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90 posts

Apperently it's a big hot topic right now, so I want to know how gamers feel about it?

  • 3,228 Replies
65 posts

I think it is completely ridiculous that people could think that someone is going to hell because of the way they are. Im sorry but that has got to be the dumbest thing i have ever heard in my eintire life. Honestly i feel sa

107 posts

i know what you mean flip. to think that someone is going to hell because they like and do something that is completely healthy, doesn't harm anyone, and is something they can't control is stupid. just because some people don't like it doesn't mean that the people who do like are going to hell.

4,871 posts

I think it is completely ridiculous that people could think that someone is going to hell because of the way they are. Im sorry but that has got to be the dumbest thing i have ever heard in my eintire life. Honestly i feel sa

I don't believe that they're going to hell, well i believe they are if they don't accept jesus. So even though it's a sin it doesn't mean your going to hell. Again this is from my christian perspective so thats why I'm talking as if it's correct much easier to describe my point.
65 posts

I think it is completely ridiculous that people could think that someone is going to hell because of the way they are. Im sorry but that has got to be the dumbest thing i have ever heard in my eintire life. Honestly i feel sad for people who cannot accept other people for who they are... You know what is ironic tho? how hardcore religious people say that homosexuality is a sin and its a choice not who you are and you will go to hell, yet there are members of that religion who like to mess with little boys... don't you think that shows a flaw in ur teachings? The way i see it is that the more optimistic you are the better of a person you will be and that is why i only feel sorrow for people who choose to be close minded and ignorant. If you live ur life believe only what someone else tells you to believe than what kind of a person will you become? And for those hardcore christians out there who think the worst of homosexuality i have a question to ask you... what would you consider a bigger sin, being a homosexual because its who you are or killing someone? because if you didnt already know christian in the past have killed millions of people in an effort to spead fear in order to gain followers. Guess who else killed millions of people christians... Hitler did. What do i think about religion.. i think religion should be whatever you want it to be not what a book or a scroll or other people tell you. Why do i think this? Simply because when all religion first started it was spread for one reason and that reason was to control people. I ask you another question christians. Would you trust Hitler if he said he was a changed man if he was still alive after the hollocaust? So why would you trust something that was taught by people who used it and spread it for the only reason, to control people. Even better would you trust Hitler after the hollocaust if you were a victim? Same thing as what christians did in the crusades and after all this time the fear of being punished for not following christian leaders has subsided and now guess what they have there control and they no longer need to use fear. My parents raised me not to believe in a religion, they raised me to think for myself and believe in what i wanted. I feel very greatful that my parents raised me that way because i am not bound to one religion and i cant take what i want for any religion and believe in it and i wont be looked down upon. Why follow what someone else tells you to elieve when you can believe whtever you want. And yea i in no way think that the pope can talk to god. Why?.. because how can you vote and choose who gets to talk to god? That in no way makes any sense at all. That is like everyone in the world voting yes to George Bush being able to fly... but does that give him the ability to fly? However back on the subject... who is anyone that is heterosexual to say that homosexuality is wrong and shouldnt be allowed? And who are these religious leaders to tell their followers that homosexuality is a sin when behind the scenes some of them after persuing young boys. Why do so many people think that they have the right to tell homosexuals that they are evil when homosexuals dont run around telling heterosexuals that they are evil. I would only expect eveyone to think for themselves and not follow what someone else wants them to think. Being open in optimistic makes you a great person. Ignorance is a choice, homosexuality isnt. You are who you are.

65 posts

I have a feeling my last post is going to piss a lot of people off lol but guess what i dont care and if i were a homosexual i could accept jesus all on my own without the help of someone else in my mind heaven is only there to give people hope of life after deat and nothing more. Which further shows how religion is mainly used to control people "you can believe use and follow use and we will get you into heaven" or "if you dont follow use ur going to hell". Thanks for listening peeps .

4,871 posts

You know what is ironic tho? how hardcore religious people say that homosexuality is a sin and its a choice not who you are and you will go to hell, yet there are members of that religion who like to mess with little boys... don't you think that shows a flaw in ur teachings?

That would be Catholic, and they don't speak for our religion and they too are going to hell if they don't accept Jesus,everyone sins christians aren't an exception,we just know when we do and the majority repent.

The way i see it is that the more optimistic you are the better of a person you will be and that is why i only feel sorrow for people who choose to be close minded and ignorant. If you live ur life believe only what someone else tells you to believe than what kind of a person will you become?

I'm not closed minded, if any thing you are. You think that there is no God. I believe 100% there is but im also 100% sure I could be wrong.

And for those hardcore christians out there who think the worst of homosexuality i have a question to ask you... what would you consider a bigger sin, being a homosexual because its who you are or killing someone? because if you didnt already know christian in the past have killed millions of people in an effort to spead fear in order to gain followers.

Actualy if your a "hardcore" christian you would no the very basic principle that every sin is the same, theres not great sin, or small sin. Also these weren't christians these were dilluted people who didn't know they're won religion.

Simply because when all religion first started it was spread for one reason and that reason was to control people.

Nope, the day God created us religion started.

My parents raised me not to believe in a religion, they raised me to think for myself and believe in what i wanted. I feel very greatful that my parents raised me that way because i am not bound to one religion and i cant take what i want for any religion and believe in it and i wont be looked down upon. Why follow what someone else tells you to elieve when you can believe whtever you want.

So did my parents they just showed me christianity, it's not forced on me they just show it to me, and why follow what someone else says?Well 1. It's an amazing experiance you've never felt it I'm sure but trust me I have 2. I chose eternal life over eternal death 3. I do believe whatever i want, christianity is what i believe.

And who are these religious leaders to tell their followers that homosexuality is a sin when behind the scenes some of them after persuing young boys. Why do so many people think that they have the right to tell homosexuals that they are evil when homosexuals dont run around telling heterosexuals that they are evil. I would only expect eveyone to think for themselves and not follow what someone else wants them to think. Being open in optimistic makes you a great person. Ignorance is a choice, homosexuality isnt. You are who you are.

God said homosexuality is a sin, much bigger than a religious teacher, and I believe he's right. I don't tell them that they are evil hell I've proably done worse than then, or again no i haven't every sins the same. Again i'm not ignorant I've looked at every choice I picked the best and most sensible. Also homosexuality is a choice.
4,871 posts

I have a feeling my last post is going to piss a lot of people off lol but guess what i dont care and if i were a homosexual i could accept jesus all on my own without the help of someone else in my mind heaven is only there to give people hope of life after deat and nothing more. Which further shows how religion is mainly used to control people "you can believe use and follow use and we will get you into heaven" or "if you dont follow use ur going to hell". Thanks for listening peeps .

Well people can't accept jesus with others help so i guess you got that one right. Also well sorry but in my mind heaven is a place of eternal bliss and being with my creator. Also it's not used for control the day my church would start controling me the day i find a new church. But thats the truth and from what I've read you would go to hell, hell isn't for "bad" people it's for people who turned there back on God and have ANY sin in their heart. Sorry for the double post.
65 posts

See i never once said that i dont believe in god i only said that i dont believe in what someone else wants me to think of god. And you my friend are wrong homosexuality is in no way a choice. Im guessing you are attrachted to women and not men correct? Did you in fact choose to be attrachted to women or did one day when you were young start to feel this attrachtion to women and not men? Well i ask you what if when you were young you felt an attrachtion to men instead of women? So could you please explain to me the science of attrachtion and how it is chosen and not apart of who you are? And also you are trying to say that love is a choice? Yes indeed it is a choice to let love in but it is not a choice to truely love someone, it is a spirtitual connection. So what if you were spirtitually connected with a man? would that be a choice? Let me ask you what in fact is the sin the relates to homosexuality in ur religion... do you love your father? do you love your grandfather? Im guessing thats a ye but that doesnt however make you a homosexual, so that rules out loving another man being a sin. So it must be the attrachtion to a man that is a sin... however you do not choose who you are attrachtd too. So in what way is homosexuality a sin? because the god that you believe in your head says it is? Well then i frown upon you my friend because the only god that considers homosexuality is the one you believe in ur head. And yes that would make you a little close minded on that topic. I would suggest that you read up on what a choice actually is my friend. And you try and convince me that i am in fact the close minded one here? yet i speak more facts then my own belief... Im so close minded yet i attend a christian church and will be there later today.... Nice arguement but no not winning one my friend .

4,871 posts

The God that i believe in happens to not only be in my head but my heart he's every he's a spirtual being. Homosexuality is a sin because God is the one who knows what a sin is, so what ever he determines as a sin is a sin, he's the one who defines good and evil. Also i really don't care if you attend a christian church going to church is little more than a ritual for most. Religion is more of a ritual, it's the personal connection that matters. Also homosexuality is a choice I'm atracted to women yes but it wouldn't be very hard to be atracted a man. Also if homosexuality wasn't a choice well God would be being unjust and unfair, so until you actual give me facts i rest my case.

588 posts

Samy, some people are born homosexual

65 posts

Ok then who is this god you speak of? Can you tell me his name? Can you tell me his favortie color? His favorite song? Can you tell me anything about him othe than what someone had writen in a book? Yes that book contains the words of god but are all the words his? Were you there when that book was written? Did you hear god say those word as they were copied down? So could you explain to me exactly how you know anything about ur god? God is something that exists in everyone and he is what you believe my friend. God is what you believe. Do you understand that? For you to say homosexuality is a choice has got to be the dumbest thing i have ever heard in my eintire life. And you have rested no case my friend because i questioned ur case of what part of what YOU and only YOU beieves that homosexuality is a sin and you still have not answered my question. And you still have not explained to me how the science of attrachtion is related to choice... All you said is that you can see how you could be attrachted to a man. So does that mean you are a homosexual? You havent had one convincing arguement in any way that homosexuality is in fact a choice and god almighty himself did not intend it in any way. You are only 14 correct? You cant stand in this arguement against me when i attend a religious college and have taken many religious explination courses. I dont not care if you choose to believe that homosexuality is a sin and a choice. Just make sure that you are fully aware that scientifically homosexuality is in no way a choice. God is what you believe and that is all he is my friend ad the god that i believe in isnt sending anyone to hell for being a homosexual. And if ur god believes that homosexuality is wrong then im sorry to say that i dont want to believe in ur god and il believe in my own .

2,662 posts

I would like to make the point that even if homosexuality is considered a sin, doesn't nescessarily mean all homosexuals will go to hell. What if for instance they are very religious and adhere to strict biblical codes and did lots of work for charity and were generally good christians, would they still go to hell? In addition just because you sin doesn't mean it is a one way ticket to hell everyone sins, God is meant to forgive people.

60 posts

So yesterday on the new I heard the Pope said that Homosexuality is just a big of a problem as destroying rain forests, was kinda funny at first but than i realised how... extreme that was...

2,662 posts

was kinda funny at first but than i realised how... extreme that was...

Dont even get me started on catholicism. I have no problem with catholics as i have many catholic friends, however some of the things that they advocate as a mainstream group are completely crazy in my eyes.
509 posts

I believe 100% there is but im also 100% sure I could be wrong.


Also homosexuality is a choice.

I really have to disagree with you there.
It's just the way people are.

So yesterday on the new I heard the Pope said that Homosexuality is just a big of a problem as destroying rain forests, was kinda funny at first but than i realised how... extreme that was...

I have no response to that...
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