That over with, I'll repost the story. With a few corrections.
Note: The Roman/Greeks gods correspond wonderfully, but it's really hard to match the Egyptian gods to the Roman/Greek gods.
One day, in heaven, a terrible scene was playing out. The Roman gods and the Olympians (Greek gods) had a forced alliance together against the Egyptian gods. Strangely, the Egyptian gods had invaded Mount Olympus where the Olympians live and the Roman gods were taking refuge.
Cupid, the Roman god of Love fell in love with the Greek goddess of the Moon, Artemis. Unfortunately, Min, the Egyptian god of Love had also fallen in love with Artemis. Eros, the Greek god of Love had fallen in love with Hathor, the Egyptian goddess of the Moon.
Things were really mixed up. The other Roman gods and goddesses were angry with Cupid. The other Greek gods and goddesses were angry with Eros. The other Egyptian gods and goddesses were angry with Min.
But no one was angrier than Diana, the Roman goddess of the Moon. No one had fallen in love with her! And she intended to get revenge.
First, she went to Pluto, the Roman god of the Underworld. She explained to him that Cupid was in love with Demeter, the Greek goddess of the Moon. She then asked Pluto to punish Cupid. Pluto refused to do so unless Diana could prove that Cupid was in love with Hathor.
Angered, Diana went to Hades, the Greek god of the Underworld. She explained to him that Eros was in love with Hathor, the Egyptian goddess of the Moon. She then asked Hades to punish Eros. Hades refused to do so unless Diana could prove that Eros was in love with her.
Confused, Diana went to Osiris, the Egyptian god of the Underworld. She explained to him that Min was in love with Artemis, the Greek goddess of the Moon. She asked Osiris to punish Min. Osiris was enraged.
" Is that so?"
" Yes, it is so. Do punish him for falling in love with a Greek goddess," Diana pleaded.
" I will do that!" shouted Osiris wrathfully.
Seeing how eager he was, Diana quickly explained that Cupid was in love with Hathor, the Egyptian goddess of the Moon.
Even further angered, Osiris vowed to punish Cupid as well. Then, Diana told Osiris that Eros was in love with her.
" What's wrong with that?" Osiris asked, puzzled.
" Cupid should love me, not Eros!" Diana replied heatedly. " Punish him also!"
" Then, I shall!"
Diana left Osiris in his Underworld. She was immensely satisfied. She returned to Mount Olympus. As soon as she returned, Cupid met her, with a terrible yearning in his eyes.
" Diana, come with me! Come with me and let us be together forever!"
Diana realized what he wanted. She also realized she couldn't resist him. He drew her near and kissed her passionately. She realized what had happened.
The next day, Diana saw Min leave Mount Olympus with Hathor close to him. They seemed eerily inseparable. And then, Diana noticed with great annoyance that Eros avoided her at all costs.
Suddenly, Diana realized that Osiris had actually punished her. Now, she had to live with Cupid, no matter what. She had to bear seeing Min and Hathor unbearably inseparable. And she had to bear that Eros would never speak to her again.
Diana wished to keep Cupid. But, she didn't want to see Min and Hathor so eerily inseparable. She also didn't want Eros to avoid her for all eternity. This said, she went back to Osiris and asked him to modify his punishments on Eros and Min.
Osiris was angered that she wished him to lighten Min's punishment for falling in love with a Greek goddess, a terrible thing. Dianatried to explain but to no avail. Osiris refused to lighten Eros' punishment as well, as Eros had fallen in love with an Egyptian goddess, also a terrible thing. Diana was surprised. Osiris threatened to curse her and she fled.
As soon as she reached Mount Olympus, the Roman gods and the Olympians came out. Zeus asked her where she'd been. Diana pointed to the crack of the Egptian Underworld where Osiris was ascending.
" He's come to punish me! Help!" Diana cried.
Osiris rose up and was met by Pluto and Hades who suspected he'd had something to do with Cupid and Eros' odd behavior. Zeus and Jupiter turned to Ra who stood nearby trying to look unconcerned.
" Osiris tricked me! I told him to punish Cupid, Eros, and Min! Instead, he punishes me!" Diana said.
Hearing that, the Roman and Greek gods of war stepped forward. And... the Roman gods and the Olympians began to fight the Egyptian gods. Osiris had committed a terrible deed indeed, heeding the words of a Roman goddess and then tricking her in her ignorance.
A terrible war followed. A clash of the gods! For all we know, they're still fighting even today. Or maybe, they've already exhausted themselves and that's why we hear no more of them. Either way, what started the War? Diana, bent on revenge? Or Osiris, bent on mischief?