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Story:It was A massive war against the races there were The Elves,The Orcs and Dwarfs villages pillaged citys burnd to ground people slaughterd war started when Orcs get new leader some powerful wizard who was exiled from Human empire because involvin in Dark and Blood magick after 7 years of war Orcs capture capital city of Elves and take book of one of most powerful wizard in history orc shamans use that book to open some kind of portal in Elves capital and relise one inprisoned race Demons and their leader Baal orcs try to make aliance with them but Demons betrey them and kill every orc and elf in city soon after that they form small Country and their streinght grow every day,elves race is brought almost to extinction most of Eves are killed and they make their last stand in Brecilian forest and they are under nonstop attack of Orcs and Deamons in masiv race war Dwarfs had big success and they started wining but when demons was relised they invaded Dwarven underground Empire and destored most of Dwarfen citys and former empire is in ruins Human empire didnt involved in War when Emeror of Human empire wend misin civil war started in The Human empire emeror was last saw in in capital city where great plague is killed many people humans send many expeditions nad helers to capital but nobody returned and there are rumors that at night you could hear screams and strange voices from city some people say that Emeror of Human empire always wanted to beacome immortal and that he was involved in many experiments and Black magick and that he formed packt with some powerful Spirit that give him immortalty.


Gender:Male or Female
Weapon:I decide
Armor:I decide
Inventory:I decide
Bio:Make it a longer
Perk:I get from bio
Race:Chose any Race
Class:I decide

  • 122 Replies
16,287 posts

Name: Kig' Sul "Kig"
Bio:Lived in a small lake off off the edge of orcish lands his family and whole tribe lived there and stole the occasional human warrior or traveler for sacrifices. It gave them a bit of notoriety though, so much so that eventually there was an expedition to find what was at the lake, all were killed except for a few who ran off and tell the local lord. he personally came out to ensure the destruction of his tribe and the few who survived the attack scattered amongst the lands to wander as travelers like the ones they once picked off for rituals.
Perk:I get from bio
Description:5'11", dull green skin, large yellow eyes, sharp teeth (like a shark, dulled to make him less scary to others), a large gold pendant of the fish god, Sekolah
Class:I decide

pick up his weapon and some dirt (what is his weapon i'm picking up)

2,157 posts

Name: Neolvin
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Weapon: Magic Staff, Spell Book, Dagger
Armor: Cloth armor
Condition: Fine
Inventory: [Empty]
Bio: I grew up in a small Elven village, where from an early age the powers of Elven magic were taught to me. Over time, I have become a powerful Elven sorcerer, and am a key player in the resistance against the Orcish and Demonic onslaughts.
Perk: Experienced - Very powerful mage with huge experience
Race: Elven
Description: Thin, but muscular, and about 5'11". Tan-ish skin with distinct Elvin features (pointed ears, angled facial features, etc.).
Class: Mage

"Alright. I can lay concealment spells around us so we won't be caught. Where are the two soldiers?"

2,188 posts

Name: Kig' Sul "Kig"
Bio:Lived in a small lake off off the edge of orcish lands his family and whole tribe lived there and stole the occasional human warrior or traveler for sacrifices. It gave them a bit of notoriety though, so much so that eventually there was an expedition to find what was at the lake, all were killed except for a few who ran off and tell the local lord. he personally came out to ensure the destruction of his tribe and the few who survived the attack scattered amongst the lands to wander as travelers like the ones they once picked off for rituals.
Perk:I get from bio
Description:5'11", dull green skin, large yellow eyes, sharp teeth (like a shark, dulled to make him less scary to others), a large gold pendant of the fish god, Sekolah
Class:I decide

Guard drop a long spear you take it and dome dirt whats your next action

2,188 posts

Name: Neolvin
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Weapon: Magic Staff, Spell Book, Dagger
Armor: Cloth armor
Condition: Fine
Inventory: [Empty]
Bio: I grew up in a small Elven village, where from an early age the powers of Elven magic were taught to me. Over time, I have become a powerful Elven sorcerer, and am a key player in the resistance against the Orcish and Demonic onslaughts.
Perk: Experienced - Very powerful mage with huge experience
Race: Elven
Description: Thin, but muscular, and about 5'11". Tan-ish skin with distinct Elvin features (pointed ears, angled facial features, etc.).
Class: Mage

You caste a spell now you are camuflaged but still you can be seend you and 2 solders start walikng quietly after 1 hour of walking you found orc ambush party its look like they set up camp near ambush point one solder suggested that we should sabotate and attack orcs and other solder suggested to returno to commander What are you going to do?

16,287 posts

Name: Kig' Sul "Kig"
Bio:Lived in a small lake off off the edge of orcish lands his family and whole tribe lived there and stole the occasional human warrior or traveler for sacrifices. It gave them a bit of notoriety though, so much so that eventually there was an expedition to find what was at the lake, all were killed except for a few who ran off and tell the local lord. he personally came out to ensure the destruction of his tribe and the few who survived the attack scattered amongst the lands to wander as travelers like the ones they once picked off for rituals.
Perk:I get from bio
Description:5'11", dull green skin, large yellow eyes, sharp teeth (like a shark, dulled to make him less scary to others), a large gold pendant of the fish god, Sekolah
Class:I decide

throw the dirt in his eyes and spear him, quickly hide the bodies and see if any of the armor fits me and block the exit

1,126 posts

Name: Rikeer
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Weapon:Broken Crossbow,Bow,Small shield,One Handed Sword
Armor:Light Iron Armor
Condition: Fine
Inventory:130 gold
Bio: As sharp as a hawk, he is well trained with a bow, crossbow, and other ranged weapons. Although he mainly works with weapons that he can hold in his hands he can mount heavy artillery fairly well. His main goal is to and train arm himself with the most powerful range weapons, so he starts himself a life as a mercenary, slowly increasing his wealth and fame.
Perk:Ranged Expert-Very experienced ranged soldier he is very good with every type of ranged weapon from throwing knifes to heaviest artillery
Race: Human
Description: Slim 5'8" with frizzled black hair
Team:5 Mercenaries

"We could make quite a fortune with this loot," I say with a brightened attitude,"however, we have lost a man and respect his sacrifice."Now, try to carry a light load and be careful of any cursed object you encounter," I advised," we don't know may come next with these demons." I carefully remove the glove from the demon and load my pack lightly with the most expensive items and lead the way back outside.

3,426 posts

Name: Bluydeth
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Weapon: I decide
Armor: I decide
Condition: Fine
Inventory:I decide
Bio: A werewolf bitten at birth, he was stuck in his transformation for all his life. He was shunned by everyone else in his village as everyone regarded him with disgust. So one day, he massacred everyone, wrote on the walls with their blood Bluydeth, and then kept going on psychotic rampages at other villages.
Perk: I get from bio
Race: Worgen
Description: 7" 5 with brown fur streaked with unknown red lines.
Class: I decide

2,188 posts

Name: Kig' Sul "Kig"
Bio:Lived in a small lake off off the edge of orcish lands his family and whole tribe lived there and stole the occasional human warrior or traveler for sacrifices. It gave them a bit of notoriety though, so much so that eventually there was an expedition to find what was at the lake, all were killed except for a few who ran off and tell the local lord. he personally came out to ensure the destruction of his tribe and the few who survived the attack scattered amongst the lands to wander as travelers like the ones they once picked off for rituals.
Perk:I get from bio
Description:5'11", dull green skin, large yellow eyes, sharp teeth (like a shark, dulled to make him less scary to others), a large gold pendant of the fish god, Sekolah
Class:I decide

Yout throw dirt and blind him for a second you use that and kill him you take a body and quily hide it you just wanted to hide second body and then you remember that second solder run away to village so he will probably warn whole villagw What Are You Going to Do?

Name: Rikeer
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Weapon:Broken Crossbow,Bow,Small shield,One Handed Sword
Armor:Light Iron Armor
Condition: Fine
Inventory:130 gold,Demon Gloves,15 diamonds
Bio: As sharp as a hawk, he is well trained with a bow, crossbow, and other ranged weapons. Although he mainly works with weapons that he can hold in his hands he can mount heavy artillery fairly well. His main goal is to and train arm himself with the most powerful range weapons, so he starts himself a life as a mercenary, slowly increasing his wealth and fame.
Perk:Ranged Expert-Very experienced ranged soldier he is very good with every type of ranged weapon from throwing knifes to heaviest artillery
Race: Human
Description: Slim 5'8" with frizzled black hair
Team:4 Mercenaries

You and your team take all you can and continue with escaping from city,after 2 hour of walking thro cave and encountering some small demon resistence you get out of cave your found yourself into some forest you turn around and see capital miles away from you and on the other side you saw one big human city one of your friend say "its look like we are near elves-human border whe could ret and sell this diamonds there" What Are you going to do?

Name: Bluydeth
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Weapon:Razor Sharp Teeth and Claws
Condition: Fine
Inventory:1250 gold
Bio: A werewolf bitten at birth, he was stuck in his transformation for all his life. He was shunned by everyone else in his village as everyone regarded him with disgust. So one day, he massacred everyone, wrote on the walls with their blood Bluydeth, and then kept going on psychotic rampages at other villages.
Perk:Human Hater:Got bonus when fight humans
Race: Worgen
Description: 7" 5 with brown fur streaked with unknown red lines.

Its a night full moon and you are very angry on villagers you turn into werwof and kill evry human in the village man,woman or chld it dosent mater now you loot found 1250 gold and burn village and go into local forest two days later local lord heard about that "incident" and send one small army of 40 men but more you kill stronger you get lord leave you for some time and then Monster hunters come Witchers they are a elite warriors usually work alone they are very expensive so expect tough fight,One day you where walking forest looking for pray whn suddenly big pain in your leg you look down and saw that you where hit by arow what are you going yo do?

1,126 posts

Name: Rikeer
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Weapon:Broken Crossbow,Bow,Small shield,One Handed Sword
Armor:Light Iron Armor
Condition: Fine
Inventory:130 gold,Demon Gloves,15 diamonds
Bio: As sharp as a hawk, he is well trained with a bow, crossbow, and other ranged weapons. Although he mainly works with weapons that he can hold in his hands he can mount heavy artillery fairly well. His main goal is to and train arm himself with the most powerful range weapons, so he starts himself a life as a mercenary, slowly increasing his wealth and fame.
Perk:Ranged Expert-Very experienced ranged soldier he is very good with every type of ranged weapon from throwing knifes to heaviest artillery
Race: Human
Description: Slim 5'8" with frizzled black hair
Team:4 Mercenaries

Obviously I wouldn't do the best option he told me[*sarcasm*]. "Yes, of course we'll sell them and with our profit we'll hire some men and improve our supplies and equipment."

2,188 posts

Name: Rikeer
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Weapon:Broken Crossbow,Bow,Small shield,One Handed Sword
Armor:Light Iron Armor
Condition: Fine
Inventory:136130 gold,Demon Gloves,15 diamonds
Bio: As sharp as a hawk, he is well trained with a bow, crossbow, and other ranged weapons. Although he mainly works with weapons that he can hold in his hands he can mount heavy artillery fairly well. His main goal is to and train arm himself with the most powerful range weapons, so he starts himself a life as a mercenary, slowly increasing his wealth and fame.
Perk:Ranged Expert-Very experienced ranged soldier he is very good with every type of ranged weapon from throwing knifes to heaviest artillery
Race: Human
Description: Slim 5'8" with frizzled black hair
Team:4 Mercenaries

You start walkin toward human city you encountered some patrols on border but you enter Empire without any problem when you entered city first thing you do is go to inn and and rest next day you and your friend go to market to sell diamonds and other loot from cave you sell diamonds you get lucky and sell all diamonds on very hig prices you got 140 000 gold now you got alot of money you and your friends where drunk for days spending time in brothel or gambling you spended 4000 gold after all that fun you wanted to hire more man but your friends told you"With all this money we could open small mercenery company" What are you going to do?

16,287 posts

Name: Kig' Sul "Kig"
Bio:Lived in a small lake off off the edge of orcish lands his family and whole tribe lived there and stole the occasional human warrior or traveler for sacrifices. It gave them a bit of notoriety though, so much so that eventually there was an expedition to find what was at the lake, all were killed except for a few who ran off and tell the local lord. he personally came out to ensure the destruction of his tribe and the few who survived the attack scattered amongst the lands to wander as travelers like the ones they once picked off for rituals.
Perk:I get from bio
Description:5'11", dull green skin, large yellow eyes, sharp teeth (like a shark, dulled to make him less scary to others), a large gold pendant of the fish god, Sekolah
Class:I decide

theres no way he'll have an accurate description of me fear causes muddling of the mind, he'll probably call me a 20 foot shard or something and the villagers will find him crazy

so does the armor fit me, and i go in and find the lord and everyone

2,188 posts

Name: Kig' Sul "Kig"
Bio:Lived in a small lake off off the edge of orcish lands his family and whole tribe lived there and stole the occasional human warrior or traveler for sacrifices. It gave them a bit of notoriety though, so much so that eventually there was an expedition to find what was at the lake, all were killed except for a few who ran off and tell the local lord. he personally came out to ensure the destruction of his tribe and the few who survived the attack scattered amongst the lands to wander as travelers like the ones they once picked off for rituals.
Perk:I get from bio
Description:5'11", dull green skin, large yellow eyes, sharp teeth (like a shark, dulled to make him less scary to others), a large gold pendant of the fish god, Sekolah
Class:I decide

You try to put armor but it dosent fit you you go in direction where lord and workers go after 5 min of walking you found them you see Lord comanding workers where to dig workers look very tired and scared What are you going to do ?

16,287 posts

Name: Kig' Sul "Kig"
Bio:Lived in a small lake off off the edge of orcish lands his family and whole tribe lived there and stole the occasional human warrior or traveler for sacrifices. It gave them a bit of notoriety though, so much so that eventually there was an expedition to find what was at the lake, all were killed except for a few who ran off and tell the local lord. he personally came out to ensure the destruction of his tribe and the few who survived the attack scattered amongst the lands to wander as travelers like the ones they once picked off for rituals.
Perk:I get from bio
Description:5'11", dull green skin, large yellow eyes, sharp teeth (like a shark, dulled to make him less scary to others), a large gold pendant of the fish god, Sekolah
Class:I decide

i get as close as i can and take my best throw at the lord, then yell in my most commanding voice (i should still be in the dark) "you move you DIE"

1,126 posts

Name: Rikeer
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Weapon:Broken Crossbow,Bow,Small shield,One Handed Sword
Armor:Light Iron Armor
Condition: Fine
Inventory:136130 gold,Demon Gloves,15 diamonds
Bio: As sharp as a hawk, he is well trained with a bow, crossbow, and other ranged weapons. Although he mainly works with weapons that he can hold in his hands he can mount heavy artillery fairly well. His main goal is to and train arm himself with the most powerful range weapons, so he starts himself a life as a mercenary, slowly increasing his wealth and fame.
Perk:Ranged Expert-Very experienced ranged soldier he is very good with every type of ranged weapon from throwing knifes to heaviest artillery
Race: Human
Description: Slim 5'8" with frizzled black hair
Team:4 Mercenaries

"Alright, let's build us a big company, but spend too much of the money too quickly- invest wisely."

2,157 posts

Name: Neolvin
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Weapon: Magic Staff, Spell Book, Dagger
Armor: Cloth armor
Condition: Fine
Inventory: [Empty]
Bio: I grew up in a small Elven village, where from an early age the powers of Elven magic were taught to me. Over time, I have become a powerful Elven sorcerer, and am a key player in the resistance against the Orcish and Demonic onslaughts.
Perk: Experienced - Very powerful mage with huge experience
Race: Elven
Description: Thin, but muscular, and about 5'11". Tan-ish skin with distinct Elvin features (pointed ears, angled facial features, etc.).
Class: Mage

"I'm not high in command here. I don't know what the best plan is, so I'd say we should turn back and tell the commander."

Showing 76-90 of 122