I like to write but I feel I'm not very good. Sometimes I'll think of a great idea for a story and halfway through I'll decide I don't like it. It not only makes me mad, but slows me down. Any suggestions?
i've found that it helps to first write out an outline of what direction you want the story to go in, and the major events. then fill in the space with dialogue and everything else.
This is exactly what I do before I actually start the rough draft. After I write my outline, I like to start with the climax of the story, what makes it significant, the true heart of it all. Then I write the rising action and add some more detail to the climaz. Then I write the denounment (conclusion), and finally the exposition (intro).
Okay, my main tip for improving your writing skills is:
Read and Write!
I heard a quote once which was 'To write better we read, and to read better we write.'
So get some books and devour them, and then go write! Write anything, whether you think that it is good or not, just write. Don't think about complicated plots or anything - just get ideas out onto the page.
Let your mind flow out into your work, and then after a while begin to structure it, tame the wild beast that is your mind...
Good luck
Oh, and to begin with, don't let others tell you what to write, or how to write. Find your own voice.
it just pains me to see that older members like us are kind of forgotten -.-
wow this is funny because i can really relate to you. my suggestion is to write. write even when you don't feel like it, when you're bored in class (preferably not when something important is going on) and even if you hate it just keep going. i have started and stopped so many stories in the past year it's just rediculous. mabye one night i feel like writing a mystery but the next morning i realize that i hate it. and never go back and erase something. if you don't like something you wrote keep it and just go with it. put some feeling into your work: if you're angry write something where people explode. if you are happy write something where the bad guys explode i don't know. but then you can look back when you're done and say "wow that sucked i hate that story" and that's fine but by following through with your writing you'll get much better. i hope that this helped. =D
For poetry, though, if you want any help please contact IcyIndia, the poetry Jesus
What!? So what's Parsat, and wolf and even me? butter!?
*Starts to cry uncontrollably*
~cries~ I don't even count anymore. ~is dead in side~
I think her productivity makes part of this opinion, after all, even if wolf and I are a little less productive than we used to be, wolf did get voted poet of the month before Icy. I'm not trying to minimise Icy's talent; it just pains me to see that older members like us are kind of forgotten -.-
I really don't want to sound like a whiner... BUT COME ON. WHO THE HECK BUILT ALL YALL PEOPLE UP?! WHO WAS YALLS NUMBER ONE FAN?! WHO WAS THERE EVEN IN THE BAD TIMES?! WHO REVIVED YALLS THREADS?! HUH?! HUH?! WHO?! My merit was from the Poetry Contest...
Moving on.
I have the same problem. I can't end any story. But I've gotten hella better, and that is by re-reading my stuff as if I didn't write it. Then I figure what I want to happen, and do it, but then change everything at the end.