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Story:It was A massive war against the races there were The Elves,The Orcs and Dwarfs villages pillaged citys burnd to ground people slaughterd war started when Orcs get new leader some powerful wizard who was exiled from Human empire because involvin in Dark and Blood magick after 7 years of war Orcs capture capital city of Elves and take book of one of most powerful wizard in history orc shamans use that book to open some kind of portal in Elves capital and relise one inprisoned race Demons and their leader Baal orcs try to make aliance with them but Demons betrey them and kill every orc and elf in city soon after that they form small Country and their streinght grow every day,elves race is brought almost to extinction most of Eves are killed and they make their last stand in Brecilian forest and they are under nonstop attack of Orcs and Deamons in masiv race war Dwarfs had big success and they started wining but when demons was relised they invaded Dwarven underground Empire and destored most of Dwarfen citys and former empire is in ruins Human empire didnt involved in War when Emeror of Human empire wend misin civil war started in The Human empire emeror was last saw in in capital city where great plague is killed many people humans send many expeditions nad helers to capital but nobody returned and there are rumors that at night you could hear screams and strange voices from city some people say that Emeror of Human empire always wanted to beacome immortal and that he was involved in many experiments and Black magick and that he formed packt with some powerful Spirit that give him immortalty.


Gender:Male or Female
Weapon:I decide
Armor:I decide
Inventory:I decide
Bio:Make it a longer
Perk:I get from bio
Race:Chose any Race
Class:I decide

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Name: Neolvin
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Weapon: Magic Staff, Spell Book, Dagger
Armor: Cloth armor
Condition: Fine
Inventory: [Empty]
Bio: I grew up in a small Elven village, where from an early age the powers of Elven magic were taught to me. Over time, I have become a powerful Elven sorcerer, and am a key player in the resistance against the Orcish and Demonic onslaughts.
Perk: Experienced - Very powerful mage with huge experience
Race: Elven
Description: Thin, but muscular, and about 5'11". Tan-ish skin with distinct Elvin features (pointed ears, angled facial features, etc.).
Class: Mage

Maybe not the wisest decision, but I must keep going on. The message needs to be delivered. I try to use some cloaking magic to conceal me along my journey.

2,188 posts

Ppl i dont have much free space right now but expect post today or tomorow

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