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883 posts

Let's make this the place on AG for anything and everything about Elder Scrolls 5! I'm so excited about it!

  • 1,122 Replies
325 posts

I hope something happens about that. It really takes the fun out of a game when it collapses on you every 15 minutes.

Or when it glitches and you collect payment from a quest from Legate Rikke 7 times...

But daedric armor is I don't even care that I'll never use it. Its just awesome to have it and wear it occasionally like my dragonplate and dragonscale armor sets I smithed.

Has anybody else run into a ancient nord tomb, and all the draugr are massively leveled? Like, I understand the challenge aspect, but nobody likes facing 6 Draugr Deathlords and being shouted at by all six. And disarmed. -.-

531 posts


When I first started playing it crashed on me three times, so I deleted all my game data from my ps3, of games which I no longer have, and their save data, etc, freed up a few gigabytes and it's now completely fine.

Remember, with every save, more memory is taken up.

158 posts

Mine crashed within the first 15 minutes 3 times too. It was really annoying. It crashes every once in while now too (although my save files are decreasing in size... I don't know why...)

325 posts

Alright, thanks guys, that sounds like it will be extremely helpful.


676 posts

I'm trying to figure out how to open this door. Every time I turn the switch, it shoots poisinous arrows at me.

15,595 posts

A door where the animals are on tablets or one of those claw things? For the former look for other tablets behind or around the ones you have to turn, then you have to make the animal on the tablet the same one behind or in front of it. For the claw just go to your inventory and enlarge it.

2,301 posts

It crashes a lot on the PS3. I play tons of different characters, and I've noticed that some are a lot less glitchy than others in general. My mage freezes a lot. My brother's mage freezes even more often than mine, and he experiences lots of other glitches. I occasionally get clipping errors, too. I feel like higher level characters glitch more, too.

Also, a note on daedric armor... it is not better because daedra hearts are hard to find. It is better because it HAS to be. Dragon armor being better would go against the lore. I was actually really happy when I found out that daedric was better, because I was afraid they had betrayed their own lore. But they didn't, so good on you, Bethesda. That's why glass armor can be worse than dragon.

So yeah, mages are fun, 'specially cats. Magic isn't as diverse as previous games, but is still fun and lends encounters that puzzly feel I like. Fun, but underpowered.

So I made a non-mage character. As stereotypical as can be, I made an orsimer who smiths, uses two-handed weapons and heavy armor. Unlike my mage's ambivalence, she's a legion girl through and through. She dislikes the stormcloaks, and thinks they're bad for Skyrim and the Empire. Of course, she does experience a twinge of regret and a grim feeling that she's fighting on the wrong side of the war at every battle, but that's to be expected. Like many of my characters, she's not so fond of killing. But, unlike my mage, who often uses illusion or running to avoid fights, she often can't.

Yet the mage is less bothered by killing than she is. She was born into some high status back in the Empire, and left to join the Legion and fight, like Malacath intended for her people. At first she found the visceral joy of combat, and felt the rush as her blade plunged through flesh and bone, but colors fade with time, and where she previously saw red, she saw only death and despair. She can still eviscerate with the best of them, but can't help but feel a little emptiness when she does. I decided she turned her back on her previous dreams of war and bloodshed completely in that one random encounter where the orc wants you to give him a good death. She agreed to do so, but in the final moments, she trapped his soul in the Black Star, to spare him an eternity in Malacath's plane of Oblivion. She enchanted a waraxe with his soul and then threw the Star into the sea.

As such, she felt no joy when she honored Ulfric's last wishes. As the others drank and danced, she shared a quiet evening with her wife, and they toasted "To Ulfric Stormcloak, the true high king of Skyrim."

So that is lesbian elf princess the first. Orcs are elves.

1,608 posts

Orcs are elves

In the TES lore orcs are no elves and I looked it up and this is what uesp said.
"The Orcs were supposedly created when the Daedric Prince Boethiah defeated the Aldmeri god Trinimac, transforming him into Malacath and his faithful, the Orsimer, into Orcs."

But has any pc player had a bug that on a random morning your save game is corrupted. I started Skyrim, pressed load and everything was gone except one save game. I looked in the save map and every file except the working auto save was transformed into a new kind of file.
Really strange.
325 posts

In the TES lore orcs are no elves and I looked it up and this is what uesp said.
"The Orcs were supposedly created when the Daedric Prince Boethiah defeated the Aldmeri god Trinimac, transforming him into Malacath and his faithful, the Orsimer, into Orcs."

Actually, matter of fact, the orcs are elves or mer, hence the name orsimer. Mer. You can also tell through the pointy ears.

Also, Triminac was just a powerful Aldmeri warrior whom was eaten by Boethiah when he and the orsimer tried to stop the exodus of the chimer, who later became the dark elves, or dunmer. The the remains of triminac were transformed into the daedric prince known as Malacath, while the rest of the orsimer race were changed into the orcs we see today in TES.

The answer I'm giving you is actually shown in the quote you gave us.
15,595 posts

I play it on a PS3 and I haven't experienced any of that. Though I do only have one character and two-three save files. Not counting the auto-saves.

76 posts

just killed krosis and his dragon,need more cash to get smithing to 100 any advice?my smithing is currently at 75.

325 posts

I've tried deleting save files and games I no longer use....hopefully will help.

The Dark Brotherhood, the Thieves Guild, and the Companions are always a good source of coin. It takes more time, but you can also mine your own stuff.

Halted Stream Camp in Whiterun Hold has 19 iron veins.
Knifepoint Mine in Falkreath Hold has 19 corundum veins.
Bilegulch Mine in Falkreath Hold has 9 orichalcum viens.
Soljund's Sinkhole in The Reach Hold has 6 moonstone viens.
Quicksilver Mine in the Pale Hold has 6 quicksilver viens.
Steamscorch Mine in Eastmarch Hold has 7 malachite veins.
Gloombound Mine in Eastmarch Hold has 16 ebony viens.
Kolskeggr Mine in The Reach Hold has 17 gold veins.
Karthwasten in The Reach Hold has 8 silver veins.

Remember each vein yields 3 of that ore, but all except iron take two ore to create a bar.

I don't know what method you are using, but the best way to achieve 100 smithing is just to repeatedly smith iron daggers. Now, its easy and cheap to purchase iron ore/ingots and leather strips from blacksmiths.

If you're really hurting for money, there is the quests I mentioned earlier, smithing your stuff then selling, or enchanting then selling, and giants usually carry 100-200 septims if you're high enough level.

105 posts

Doing the Dark Brotherhood quests gives you a lot of money, but you also loose a lot of quest for all the people you have to kill.

76 posts

so should i join the dark brotherhood or not,by the way i got a way to earn cash craft iron daggers use soul trap on animals enchant the sell them i make a 70 gold profit per dagger.any advice i have an elven sword(epic) enchanted with flames any i have the moonstone needed to sharpen it but is says that i lack the required skill when i have it

76 posts

my pickpocketing is level 24 sneak is 26 so i think pickpocketing isnt an option,any spells i should buy or any weapons i should craft/enchant?

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