ForumsGame Walkthroughs[Guide] Modifying Crush The Castle 2: PP castle codes.

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13,055 posts

If you have been creating lots of custom castles like me and are running out of ideas check this out.

Joey Betz, the Creator of the Crush The Castle series has allowed us to play with the code.

This guide is for Crush The Castle 2 Players Pack. Note that most of the features are similar to the ones featured in Crush The Castle 2.

In the Castle Builder, there is a the tool box (Left of the editor) that comprise 3 main menus: Edit Castle, Edit Terrain, and Edit environment. At the bottom, you find an other box with 9 menus which are New, Save, Load, Share, Zoom, Help, Settle, Play, and Back.

01 - Left Tool Bar:

Menu 1 - Edit Castle:

Sub Menu 1 - Create/Select Tool:

This is where you will find all the material needed (beams, doors, arches, people,etc.).

Sub Menu 2 - Transform Tool:

Here you can change the width, length, and type of material as well as align the pieces.


Menu 2 - Edit Terrain:

Sub Menu 1 - Transform Terrain:

This is where you can Raise, Lower, Flatten, Smooth the terrain.

Sub menu 2 - Place Foundation:

Here you can choose between three kinds of foundations: Standard, Frozen and Volcanic.

These blocks will allow you to create fixed structures (that won't fall) to support your material.
You can also create nice rock formations or mountains to enhance your masterpiece.

02 - Bottom Bar:

1- New: Open an empty window so you can start creating.
2- Save: Here you can Save and Export your Castle.

Export: This allows you to Copy the code for the castle you have just created and Export it into a text editor in order to modify it.

3- Load: Here you can load a saved castle or Load a modified code from a text editor.
4- Share: This is where you can submit your creation to the People's Empire so that other players can destroy it.

After you submitted your castle, a new window will open with the option to share the link with your friends on Facebook, or Twitter. There is also an option to Copy link to Clipboard (this allow you to copy and paste your link to a forum such as http:/community/thread/5772085/crush-the-castle-2-custom-castles/page/1) where you can discuss, write a story, or simply share it with other Enthusiastic Castle Crushers.

5- ZOOM: Here you can increase or decrease the size of the window for when you need to place an object with precision.

6- Help: A tutorial.

7- Settle: This is an important feature that allow you to test the stability of your structure. You can zoom and play with your creation, and if you are happy with the results, click on save positions and then go back to get out of the Settle mode.

8- Play: Test your creation for stability and to decide which ammunition will work best to crush it.
9- Back: Leave the editor (Castle Builder) and go back to the menu.

In the Next topic we will discuss how to Hack the Code.

  • 105 Replies
13,055 posts

The codes for cracked stone and wood?

Only Joey would know this. Maybe you could ask him?
1,286 posts

The codes for cracked stone and wood?
My guess is that it is the same code with a "c" or "brnt" similar, for cracked charred burnt part-destroyed... before/after it. (I have tried a few combinations but not found one yet)
1,286 posts

timestables TIPS:

Ice and acid.

Ice will go through acid, but not destroy it. Ice will also soak acid up and can be used later.
Whilst soaked in acid ice is impregnable to the balls, but not the bombs.

13,055 posts

Edited by Reton8 to add code tag so castle code shows properly.
Create your own arch : Sometimes you want to use arches but the beams you put on top keep sliding off and it makes you mad. You replace them and sometimes they work but most of the time they don't so here's a solution. It doesn't look as good but it does the same job. It's also useful to create Ice arches.

1,286 posts

Edited by Reton8 so code will display properly.
timestables TIPS:

Extra long, thick or thin beams:

Here the code for a simple wood box hut (it can be exported next to where you save):


I am now going to change the following code after the "c":

The first "1" being thickness the second length. The last digit is the angle.

To give this:


Try importing these codes (using Load) and see the difference. You can move, rotate and duplicate these pieces as normal. Also change the material - wood/stone/metal or ice. Once you have the pieces, however, you cannot change their altered dimension again; it will revert to a standard piece. So you need to plan what you need to start with.

Next to come:
Changing the above numbers for non-alterable items; bricks off screen; invisible and phantom pieces.

1,286 posts

If you select all (Ctrl + A) you can move the whole map, including the foundation blocks, by dragging with the mouse. If you place items past the left of the screen (towards the trebuchet) they will stay there. The foundation blocks will fix again. You need at least one standard brick to do this. DO NOT SETTLE, you are likely to lose many standard items. If you go too far left the trebuchet may be unplayable. You can still add to your castle, save and post in the normal way, provided you don't settle.

6,158 posts

If you settle, anything outside of the view falls off the face of the planet. Anything right of the playing field will automatically disappear. And, any people too far to the right will die twice!

13,055 posts

Wow thanks timestables, and CJ, I'm glad you contributed as well. Now we can refer newbies to this thread whenever they have a question concerning both CTC 2.

1,526 posts

Hi! I have a question: do you know a way to move foundation blocks without using the code hacking? Because it's a bit boring to move the blocks by writing their coordinate...

1,286 posts

@Val see the top of this page.

13,055 posts

CTRL+A select everything but It won't move the foundation Blocks when I try to drag everything with the mouse.

13,055 posts

CTRL+A select everything but It won't move the foundation Blocks when I try to drag everything with the mouse.

Oh ok I figured out. You need to have at least a movable part to be able to drag everything.
6,158 posts

You guys should post some cool foundations and pics for others to copy and modify to make castles. I noticed this thread had moved to page three of the communities so, I posted just to move it up the list!

13,055 posts

This guide was intended to be a reference for noobs and people who ask question about modifying the beams. I hope AG won't delete it.

1,286 posts

Edited by Reton8 so code will display properly. Note added as code tag moved where code originally was in post.
Timetables tips cont...

If you change the length or width parameters of a component that does not lengthen (wood, stone and metal do)you get interesting results.
This is a map for 4 explosive barrels, 2 are up on columns:

[Castle code displayed at bottom of post.]

This can also be done with foundation blocks. In Tricky Wizard World... I have changed the second "1" to -50 for all the foundation blocks. E.G. "fsttr,420,300,1,-50,0,1" - lots of typing, you tell me if it was worth it.

If you wish you can move unfixed items "up" out of the screen area, by -2000 places they will fall down into play while the screen is scrolling over to the trebuchet and the player is faced with extra pieces [i]after
he has thrown.

Try the above out on simple creations before you do something complex. It is VERY easy to get lost and make mistakes that are difficult to put right.

{"t":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"p":"","c":["pbx,230,660,1,1,0","pbx,445,660,1,1,0","pcv,655,630,1,1,0","pbx,655,560,1,1,0","pbx,865,560,1,1,0","pcv,865,630,1,1,0"],"n":"","l":["tg","mg","bg","wc","id"],"o":-1,"r":["rw","rwc","rs","rsc","ri","ric","rb","rbc","rfb","rpb","rrb","rf","rl","rr","ra","rp","rc","rsl"]}<br><br>Load this (above) it is ordinary. Now below is a map with one of the parameters of each barrel (a number 1) replaced with a 6. If you load this the barrels are now repeated 6 times up/down or across. But if you play this you will find only one barrel will show. If you throw a stone (or anything else) you will see that the picture on screen is a phantom, and the barrel is "physically" at the other end of the unsettled version. Load it and try it out.<br><br>{"t":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"p":"","c":["pbx,230,660,6,1,0","pbx,445,660,1,6,0","pcv,655,630,1,1,0","pbx,655,560,6,1,0","pbx,865,560,1,6,0","pcv,865,630,1,1,0"],"n":"","l":["tg","mg","bg","wc","id"],"o":-1,"r":["rw","rwc","rs","rsc","ri","ric","rb","rbc","rfb","rpb","rrb","rf","rl","rr","ra","rp","rc","rsl"]}
Showing 16-30 of 105