I want a poem thread. I already have a haiku thread, soo... Anyway, this is my poem thread. And no, unless you have specific permission from me to post your own poems, I'd rather you didn't. Only comments. Only VIPs get to post their poems on my thread here.
Here's my first poem. Please tell me what you think.
The Most Complicated Emotion at its Best 05/02/11
Terrible storms of wrath, out bursts a sudden laugh, tumultuous cries of pain, a hard put struggle for whats left, a path to peace instead of self gain, this is the most complicated emotion at its best.
Strong raptures of passion, intermittent effects that are lasting, inexpressible desires, a resolution that never tires, powerful enough to bend a nation, at times calm, at times patient, when put to the test, this is the most complicated emotion at its best.
Resolutions incorruptible even unto death, this is the most complicated emotion at its best!
Thanks Murasaki (may I call you Mur?) and thanks Shelly. Means a lot to me. Anyway here's another one.
The Shattered Dreams
A dream from a lonely child Can immerse the child into fantasies. It can be wonderful, as it can be wild. But reality always slips into the wildest reveries.
With the power of lucidity He shall always be the ruler of his imagination. But what is reality? What is a dream? He shall succumb into eternal confusion.
And when he realizes that he is lost. When his dreams are shattered to pieces And sadly cannot be replaced at any cost He grows paranoia as anxiety increases.
And the lonely child. Once so happy with his fantasies Now as an adult old, grumpy miserable. All because his dreams were shattered to pieces.
So don't laugh at a child's wraith Don't laugh at the broken pieces. You to were all like him. Having suffered the same faith. You to grew paranoia as anxiety increases.
Morning The sun rises on the horizon birds sing to welcome its presence yellow rays peep through the clouds the earth begins to warm life begins to stir the world awakes morning comes night leaves now.