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Any questions about Islam, ask it here?


  • 558 Replies
19 posts

I'm late but..... How was everybody's Eid? Anything special on that day?

232 posts

How was everybody's Eid? Anything special on that day?

Good. I hope it was good for everybody.

For people who are gonna ask what Eid is; Eid is a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan.

3,139 posts

To add to the "How was Eid?"

@Reiki000, did you fast?
I know it's optional, so just curious.

232 posts

First of all, give your answers in one whole.

sharaia law icludes quraan and hadeeths there are many matters quran is silent on like punishment of a gay etc

What the Qur'an says, is what the Prophet(pbuh) does. "there are many matters quran is silent on like punishment of a gay etc" is the most ridiculous thing I heard. If we must have punished gays, then God would surely say it. He doesn't, so there's no punishment. If God doesn't talk about a punishment, then there's no punishment(for that act).

�The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter;� [Surah Al-Maidah 5:33]. In Islam, a person who has committed blasphemy can either be killed or crucified, or his opposite hands and feet can be cut off, or he can be exiled from that land. On the other hand, in other religions there is no other option except capital punishment. Islam at least has four options of punishment for an act of blasphemy.

The 'land' signifies either the country or territory wherein the responsibility of establishing law and order has been undertaken by an Islamic state. The expression 'to wage war against Allah and His Messenger' denotes war against the righteous order established by the Islamic state. It is God's purpose, and it is for this very purpose that God sent His Messengers, that a righteous order of life be established on earth; an order that would provide peace and security to everything found on earth; an order under whose benign shadow humanity would be able to attain its perfection; an order under which the resources of the earth would be exploited in a manner conducive to man's progress and prosperity rather than to his ruin and destruction. If anyone tried to disrupt such an order, whether on a limited scale by committing murder and destruction and robbery and brigandry or on a large scale by attempting to overthrow that order and establish some unrighteous order instead, he would in fact be guilty of waging war against God and His Messenger.

All this is not unlike the situation where someone tries to overthrow the established government in a country. Such a person will be convicted of 'waging war against the state' even though his actual action may have been directed against an ordinary policeman in some remote part of the country, and irrespective of how remote the sovereign himself is from him.

So, someone who starts war against in Islamic State can be killed, otherwise not. I'm sorry but I really wonder how you(or they) came up on the idea that a blasphemer should be killed, crucified etc. It just sounds stupid.

232 posts

@Reiki000, did you fast?
I know it's optional, so just curious.

Sure I did.

19 posts

Sure I did.

Wait... we were supposed to fast for Eid?

3,139 posts

Wait... we were supposed to fast for Eid?

Not for Eid, during Ramadan?
19 posts

Not for Eid, during Ramadan?

LOL, i knew that!

But yes, most Muslims fast. Call me crazy but I miss fasting. Its kind of a pain but a great feeling after and it brings my family together so got to love that.

I'd actually recommend fasting to anyone, even those without religion.

1,747 posts

What do the Muslims think about Jesus? What did he do?

19 posts

What do the Muslims think about Jesus? What did he do?

We believe he was a prophet, nothing more than a human being, who has come with a message to a group of people. He performed miracles, but was not independent of it. By the willing of God he performed them. He was the child of Mariam and all that.

What is also different from Christian views is that he was no part involved with the trinity, which the Quran constantly reminds us that he has no other partner or part of him and spoils the whole monotheistic belief. We also don't believe he was crucified, but switched from a friend who betrayed him and acted wrong. Like any other prophet, we love him, but believe that the book that was brought from him was corrupt... So the Quran was sent to make it right.

That's pretty much it Reiki000 or Armed Blade will see if I missed anything.

1,826 posts

What the Qur'an says, is what the Prophet(pbuh) does. "there are many matters quran is silent on like punishment of a gay etc" is the most ridiculous thing I heard. If we must have punished gays, then God would surely say it. He doesn't, so there's no punishment.

this matter is controversial but god killed loots people for this
and eid mubarak
19 posts

this matter is controversial but god killed loots people for this
and eid mubarak

Yes there was a punishment for that time, but it mentions no punishment for gays that an Islamic State must carry out, everybody else who commits this will only be judged by their Lord.

232 posts

What do the Muslims think about Jesus? What did he do?

Jesus(pbuh), son of Mary. One of the important Prophets in Islam. A whole chapter in the Qur'an about him and his mother. He was a Prophet and he's the Messiah. He was sent to the Children of Israel to guide them with a new scripture, the Gospel.

We believe that Jesus will return to earth near the day of judgment to restore justice and to defeat Masih ad-Dajjal ("the false messiah", also known as the Antichrist).

Like all prophets in Islam, Jesus is considered to have been a Muslim (i.e., one who submits to the will of God), as he preached that his followers should adopt the "straight path" as commanded by God.

Islam rejects the Christian view that Jesus was God incarnate or the son of God, that he was ever crucified or resurrected, or that he ever atoned for the sins of mankind.

The Qur'an says that Jesus himself never claimed any of these things, and it furthermore indicates that Jesus will deny having ever claimed divinity at the Last Judgment, and God will vindicate him.

The Qur'an emphasizes that Jesus was a mortal human being who, like all other prophets, had been divinely chosen to spread God's message. Islamic texts forbid the association of partners with God, emphasizing a strict notion of monotheism.

1,482 posts

I know it's optional, so just curious.

Whoa, hold up. Just wanted to address this. Where did you learn that it was optional? I'm quite sure that it is not optional to fast during Ramadan, it's a pillar of Islam. [Of course, unless you're poor, starving, hungry, sick, or anything else that impedes your abilities to fast without actually harming yourself].
I've never heard of it being optional during the month of Ramadan.

As for Eid, you aren't supposed to fast. That defies the point. Most people that skipped/missed/broke their fasts for whatever reasons opt to fast following Ramadan or in other parts of the year.

Yes there was a punishment for that time, but it mentions no punishment for gays that an Islamic State must carry out, everybody else who commits this will only be judged by their Lord.

Exactly! It was said that it happened then!
^ This is my reasoning for why Sharia law does not 'dictate' anything, aside from the community laws actually prescribed in the Qur'an and extremely respectable Sunnah. But again, that's just my view.

Oh and -- did you know? In Islam, it's Sunnah to smile. So we do support happiness.
19 posts

Exactly! It was said that it happened then!

Yea I had to explain this to a lot of "Muslims" who seemed to never even pick up a Qur'an.

This is my reasoning for why Sharia law does not 'dictate' anything, aside from the community laws actually prescribed in the Qur'an and extremely respectable Sunnah.

Care to explain this again? I'm not picking up sorry.

In Islam, it's Sunnah to smile. So we do support happiness.


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