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90 posts

Apperently it's a big hot topic right now, so I want to know how gamers feel about it?

  • 3,228 Replies
10,816 posts

Mmm, we can surely say we don't feel anything sexual at a young age

I actually disagree in a manner of speaking, but this is where one may have to tread very carefully.

Cenere already summarised part of this, but Freud suggested there were a number of developmental behaviors associated with 'sex'. There was the 'breastfeeding' phase and the 'fecal' phase and whatnot...honestly I don't think it was accurate. But what Freud was noticing flew in the face of beliefs that since children were 'innocent', that they 'didn't have any sexual stimulations whatsoever'.

Wrong! I'm of the belief that it's not like your sexual function just "turns on" when you reach puberty or anything like that. The sensory equipment and probably a significant portion of the perceptual framework already exists in childhood but societal norms tend to have us ignore large portions of this. There's some boundaries to be drawn though, so I'll use two examples:

a) A 6 year old girl that presented to House (yes, House) because she would "bounce up and down, scratch her groin, make grunting noises and sometimes produced a discharge". House, being the perv- I mean cynic, pointed out that she was, well, you know. And I don't think this is at all unrealistic.

b) The teacher horrified at finding the kids (of both genders) in the preschool toilet comparing what's between their legs. I doubt this could be called sexual, so much as a simple curiosity.

See the difference? Even within a), one has to watch out for the connotations of the word, because it seems to carry a whole lot more to adults than the probable extent to a child: "this feels good!"
13,657 posts

Sorry if this does not make the slightest sense, my head has stopped working again!

What we was taught was that in that age children found out what things were associated with being //gender. They start developing the charactaristics for each gender, meaning boys play with cars, girls play with dolls and so on.
Also, at that age curiosity for the genders develop, and also for the oppposite.
And a child might find that doing certain things makes it feel good, but would not associate it with sex.

Blaaah.... Carry on with the discussion.

13,657 posts

Why should it be locked? It is a free discussion, there is no spam (besides your post), and even mods are paticipating.

Sorry for another spam message.

10,816 posts

What we was taught was that in that age children found out what things were associated with being //gender. They start developing the charactaristics for each gender, meaning boys play with cars, girls play with dolls and so on.

The debate I'm interested in at this point would be just how this works, the growing associations with gender. For example there are specific cases of "gender non-conformism" in which a child would, for no apparent reason, completely reject all archetypal expressions of their gender and go for the opposite. Tomboys are one common example but...somehow boys who like pink and play with Barbie (or Bratz) stir up a bit more of a sensation...

The existence of such dramatic exceptions implies that there is some validity to the norms but in what way? That's my question.

And a child might find that doing certain things makes it feel good, but would not associate it with sex.

Yep, this is precisely what I was getting at in that word-vomit post above.
6,823 posts

And a child might find that doing certain things makes it feel good, but would not associate it with sex.

Right. I have heard that it is actually normal for children to be curious about their private parts. They don't understand the sensations or what it does, and are curious about their own bodies. It is normal for kids to be curious about it and explore that. It isn't like it is dirty in any way, because they just don't understand it like that.
13,657 posts

If I had to be really annoying (yes, I have to), I would say that the envirorment and media today is very genderbending. I really have no explaination for "Homosexuality", the thoughts from the psychoanalytic theories just made some sense to me.
Could it be something like... A feeling of admiring the opposite gender? Like tomboys, playing with and like boys, just to the limmit, where they unconsciously want to be boys? No, not really, a homosexual is one gender, and is just atracted to the same gender. An admiration of the same gender? The feeling of needing to - possess a individual with long, silky hair and breasts? I do not know, and I am babbling.
I do not know if there will ever be a scientific explaination, or a psychological explaination, or any explaination at all. I do not think I even care. Loving a girlfriend or loving a boyfriend should be the same thing...
Just because you, in the teeage years, even before, start loving someone, anyone for something you find beautyful and turns you on... Oh the dreaded teenage years...

And I just forgot what I had to say.....

438 posts

Oh brother how these posts have turned since my last raid on homosexuality well once again may i say i disagree that it is right

9,434 posts

*headtilts at Cenere's trailing off* Somehow, I find that post really pretty.
I'd actually totally go with the little &quotossess" thing - or... I dunno, just more interested in the subtle differences than the obvious ones.

Oh, discussing with a gay guy what the heck they need a penis for anyway... >.>

I think we remember that... But there really is absolutely no point in arguing whether it is right or wrong, since we'll never ever agree on either view.
Please no more 'this is right because/this is wrong because' posts? *not trying to oppress views, it has just been said so many times*

2,301 posts

Then what should we say? What is a debate without conflict?

9,434 posts

Not much, I admit it. But what is a conflict with a circular structure worth?
Look at the last few pages. Healthy discussion of theories.
Look back a bit further... Flaming war...
Different opinions is very much needed for a good topic, but there is no point fighting continuously over the same thing.

With a few typo corrections, here's what Cenere said some pages back in an attempt to stop the repetition:

The religious side/the Christians: Homosexuality is a sin, since same sex relationships have no chance of being parents, having their own children. This is not right, and the Lord will punish you all.
Even though he forgive.
Because of the wrong choice you made.

The scientist: There is something different in the brains of the homosexual, they do not look like us. They have no choice, they are just very unlucky.

The negative: Homosexuals should not be, we are afraid of them, they just r@pe us, or hit on us, and there is no way we can do anything to turn them down. It is gross. It should be illegal.

The positive: What does it matter? Is it not about loving? Many homosexuals do not even have sex, there is nothing wrong with being a homosexual, nothing different about us. We just happen to love a person of the same sex as us.

The conclusion: No. Because the only ones listening to the other arguments are the positive group.

All that being concluded, let's either move along to other aspects of the topic, or discuss the conclusions. Not repeat what's been said a hundred time (I have a feeling I'll be saying this again).
6,921 posts

hahaha... wow Zseanz good job. well, im homosexuall, lol

10,816 posts

Jeez. Btw if zseanz has left any other random abusive messages around on the forum, please drop a link on my profile page. It obviously needs deleting ._.

10,816 posts

Could it be something like... A feeling of admiring the opposite gender? Like tomboys, playing with and like boys, just to the limmit, where they unconsciously want to be boys? No, not really, a homosexual is one gender, and is just atracted to the same gender. An admiration of the same gender? The feeling of needing to - possess a individual with long, silky hair and breasts?

Sometimes it is very difficult to tease out motivations, wherever they came from, and whether behavior is because you want to emulate (imitation is the sincerest form of flattery) or becuase you identify with it.

And sometimes we skirt the line, or straddle both sides of it.
1,101 posts

"Non-conformism" wow 1 letter away from my u.n. Sweet. Anyways. I gotta say that homosexualsshould be able to do what they do. I mean there not stupid. society beleives that if your around one they will start hitting on you. Then they will try to rape/molest you. This isn't true. They actually realize who is not gay and who is. In society its quite easy to tell (well for them). They may have feelings for you because your a nice person, but they won't go to the extent of hitting on you, and raping you and wat not. I think that society just feels they need a protective shell from anything that is not normal in their point of view.

And since emotions and feelings are just a bunch of nerves causing chemical balances and imbalances in your brain, its not homosexuals fault for being gay. Their chemicals are imbalanced in a different way than ours, and therefore they like other men/women. The only thing that i think would kind of suck, is if you were a kid and your parents were gay. That would be pretty hard cuz you would be ridiculed through junior high and possible high school. Eventually you get used to it, but those kids must feel like sh't when the day is done.

509 posts

homesexuality would be okay for me if a homosexual didn't choose to be a "homo." but i dont have the facts so for now im undecided.

P.S.> why doesn't this get locked?

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