Hey, I'll be starting to post my new art here. I'm a pixel artist, which means I draw with a 1x1 brush, one pixel at a time. Sorta like lo-fi graphics. Retroooo :3
Random landscape
Logo for friend's band [One On Us]
Character drop a la Miervelles
Silly character mockup a la SuperBrothers
Walk cycle [first attempt]
Treasure Chest Gold
More to come, I'll try my best to update this regularly (few times a week)
*Runs in waving banners that read Corel, PS, and SAI*
C-c-combo breaker! ;D
Whoa, that's really nice. I never thought about selling my artwork. I can put it up on dA able to be printed, but I think they have some pricey prices, lol. Link to the print! Also my dA.
This has to do with interactive flash. Just being able to move the character around and jump and stuff. But here's a screenshot of it. Link to the interactive part.
And nope, we aren't using this type of design style. I'm sticking with this type. I quote because I posted this "mockup" a few pages back. But I'm adding a bit more detail, like you suggested.
The grid is simply made up of 16x16 blocks. If you hit the left arrow key, the character would move one 16x16 block to the left. Hope you can understand, haha.
Hi, I'm doing something rather different. I'm taking people's armatars, and simply "ixelizing" them. I guess I'll take requests, but I can't promise I'll get to it rapidly. Also, please tell me the armatar you have when you post the request, because I might make it, then you change it. XC Anyways... So far I've done two.
Woah, those are very good! I like Loloynage's more. Very good coloration on that one; rather close to the original. I'd request my armatar, but I don't really like it right now. :P