Okay, If someone gives me an idea, I'll write an impromptu story for them, just like that. Just give me a word or two, or anything and lets see how creative we can be! (Oh, and somebody let me know if I'm on the wrong forum. I hate it when that happens to me, so if someone would be so kind as to let me know kindly, I'll take this some place else. Thank you!)
That's okay, Endscape!!! No worries! I'm not mad. I think my first mistake was mixing up the goddesses! He, he, oh well. Thank you for bringing that to my attention and a few other things that I got wrong! Hey, that's why you're my No. 1 Reliable Righter! Cause you catch those kinds of mistakes!
Okay, so, I'm really bored. I've got no requests, but I decided I'd just write a quick story just for kicks.
The Talent Mary had a voice. She had a voice so voluminous that when she used it, the foundations of the earth seemed to tremble. The trees seemed to sway every time she sang, and well, everyone loved her voice, except when it was yelling. Mary yelled a lot. She yelled all the time. As she grew older, her voice began to crack and she could no longer sing as beautifully as she used to. One day, she stopped singing. In fact, she didn't dare to sing. Her voice which had once been her talent became her curse. It was destroyed, like an abused harp. Mary didn't really care. But one day, she discovered the Secret. The Good News was that she could regain her beautiful voice and repossess her throne of talent. She did just that and died with a sweet song on her lips.
*Kind of odd, cheesy story. I thought it up in four minutes. So...
"It was dark and rainy. As I stood by the window looking down to the street below, my next client walked in. She entered my office like a centipede missing 98 legs. She was distraught. She sobbed a large puddle of tears on my desk..."
Okay, Emperor, can I just take your beginning and expand on it? You don't mind do you? I admit, it might not be as good later on. I'm not well versed in 30s crime drama.
'It was dark and rainy. As I stood by the window looking down to the street below, my next client walked in. She entered my office like a centipede missing 98 legs. She was distraught. She sobbed a large puddle of tears on my desk as I urged her to gather her thoughts. When she was calm enough, she began to tell me what she'd experienced. This case was going to be just like an other, I thought. I was sadly mistaken. " I saw the murdurer come." " What did he look like?" I asked, always concerned with the details. " Was he tall, thin?" " He was very thin, but not tall. Stout and weathered. I couldn't see his face, but I saw his eyes in the dim light. A deep blue." She paused, groping for words, and struggling with he emotions. I studied her face for a moment. She was young looking but beyond the flower of her age. Her light grey hair was tied tight in a bun and her eyes seemed like roses set in stone, she was crying so hard. Her face had a chiseled quality making her nose look like a protruding hook and her mouth like a thin, hard slit in her chin. " When he saw me, he went away quickly. I didn't know then what he had done, but when I returned to the house, there was Adrian, dead, in his own blood." " Adrian?" " My husband." I nodded. She seemed reserved and mistrustful despite my position as if I was going to rob her the way the murderer had. She looked up suddenly from her chair which I had required her to sit in. " There's something else." " Yes?" " The autopsy revealed a mark on the back of his neck. A strange set of initials cut with a very sharp knife. The cuts are so fine." " What are the initials?" " I.N.T.." I stared at her, awaiting her opinion or explanation if there was to be one. " This is no ordinary murderer. He's killing for revenge." " Against whom?" " I don't know." '
OMG that was good. U is a pro. Get a job doing this. Work for some hotshot in Hollywood writing scripts or storylines. Or focus on a single novel. Or make many shorter novels.
Thank you with all gratitude, Emperor! I'm flattered that you think me so good. Your idea about writing for Hollywood just might be my road to fame! Thank you most sincerely!