Hey, I'll be starting to post my new art here. I'm a pixel artist, which means I draw with a 1x1 brush, one pixel at a time. Sorta like lo-fi graphics. Retroooo :3
Random landscape
Logo for friend's band [One On Us]
Character drop a la Miervelles
Silly character mockup a la SuperBrothers
Walk cycle [first attempt]
Treasure Chest Gold
More to come, I'll try my best to update this regularly (few times a week)
Your really good at this and will be a huge help to anyone making a pixel based game. If i had to pick one as the best it would be the first one of the house but they are all great.
If anyone has programming skills around here, and you are looking for something to do, definitely say something on my profile, because I have a game in mind. //gaboloth might not be able to follow through, due to his limitations of knowledge of programming, but I'm trying to push him. :3
Sorry for the double post/bump. But I just wanted to say that I'm just as good, if not better at drawing on paper than pixel art. So I wanted to show you guys some of my most random stuff.
Some guy pointing at a poorly detailed stop sign. (Yes I realize I forgot to draw the cutoff for shoes/pants)
Some guy that <3's tacos. (That's supposed to be a maraca in his other hand)
A cool dude with shades and a triforce shirt.
Creepy future guy with a jetpack & some future gadget thing.
While your art isn't incredibly detailed, I like it. A comic strip seems like it would fit your style. Pixel art house was very nice, but try something more difficult. MOUNTAINS. OOOOHHHHH.
Here's a little teaser mockup for the game gaboloth and I are attempting.
It's an awesome little top-down game. You obviously can't tell anything from that picture, but yep, that's the character. I will be giving more and more information about this every time I update this thread.
Thanks a lot Operation! I'll be sure to try out the comic thing, I just don't know any good jokes. :c Maybe you guys supply me with jokes, and I draw 'em out? =o The game just started about 24 hours ago, so no time soon. The theme is 100% exploration, doing random adventures and being awesome. Thanks again!
Gawsh, I don't even know what to do with the game first! But if you do end up finishing it and it's good, probably ArmorGames, since we both are here... lol, thanks for showing interest! :3