Hey, I'll be starting to post my new art here. I'm a pixel artist, which means I draw with a 1x1 brush, one pixel at a time. Sorta like lo-fi graphics. Retroooo :3
Random landscape
Logo for friend's band [One On Us]
Character drop a la Miervelles
Silly character mockup a la SuperBrothers
Walk cycle [first attempt]
Treasure Chest Gold
More to come, I'll try my best to update this regularly (few times a week)
Great job, man. Love the watercolor! No criticism (particularly a better look at the watercolor pic); did you paint the background as well or does the paper just look the way it does..?
did you paint the background as well or does the paper just look the way it does..?
Background also watercolor. To get that texture-y look, while the paint was still wet I covered it in tinfoil and set it to dry. The took it off and painted the dragon.