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883 posts

Let's make this the place on AG for anything and everything about Elder Scrolls 5! I'm so excited about it!

  • 1,122 Replies
3,517 posts

any spells i should buy or any weapons i should craft/enchant?

Maybe increase your destruction magika. Maybe buy more destruction spells. It's a lot more important than you think.
5,952 posts

watch this, it is very funny :P
and whats this talk about pickpocketing?

2,301 posts

Yeah, orcs ARE a race of mer in The Elder Scrolls... a race of corrupted elves. It's basically exactly like in Lord of the Rings. Speaking of orcs, am I the only one who finds orcs attractive? Everyone I talk to is all "They're skin's green and they have tusks and are all tall and muscular!" and I'm like *sigh* *blush* "Yeah..."

Maybe increase your destruction magika. Maybe buy more destruction spells. It's a lot more important than you think.
I don't follow. What's it important for? For using destruction, sure. In general, not really. It's only as important as you make it.

Money was never that much of a problem for me in Skyrim. I enchant stuff for most of my income... basically, just use all the soul gems you find on your travels... except black soul gems. It's not worth it.

So anyway, after my orc, I decided to make a character who was genetically superior. For some strange reason, I see them get a lot of hate, but I'm rather fond of the altmer. I spent a large amount of time crafting her racially superior face,including ten minutes of agonizing over black hair vs. strawberry blond. I eventually settled on strawberry blond. She's a sort of spellswordy build... uses all magic but conjuration, light armor and one handed weapons. She's fun. Married that merchant girl, Ysolda.

Backstory: Her mother wanted her to learn the noble arts of spellcraft and such, but she was fascinated by the tales of heroes with swords. So she spent years going to school and learning calligraphy, but instead of becoming a librarian like she her mother wanted, she absconded to Skyrim to chase her destiny. Haven't played her much: She's level 14, just got Dawnbreaker. I can't find any light armor better than my Forsworn armor, so she's been wearing that most of the game. If you think about it, it's actually quite impressive that I made it so far using only one hand.
5,129 posts

for good light armor at the begin and even till lvl 25/30
i suggest to join the thiefs guild and the dark brotherhood.
they will give you a nice set whit some extras enchanted on it. (mostly only good for the thief skills tho)

youve even got a backstory, i guess your 1 of the few that make the game extra intresting by just staying whit what the char. would do and not what you would do yourself or what the best option is.

ive got a nord that went to morrowind 20 years befor. to pry to vivec and handle some "business". now he has returned to skyrim and found his land broken in war and dragons. he went all nuts and always try's to joke around whit people. (sometimes going horrible wrong sofar. that i had to load because some jarl became pist at me xD (i had to choose something els then =( ))

531 posts

just killed krosis and his dragon,need more cash to get smithing to 100 any advice?my smithing is currently at 75.

Iron ingot + Leather strips + forge = Iron dagger = Easy smithing.

The merchant at every forge, that is, if you use a merchant's forge, will sell you what you need. Or get it yourself.


Silver ingot + forge = Silver ring (2) = easy smithing

Silver's not as easy to get as iron, but it's easy nevertheless.
9,504 posts

Silver's not as easy to get as iron, but it's easy nevertheless.

One of the starting caves around Whiterun, I believe it is Redoran's Retreat, contains a Transmutation spell that converts any raw iron ore into silver (and from silver to gold). This makes it very lucrative and easy to make gold rings, enchant them, and sell them to any mage peddler or pawnbroker. Considering you can grab iron right off the surface of the land....
5,129 posts

One of the starting caves around Whiterun, I believe it is Redoran's Retreat, contains a Transmutation spell that converts any raw iron ore into silver (and from silver to gold).

any idea how this "transmutation spell" is called?
9,821 posts

My only character so far is a Redguard. His entire life is defined by his neurotic need to be accepted by those around him, and so he tries his ****dest to do so. He's a Redguard, but through magic that I won't explain, he's made himself look like a Nord--blond hair, blue eyes, light skin. He craves their acceptance, and knowing the racism often present in Skyrim, hopes to walk among the Nords as one of them so as to feel wanted. He kills mercilessly to prove himself to others--Harbinger of the Companions, Arch-Mage of the College, Listener of the Dark Brotherhood. He learns skills from all three disciplines to widen his common ground with the average person, and he conspires to kill those who antagonize him. That really strikes a nerve. He obsessively hangs around Brynjolf because he wishes to be accepted fully into the Thieves Guild (which is partially why he frantically claims any unusual gem he finds). He refuses to join with the Legion or the Stormcloaks, because the public is split 50/50 and he won't be able to be loved by those on the other side. He's currently obsessed with joining the cannibals and all of the Daedric Shrines so they can love him too. He won't be satisfied until he does EVERYTHING--he cares not for moral character or set of values, only love.

Oh yeah, and he's level 23, uses one-handed, destruction, and light armor for combat, and has a mixture of skills from combat, magic, and stealth for the rest of his build. Currently I got a superior skyforge steel sword and the blade of woe as my weapons for dual-wielding, the adept-level destruction spells, and I'm mostly using the shrouded armor and Cicero's clothes (though I do mean to get the ancient shrouded armor and start using the arch-mage's robes for when I'm going magic up in this)

9,821 posts

Love from others, that is. He doesn't care about getting married or anything. He wants adulation and adoration, I guess--that kind of love.

1,676 posts

This game makes me want to speak in dragon language.

Dovahkiin ui almighty vur versel. Thric darastrix geou rinov intuil ekess jacida janik, vur shio geou qe gjahalla. Alduin, wer jennu treskri sonear jaciar, geou qe slain ini wer dovahkiin, vur jaci nishka qe thric throdenilt.

7 posts

Dovahkiin ui almighty vur versel. Thric darastrix geou rinov intuil ekess jacida janik, vur shio geou qe gjahalla. Alduin, wer jennu treskri sonear jaciar, geou qe slain ini wer dovahkiin, vur jaci nishka qe thric throdenilt.

translation: dragonborn is almighty and versatile. They're followers are brave, influential and eats junk-food, is it true for them. alduin, the evil lifeless no-good cackle, he is nothing but trouble.

9,504 posts

any idea how this "transmutation spell" is called?

The spell is called "Transmutate". And for correction of my earlier post: The location of the spell is in the cave of Halted Stream Camp, which should still be near Whiterun. Tolfdir at the Mage's College will sell it once you reach 50 in Alteration, and you can also grab the tome at Ansilvund, but it's much easier to just grab it inside Halted Stream Camp. The plus side to this is there is a handful of iron ore around the tome, plus several iron veins dotting the caves. If performed completely, you should walk out of that cave with about 30 something gold ores.
2,301 posts

So here's another fun topic: remember when I was talking about how altmer are genetically superior? That's because... they are. Altmer run faster, jump higher, and do more melee damage than any other race. An altmer with the same gear and skills as an orc warrior would be a better warrior than the orc. If you're super hardcore about maximizing melee damage, be an altmer unless you're gonna cheat and use the orc's daily power and call that your melee damage. But play races for concept, not stats. This is because altmer are the master race.

So now for the third lesbian elf princess: the really stupid one.

Dunmer assassin type thing. Uses sneak (has the Assassin's Blade perk), one handed weapons, illusion, conjuration and destruction. This is my &quotsycho killer" character... she's in the process of murdering her way across Skyrim for lulz. I'm doing the Dark Brotherhood with her... sometimes. For the most part, it's just knocking off innocent people and then fleeing the scene of the crime.

But despite not being a "real character", she has a backstory... and a meta-backstory. Which is dumber? Hard to tell. First, meta: This is a legacy character from Oblivion, and she was more fun in Oblivion. She was a bright red Imperial, who used illusion, blades, arrows, conjuration destruction, acrobatics and I think sneak. Notice no block or armor. I used acrobatics to dodge and wore normal clothes. It was epic. She was a psycho killer then too... liked to start fights with illusion magic. I reasoned that she was some type of daedra from the Deadlands of Mehrunes Dagon. Most epic moment: hunted down and killed the three brothers of Three Brothers Trade Goods.

In Skyrim, her backstory goes like this: a plucky young dunmer adventurer was captured by bandits. It happens. For some reason, they were gonna feed her to lions or something. As she walked to her death, a daedroth appeared to her. It said it would save her life, on one condition.
"What do you want?" the dunmer whispered.
"Your body." the daedroth replied.
"Well, I'm flattered, but this isn't really the time... and I don't really swing that way..." the elf began.
"Not like that, moron." the daedroth corrected her haughtily. So the daedroth detailed its offer. It would somehow let her live or set her free or whatever, but it would take her body, and use it as a medium through which to unleash wanton destruction on Mundus. Somehow the elf got to live with... maybe someone else's body, or something?

Meanwhile, the deadroth is free to do whatever. Like marry that alchemist from the Dark Brotherhood quest... and kill everypony else.

Daedroth is the singular form of daedra, but daedra is often used in the singular sense.

3,517 posts

run faster, jump higher

Maaaaaaaan. #<3LonelyIsland

So now for the third lesbian elf princess: the really stupid one.

All lesbians are stupid.

And for that party thing in Thalmore, am I supposed to be chased by guards?
7 posts

altmer are genetically superior

altmer can be fun, but i like more of a challenge.
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