Here is a thread where I will be posting my poetry. Some of the poems that I will be posting here is stuff that I've compiled in the past, I will also be posting new poems when time abounds. My poetry will consist of Haikus, Tankas, and Nonets.
Feel free to critique my writing, as that would be greatly appreciated. However, simply saying that you like it or dislike it is not good enough. I'd like for you to post reasons as to why you like or dislike my poetry.
Not all my poems will have titles.
I'll start it off with a Nonet.
Joy and Sorrow Your liveliness brings me enjoyment Time with you is gratifying When I'm with you, I'm happy. Your smile makes me cheerful I am lighthearted. Without you here I'm depressed. I lose Strength.
Parfaam, that's not what Matrix was meaning to do. Matrix was just posting three of his haikus. He wasn't 'extending' them at all. It was meant as three different poems, not one.
I've been told this at the other place where I've started the same thread.
I know. And you don't need to do it with every haiku/tanka/whatever. Your poems are great the way they are. But try it like I and the other person said. Because flow = cool.
And you don't need to do it with every haiku/tanka/whatever.
I kind of do, since I get more feedback at the other place I post them. But when I post them here, all I get is views. This thread has over 300 views and only two-three people have given me any feedback.
Your poems are great the way they are.
They're not, I don't expect them to be good because they are older poems. I just want to post them on this thread and the other one to get feedback on where I can improve. Then when I get that feedback and I run out of these older poems then I can create newer, better ones.
I'll be posting a haiku or a few later on or tomorrow morning.
Looks like PhotoBucket doesn't want to keep that picture. I didn't mess with it and it still got deleted from my album. Well, I created two new pictures.
Abstract Colors
I'm trying to think of a title for a haiku that I have, I'll submit it later when I get a title for it.
Did those two pictures load for anyone? I copied the [IMG] code, then took those tags out and put the lowercase ones in. It's worked every time I've done it with other PhotoBucket pictures, but I can't see the pictures.