly they are attacked by 31 small rats. The initiative order is as follows. 1. Siber. 2. Trafire. 3. Rats(11) 4. Xav. 5. Badger. 6. Jozan. 7. Rats(10) 8. Rats(10) 6. Calethen.