I am here to either make you really happy, or piss you off. I aim to tell you the straight up truth, so I warn you, don't take this stuff personally.
Living at Hell
, this one seemed to me that you made a rhyme, then thought of sticking a message behind it after. It is like.... you have a sandwich. You get out the bread, and put it to the side, then add all of the toppings without the bread, then tried to pick up the toppings and squash them on the bread. It doesn't really work. I might come back and critique it later.
Haiku, Theme: Elements
7-7-5 is incorrect. Not technically a haiku. 5-7-5 is the SET IN STONE count. Past that, it is good.
The next, again, it seems like you FORCED it to rhyme. I know I am being extremely hypocritical when I say don't always rhyme, but seriously. Here is a little edit...
My stomach twists, nauseated.
It's that feeling that I've always hated.
I knew it would haunt me, 'cause I'm Fated.
Breath coming up short, asphyxiated.
I fall over, I know I fainted.
This part of my life will always tainted.
These feelings, I have regretfully acquainted.
Something like that. Just offering my advice. I tell you, don't be offended.
Work on your meter or whatever it is called. When you say,
Yes, they amaze.
Leaving you sitting in a daze.
It doesn't flow. Flow isn't just rhyme, you have to make sure you can say it and it will fit together in the right timing. Again, I remind you, don't MAKE it rhyme, all the time. Just make sure that it stays in line, and you will always be fine.
(hidden rhyme ftw)
Just to reinforce this, aka burn it into your memory :
IT DOESN'T ALWAYS HAVE TO RHYME!!!!!!!You don't have to rhyme after each and every word! It gets a weeeeee bit annoying after a bit. mkay? And again, I will reinforce the fact that you need to work on the flow.
This is the page 1 little edit thingie I got for ya. More is soon to come.