This is a Photography contest where you may submit your photography work to yours truly and where you will compete with other people
Rules ----------------------
1. Submit according to topic- If picture has nothing to do with the topic of the week it will not be accepted
2. Originality- If I see a person submitting a photograph with a girl giving a cat ice-cream and then you submit a boy giving dog ice-cream I am going to assume you stole the idea and it will not be accepted: Consequences first time disqualified from current trend, second time banned for 3 week and the third time banned permanently unless Under a circumstance I allow you in or if various people vouch for you
3. No copying- If I catch you stealing someones work, Google or any other source. Consequences: Same as originality
4. No re-posting- You cannot re-post same photograph you previously submitted in any other trend in this thread. Consequences: Same as rule number 2 and 3
5. No Photoshop- If I do not declare that the trend week will be a "Photoshop trend week" None will be tolerated UNLESS you are changing a color picture to black&white and vise verse
6.No negative comments- I will allow other members of AG to comment on the photographs but, nothing negative the only one allowed to post anything negative will be me and don't worry when i say negative i don't mean completely trash you.
7. Ideas- If you have an idea do not be afraid to ask just go on my PROFILE not this thread and post your idea and i will run it through
8. No Judging- No one can judge or choose a winner except me for now that is until I ever choose another judge but, if it is "People choice week" then people can vote and I will tally to votes only one vote per person and the people who submitted photographs may not vote.
9. Nothing inappropriate- We under AG rules so, no nudity, racism ect.
10. No profanity- I shouldn't have to explain this but, again we under AG rules. So, no profanity what so ever
11. One submission per entry- Only one photograph per person per trend week. If you resubmit the newer photograph will not be accepted.
12. Have fun- Just have fun don't, ruin someone else fun, no trolling, no flaming lets try to make this a fun friendly thread
its messes with the quality and the exposure all the way at the top right corner is way to much
Yeah... it really is. Unfortunately I can't remember which of my photos on my computer are photoshopped and which are not, so I went with something that was obviously unedited (since it was taken directly off of my phone).
Also, you are doing a really good job with this contest. Your feedback is very punctual and positive (yet also provides useful pointers), so yeah.
In 3rd place with the photograph "Mountains" is Aknerd. Congratulations. *Audience claps*
In 2nd place we have "Butterfly" by Jeol. Congratulations. *Audience claps and girls scream for you"
And the moment we have been waiting for this weeks winner and first ever winner for Photography Trend is......*models hands envelope* The photograph " Flowers" by VampyRiccadence. *audience starts going wild, confetti falls, flowers being thrown at you even girls bras are flying at you* and I know this might not mean as much as a real merit but, I award you the "Mother nature is freaking proud" merit. Mother nature appreciates you expressing her beauty of spring.
Mother nature is freaking proud Mother nature appreciates you expressing her beauty. This merit was crafted in the deepest part of the rain forest in brazil, sewed with the silk of china and fragrance with the cherry blossom of Japan. Made by Holladay15 and distributed by holladay15
worth= 15 bragging points
you can copy and paste that on your profile if you wish vampy
and for the rest I thank you for participating and I also award you the "First!!" merit
First!! Merit First comment on a gameWell, you are the first participant of Photography Trend. Embeded with the emblem of trollers in the magical internet caves deep underground. Made by Holladay16 and distributed by Holladay15.
worth= 5 PWNING points
you may copy and paste this on your profile page if you wish jeol, vampy, road ripper, aknerd and ignas777
I am working on getting real merits for first place winners but, for now get these
@goumas Cool photograph but, a lot of things happening here very distracting I can't really see the hedgehog. It is sort of too random but, the composure is good and the fact it was dark shows you got some skills
Awesome, I mean the positive space of the branches really compliment the negative space of the alfalfa's (those are alfalfa's right?). The rabbit is in a perfect position. The composure and the lighting is fascinating. This is just an epic black and white picture.
No Photoshop- If I do not declare that the trend week will be a "Photoshop trend week" None will be tolerated UNLESS you are changing a color picture to black&white and vise verse
What if we work in RAW format or do some simple color correcting?
I will allow RAW format from now on. In the begining i dind't think it was such an issue because i didn't think RAW was getting so, popular. As for simple correction, what do you mean? As in changing black and white to color and vise versa? Or making the photograph look better artificially.
Then here. I can not find any of my wildlife shots for some reason, but ah well. Picture of my girlfriend and I spending Halloween together on her porch handing out candy to the kiddies. She was using her cat as a shield against my camera. Fun times.