Here is a thread where I will be posting my poetry. Some of the poems that I will be posting here is stuff that I've compiled in the past, I will also be posting new poems when time abounds. My poetry will consist of Haikus, Tankas, and Nonets.
Feel free to critique my writing, as that would be greatly appreciated. However, simply saying that you like it or dislike it is not good enough. I'd like for you to post reasons as to why you like or dislike my poetry.
Not all my poems will have titles.
I'll start it off with a Nonet.
Joy and Sorrow Your liveliness brings me enjoyment Time with you is gratifying When I'm with you, I'm happy. Your smile makes me cheerful I am lighthearted. Without you here I'm depressed. I lose Strength.
Reason: Over 600 views on thread and only four people have said anything about the poems.
Nothing to be so hyped up about, take a look at Wolfs thread, or Tackys, or even mine. Thousands of views for each and not nearly as many replies as any of us want.
In relation to Derailment, once again, it spikes my curiousity and I would love it if you went into detail about it...
Read the definition for 'hyped'. I'm not 'hyped' about it, I'm curious to know why nobody posts anything about it. I'm not asking for people to write paragraphs about the poems. I'm simply asking to post something about it with reasoning. I like/dislike [insert poem here] because [insert legitimate reason here].
I would love it if you went into detail about it...
What do you mean by that? I wrote it based on trains. Don't really know how to go that far into detail about it. I usually get ideas on poetry through things that are in my mind. I watch a lot of movies, television shows, read a lot... so yeah, it was based on trains. A train that was on a course to somewhere, then it derails, then I came up with that poem. Don't really know what else you want me to say about it.
It only took a few minutes. I restarted my computer, took about two minutes, then I came back on here.
Not sure why you would ask that question here. This isn't a thread to discuss those things, this thread is for me to post my writings and what ever art work that I might come up with. Please post your feedback on those instead of asking a question about my computer.
I asked you to go into detail, because I think that you could pull it off, and some people can't. Yeah your work is good, but there is only so much people can say about 3 lines. You can do better, going into detail about something, anything, and THEN will people be able to post more than [title here] was [good/bad] because [???].
Reason: Over 600 views on thread and only four people have said anything about the poems.
Matrix, I have over 2,000 views on mine. I have posts from JohnGarell, Tacky, murasaki9, cowmaster1, dudeguy45, FloydTC, Masterforger, Krizaz, and CalvinDultrey. They averaged about 3-5 posts each. I'm still getting there and I'm sure you'll have no problem too! It would be nice if you took MoonFairy's advice though.
I'm sure people in the AMW are competent enough to interpret poems, so that's why I don't go into detail about them. I'm not sure what you want me to say about each poem that I write, I went into detail about one of them on the previous page since you asked, and it's not difficult to interpret the poems yourself. So go right ahead and give feedback on them if you can. I'm not sure why people won't post about the poems, it's not like I'm going to tear your head apart. Unless you're an idiot, then I would have to. But if you leave something with reasoning behind it then post whatever you want about the poems. I want to know where I can improve, I want to know how they are bad, how they are good, etc.