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90 posts

Apperently it's a big hot topic right now, so I want to know how gamers feel about it?

  • 3,228 Replies
4,871 posts

I would like to make the point that even if homosexuality is considered a sin, doesn't nescessarily mean all homosexuals will go to hell. What if for instance they are very religious and adhere to strict biblical codes and did lots of work for charity and were generally good christians, would they still go to hell? In addition just because you sin doesn't mean it is a one way ticket to hell everyone sins, God is meant to forgive people.

Right which is actualy a point i was making, as long as they accept Jesus as their savior they won't go to hell, for all have sinned and fell short of the glory of God.
2,662 posts

Right which is actualy a point i was making, as long as they accept Jesus as their savior they won't go to hell, for all have sinned and fell short of the glory of God.

Why is it then that so many Christians belive that all homosexuals go straight to hell, period.
660 posts

to everybody who says that homosexuality is a choice then by your logic you could willingly choose to be gay and go through all the hate and discrimination for tno apparent reason.

65 posts

Homosexuality is in no way a choice samy is just slow in the head. ive totally had enough of trying to respectfully disagree with his religious bull. Homosexuality is what you are if you are homosexual just like heterosexual. Like i stated before when ur young do you just one day choose to be interested in either men or women? No you dont it i something called attrachtion and the science of true attrachtion has nothing to do with choice it is simply a oart of who you are. Want proof?... A lot of homosexuals if asked would tell you that if they could they would like women because of the discrimination that they have to deal with for being who they are. Hense why "coming out of the closet" is such a big deal for homosexuals. That right there is enough proof to show that homosexuality is not a choice in most cases. And hell if i was gay i would be scared to expose my true self too because of ignorant religious asses saying that i choose to be gay and go against god and ill go to hell if i dont PRETEND to be straight in front of my church. I honestly feel so so sorry for all of those ignorant sad closeminded religious jerks who cant accept people for who they are because some a long time ago wrote down in a book that god didnt intend for homosexuality to exist. Did you ever stop and think that maybe they were just discriminating against homosexuality when they put that part in the book? Maybe ur just a homophobe because ur afriad of what you do not understand. So now let me ask you a question... what is instead of in the bible it saying homosexuality is going against god it said having cancer is going against god? Is cancer a choice? do people who have cancer choose to go through all of that pain just to continue living just because they want to? Do homosexuals really go through all the discrimination just because they feel like it? Honestly samy if you cant understand that then i feel so damn sorry for you. So many people through out history have done unforgiving acts because they believe that it was what god wanted. So what makes people who believe that homosexuality is a sin and acting against god any better than the infamous assholes who did horrible things through out history believeing it was what god wanted? Believeing that homosexuality is wrong is just something that will become socially unexceptable in time, just like thinking african americans were meant for slavery, and and thinking that the areian race was meant to rule the world. So for all of you who for some dumbass ignorant reason think that homosexuality is a choice and is an act against god well all i have to say is that you can take "ur god" and leave all the normal optimistic nonignorant people alone because we dont want to believe in "your god". Thanks for listening peeps .

2,662 posts

Thanks for listening peeps .

I like a good rant as much as anyone and this was a humdinger. I especially liked the last bit, the bible bashing
65 posts

Haha well im glad you enjoyed woody its good to see someone who understands what im trying to say lol especially after arguing with a 14 year old who thinks that homosexuality is evil and probly doesnt have a developed enough brian to fully understand the concepts in which i try to explain to him lol. liie really a 14 year old trying to convince me that homosexuality is a choice yet he cannot explain to me the science of attrachtion and give me a convincing arguement to how homosexuality is a choice. but anyways lets be friends woody? lol

65 posts

seriously tho woody go check out the past couple pages and read the arguement me and this kid were having lol.

2,301 posts

Ok then who is this god you speak of?
Of whom you speak. I would advise use of grammar, and also breaking your post into paragraphs is much more elegant and effective. Also refrain from insulting others. Remember: Respect.

Samy, you are wrong. Homosexuality is not a choice. I may agree that environmental factors may help cause homosexuality, the primary cause is likely in our genetics. While no "homosexuality gene" has ever been discovered, personality and psychological traits are rooted in the genes, so it logically follows.

However i know that i think wrong in the ideal, because it's against my religion.
Well my view of universal morality is based on one thing: I'm right. This looks bad on paper, but in practice, it works out well because I am right. Furthermore, torture and genocide are evil for obvious reasons, so if you could give me a reason homosexuality is wrong besides "God says so" then I shall take you more seriously.

Aside: With gene therapy and whatnot, we may be able to create a "cure" for homosexuality. What do you think of this possibility? What moral issues does it pose?

Aside again: We are also very close to developing a way for two women to be the genetic parents of one child. (I think they can only do it with mice as of yet.) What do you think of this?
65 posts

Im oretty sure there is nothing grammatically wrong with the way i worded that section you chose to correct lol the difference is simply the choice of words my friend, there is nothing wrong with that statement lol. And ur right i am sorry i lost my respect for samy in that last post i agree it was wrong of me but after argueing with somone who has no other explination for homosexuality being wrong other than what his god says just kind ticked me off pretty bad. Especially after we fought over the topic for days. Anyhow he clearly has dropped out of this arguement so i guess the fighting is over lol.

65 posts

And i just throw my thoughts onto the post and i dont really plan on my posts to be that long so i never think about the setup of my little rants lol sorry .

1,973 posts

I have come in at a bad time to fully debate the exact situation at hand, but I'd like to throw out something...

I just happened to be watching MTV, and this show was on. A guy was going to clubs, and getting girls' numbers so they can go out on a debate. This guy is gay, and all his friends know it. Then a shot of him going to his car, and he states that he doesn't want to be gay sometimes, and he says that he just can't change if he wanted to.

All I got to say.

2,301 posts

That's my point. "You speak of." is incorrect. It is a choice of words, but the correct choice of words would be "of whom you speak."

Anyhow he clearly has dropped out of this arguement so i guess the fighting is over lol.
I bet he's just off for the holiday. I hope to argue more, at least.

All I got to say.
1,973 posts

Well, all I have to say at the moment. SOme debates are just too hard to enter at some points, such as this one. I've debated and debated on this exact thread for a good while. You can check back on the double digit pages, I think I had some work in there somewhere.

104 posts

Well, you fall in love with who you do and theres many examples of people:

George Michael, Freddy mercury, etc

And just leave them + I think its OK

1,482 posts

Whew, almost hitting 300. I thought this thread was dead, did Muddle just bring it back from the dead (Thus giving me an excuse not to waste my time over this thread >.>... Its gotten really old, its ike 249348 years old. xD)

Or is it still going?

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