This is a Photography contest where you may submit your photography work to yours truly and where you will compete with other people
Rules ----------------------
1. Submit according to topic- If picture has nothing to do with the topic of the week it will not be accepted
2. Originality- If I see a person submitting a photograph with a girl giving a cat ice-cream and then you submit a boy giving dog ice-cream I am going to assume you stole the idea and it will not be accepted: Consequences first time disqualified from current trend, second time banned for 3 week and the third time banned permanently unless Under a circumstance I allow you in or if various people vouch for you
3. No copying- If I catch you stealing someones work, Google or any other source. Consequences: Same as originality
4. No re-posting- You cannot re-post same photograph you previously submitted in any other trend in this thread. Consequences: Same as rule number 2 and 3
5. No Photoshop- If I do not declare that the trend week will be a "Photoshop trend week" None will be tolerated UNLESS you are changing a color picture to black&white and vise verse
6.No negative comments- I will allow other members of AG to comment on the photographs but, nothing negative the only one allowed to post anything negative will be me and don't worry when i say negative i don't mean completely trash you.
7. Ideas- If you have an idea do not be afraid to ask just go on my PROFILE not this thread and post your idea and i will run it through
8. No Judging- No one can judge or choose a winner except me for now that is until I ever choose another judge but, if it is "People choice week" then people can vote and I will tally to votes only one vote per person and the people who submitted photographs may not vote.
9. Nothing inappropriate- We under AG rules so, no nudity, racism ect.
10. No profanity- I shouldn't have to explain this but, again we under AG rules. So, no profanity what so ever
11. One submission per entry- Only one photograph per person per trend week. If you resubmit the newer photograph will not be accepted.
12. Have fun- Just have fun don't, ruin someone else fun, no trolling, no flaming lets try to make this a fun friendly thread
this weeks trend is nature but, not like dogs or cat or the plant in the pot your mom has. Try and get out there take photographs of birds, trees, ducks ect. It can be black&white or color.
Judges: Holladay15
Due Date: May 24, U.S.A Eastern time (If you live in another continent try calculating which day you must submit that goes according my time thank you)
Trend: Nature
Event: None (event will be things like Photoshop week, peoples choice and ect. if it says none just a regular photograph that will be OFFICIALLY scored by Judges
Wait - when you mention no Photoshop, I usually set all the basics of the photos with it, like the contrast and saturation and stuffs 'cause I prefer RW2 (RAW) and that is the only way to change it from RW2 to jpg. Should I just use jpg then?
Yes, JPG when it comes to color to black&white and vise versa you can use Photoshop but, not for changing saturation, contrast, shadow details and stuff like that. does that answer your question?
Let me just say wow, Beautiful picture not only that but, I love the title really captured me. I also love how you set up the camera in front of the tall grasses I really enjoyed that and the way the shrubs and trees make a dark, bold border so that your not really distracted by the houses behind it that way you really focus on the frozen river, the snow. Also, I am a sucker for clouds because the shadow details on them. So, I really like the big close that is on the horizon. The contrast is nice and dark really represents the mood of winter. A couple of things I know you cant control nature those dark clouds are annoying because if you look at the bottom part on the left and right Positive space threes, shrubs, grass and then the middle negative space just snow and rive and then the top is mostly positive space so, those dark clouds sort of distract you from the bottom where it shows the beauty of winter. So, imagine the top part with out the dark clouds it would have looked nicer right? and the bridge or what ever that is at the end also, pisses me off lol like if a shrub would have covered it that would have done it justice but, these were elements our of your control. Overall nice picture really nice this truly represents winter the leafless trees, snow, dark and moody very nice.
Ok, cool well this I like the Depth of field and the Diagonal lines in the background puts a really nice touch adds a bit of flavor to it. I like the positive space where everything is cluttered and its is the surrounding the butterfly and that give you a focal point and it sort of make you looks for the butterfly with the leaves and plants covering the butterfly. Actually, the blur kind of worked in your favor because when everything is a bit blurry and the focal point is very well, in focus it sort of gives your photograph structure. So, your photograph has good structure and Interesting with the black&white usually when it comes to butterfly's people make it color but, because the way the background is, in color it wouldn't have worked out. Only, thing when playing with Positive space you have to be careful because if positive pace isn't evenly distributed it looks weird for example on the left side a good amount of positive space but, right side not enough, You can see the plant having its gaps. Overall a well, structured Photograph which I find important when it comes to black&white photographs. Keep up the good work
@ Roadripper - The last link you posted was really good. If you have some exclusive nature photos, please provide a link. I am a die hard fan of nature photography.
It's a nice photograph and interesting concept with the "night life" it really make the tree pop out and the photograph is very simple and when it's simple it allows you to appreciate (I cant think of the right word right now) the photograph a bit better and is that snow or were you behind some glass or something? because i see those dots and it really add a nice touch especially with the diagonal direction its going into. Do you see that thing in the bottom right corner, yeah that I don't like it there lol because well, everything is dark and the only thing you see is the and tree and then that thing there kind of ruins it. Also, maybe you could have played with the tree by making it symmetrical what my photography teacher has always said
"If you can play with the subject in your advantage DO IT"
Notice the top portion of the tree is symmetrical but, the rest isn't but, besides that the photograph was well, composed I know how hard is to take photographs in the dark, so the fact you were able to make the tree visible but, at the same time the background dark very impressed. Nice job.
Sorry, for commenting late I haven't been able to go on yesterday had an emergency but, anyways
@aknerd This is a really cool photograph I like how the mountains slope behind one another. The negative space is really cool.I mean I can smell the mountain breeze from here and Like I said I am a sucker for clouds. Only issue I have with is the quality but, you took it by cell phone so, its fine but, its messes with the quality and the exposure all the way at the top right corner is way to much. Really good for a cellphone you had the right idea and the actual image looked nice.
Ahhhh, refreshing I can almost smell the flower bed and what a beautiful image the color is vibrant, the exposure was perfect, the depth of field really makes this flower pop. I really have nothing to complain besides the white flowers but, I mean this flower was perfectly framed in the correct place and at the right time and good choice with the vertical instead of horizontal. Beautiful photograph.