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90 posts

Apperently it's a big hot topic right now, so I want to know how gamers feel about it?

  • 3,228 Replies
506 posts

For one, as you know, I believe everyone is bisexual.

While I agree that there are alot more people who are bisexual without realizing it I don't agree that everyone is. I'm certainly not. Anyone can think anyone else is attractive but would not go to bed with them.
9,434 posts

It would probably be better to say that everyone has the potential to be bisexual.
This is where the difference between sexual attraction and aesthetic (wrong word?) comes into relevance...

1,523 posts

It would probably be better to say that everyone has the potential to be bisexual.

That's what I was about to say. As I mentioned before, I find members of the same sex attractive, but that doesn't necessarily mean that I would want to be more than friends with them.
506 posts

It would probably be better to say that everyone has the potential to be bisexual.

See I don't know. That makes it seem like we have the ability to switch willy nilly or our brains suddenly change and we wake up bisexual. I'm sure people can discover an attractive they didn't know was there. Which sometimes explains people suddenly coming out at a late age. But I see people as being generally one thing or the other. Then again sexuality can be very fluid nowadays.

But I'm coming from myself and the gay people I know and am related to. I can't speak for everyone obviously. I tried very hard to be straight lol. Very hard. I know for an absolute fact that I have no potential to be bisexual lol.
9,434 posts

I think I just haven't talked with enough REALLY homosexual persons. Could be...
Let's all blame pansexuality for my views.
Though initially, before birth and development of a sexuality, everyone does... I think... Mayhaps?

Sorry if that post made too little sense, it's 7:34am and I haven't slept...

506 posts

Sorry if that post made too little sense, it's 7:34am and I haven't slept...

Ergh, you must be dragging. It's only 1:30am here and I'm off to bed. I would be a zombie without some sleep.

Though initially, before birth and development of a sexuality, everyone does... I think... Mayhaps?

Why not? We don't really know anything for sure in the end. We can speculate and your views and opinions are as good as mine or anybody elses =)

Perhaps in our stages of forming in the womb we all the potential to be this that or the other. And indeed our brains do not stop completely forming until 25 or so. So in the general populace I would say that a true sexuality can be a very fluid thing. Not in everyone but probably a big chunk.
3,880 posts

Well defending my own theory, everyone has the potential to be bisexual is just correct and basically is what I meant. Everyone can be bisexual, if they accept it.

Of course its just a thought and I really have done a research on homosexuals, so I may as well be wrong.

But I'm coming from myself and the gay people I know and am related to. I can't speak for everyone obviously. I tried very hard to be straight lol. Very hard. I know for an absolute fact that I have no potential to be bisexual lol.

I can send you some pictures of meh...if you want to take the easy way of being straight.
Wait your not a girl..nvm. >_>

Though initially, before birth and development of a sexuality, everyone does... I think... Mayhaps?

I really do doubt as babies we know what sex is, or even what gender is o.o
Which is another argument of mine. HOW are you attracted, at birth, to a certain gender when you don't know what the hell a male or female is o.O

Seems to be just another Intellectual Design thing...
506 posts

I can send you some pictures of meh...if you want to take the easy way of being straight.
Wait your not a girl..nvm. >_>

I'm not? My girlfriend is going to be seriously disappointed to find that out.

Everyone can be bisexual, if they accept it.

Haha. Naked men make me ill. Not even if there was a copious amount of money involved.
3,880 posts

I'm not? My girlfriend is going to be seriously disappointed to find that out.

There on their way hun! Maybe I should keep you together and not send them...


Haha. Naked men make me ill. Not even if there was a copious amount of money involved.

Well if they ACCEPT IT! Sheesh. Didn't say it was easy, but you can do it with much greater ease with Drace's delux package!
Only two boobs and 99 licks!

Gah ok lets forget that ^^
9,434 posts

Wait your not a girl..nvm. >_>
Actually kris is a girl. :P
I really do doubt as babies we know what sex is, or even what gender is o.o
Which is another argument of mine. HOW are you attracted, at birth, to a certain gender when you don't know what the hell a male or female is o.O
My point was, before the sexuality forms, everyone has the potential to become bisexual? Or homosexual for that matter.
Also, kids learn to distinguish between their mother and father relatively early... Geh, Cenere knows stuff about this and has some interesting theories...

So in the general populace I would say that a true sexuality can be a very fluid thing. Not in everyone but probably a big chunk.
Mine is definitely rather fluid... Quite confusing at times.
Ergh, you must be dragging. It's only 1:30am here and I'm off to bed. I would be a zombie without some sleep.
Point there... I'm off to sleep too. Hope the discussion can continue in this tone so there's something worth reading when I get back.
506 posts

I would just like to add that there are a lot of men out there whose goal in life is to "turn" lesbians with the thought that we just need a "real" man to show us the ropes.

Quite a few fag hags have tried their skills on gay men and have failed quite miserably.

No, it's not so much about acceptance. More about what you can stomach without puking.

But moving on.........

111 posts

No, it's not so much about acceptance. More about what you can stomach without puking.

I'm so going to borrow that the next time I have this discussion (or the gay marriage conversation since I'm in California and it's topical). SO bluntly and eloquently put.

I truly think that for some people, their sexual orientation is set at birth... for the most part. I can't be bothered to find the post but I've linked to some studies in both this and (I believe) the prop 8 thread that add more data to support that theory (large families producing more gay offspring, etc.).

THat said, I also think it's entirely possible for psychological factors (i.e. life experiences) to nudge a person farther in one direction than is perhaps their genetic/hormonal nature. Say for example a person is born witha tendency to be a 2 on the Kinsey scale (slightly bi on the straight side of the spectrum) and has a bad experience (think extremes) with multiple partners of one particular gender, they might slide more towards the other side.

Take me for example; I'm bi by orientation ( I'd call myself a 2.5 or a 3) but I don't date girls anymore (because I can only handle my own estrogen related freak outs, thanks) due to bad experiences (by which I mean scarred for life bad). Hmmm...maybe not the best example as I'd say my actual orientation hasn't changed at all. But I think you get the idea.
13,657 posts

Also, kids learn to distinguish between their mother and father relatively early... Geh, Cenere knows stuff about this and has some interesting theories...

I do not think they are interesting, but they are related to the topic. Ignore the text between the lines.


How was it. Okay, basic knowledge:
Freudian psycology devide the mind into three parts, the It, which is instinct (food, sex, sleep), the Super Ego, which is moral values and the rules of society, and in the middle of that, the Ego that regulate the other two, and keep them from clashing.
The It is there from the start, basically being the one thing that makes us eat and sleep and scream and be babies. The Super Ego develops in the anal phase (18 months - 3 years), about the time when the child learns how to use the pot/toilet. The Ego develops in the Oedipal phase. (If I remember correctly)

The phases are the oral (everything is centred around eating, and arounf the baby itself), the anal (being clean, knowing there are more than it) and the Odipal phases (sexuality develops).


As you know, sexuality develops in the Odipal phase/fallic phase, by the child falling in love with the mother, but get held back by the father. This seem to happen to girls too, in a more complicated way (falls in love with mother, but lacks the things that makes her as good as the father, fantasies about how this is the mother's fault, being afraid of the mother).
If something goes wrong in this period (the girl wants to be like the father, the boy wants to be like the mother, fuzzy gender outlines and so on), homosexuality could develop.

I do not know if that makes much sense, but at least that is some kind of theory.
Babies have no gender untill the Oedipal phase, really, so being born as either straight or homosexual is not something happening.
The child gets its gender defenition in these years, but it develops once again in the teenage years. The love of and sex with the opposite/same sex should develop in the teenage years, but if your defenition of your own sex is off, then your defenition of the opposite sex might be it also.

And that did not make much sense, so I shut up now.
10,816 posts

Well defending my own theory, everyone has the potential to be bisexual is just correct and basically is what I meant. Everyone can be bisexual, if they accept it.

I think the important thing to remember here is that we're talking about fairly plastic terms, therefore while this statement may be applicable in some sense the more pertinent question to ask is in what sense exactly?

For example I've related how I attempted to maintain a same-sex relationship, influenced by a number of factors, while I was aware of a number of other factors that discouraged me. I'm sure that I could force myself to do some things over others (we all have to do this at one point), but what's the point of, say, doing this in order to assert that I'm possibly bisexual?

On both sides of the coin I've spoken to those who confidently assert that they are physically incapable of being attracted to the same/opposite sex. Previously I would be suspicious of this but now I think I'm going to take their word for it. I think that in a sense the most useful way of interpreting this statement is that people shouldn't be, if they're so inclined, so afraid of testing the waters.
10,816 posts

Also, re: Cenere's succinct summary of the Oedipus complex and said psychoanalytical mechanisms, it's still unclear as to how applicable, both how much and in what way, this relates to modern interpretations of behavior.

I think it contains some useful descriptions and handy reminders on drivers to behavior but since it came at a time when science was still not particularly rigorous, this is probably why most psychologists wouldn't want to trade in such.

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