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Any questions about Islam, ask it here?


  • 558 Replies
9,462 posts

Why did Allah wait all those billions of years before revealing his divine truth with the Qur'an?

Why would Allah allow people to use his divine words fro such cruelty?

Why would he allow it to be worded in a way that would allow for people to even remotely get the impression that the barbaric cruel acts committed in his name was what he wanted?

1,482 posts

Care to explain this again? I'm not picking up sorry.

Oh, I meant 'Extremely Respectable Hadith'. Total failure there.

What I mean is, some people say 'Sharia says this and Sharia says that'.
The truth of the matter is that there is no book or something like a constitution that says what Sharia law dictates to Muslims.
So making Sharia law is all about interpretation. Obviously the groundwork is anything the Qur'an says, but then the rest is interpretation of the Qur'an and Hadith.

For example: Some nations have made it law to require women to completely cover themselves, because their version of Sharia has been interpreted in a way that the theocratic leaders or Imams feel that the Qur'an + Hadith are asking that women within the country must do this.
But in other nations that use Sharia law, this is not law.

Sharia law is entirely open to interpretation/change, aside from some of the fundamental groundwork it gets from the Qur'an and very respectable Hadith. [And some people don't even buy into Hadith, so even more interpretation open]


Why would Allah allow people to use his divine words fro such cruelty?

We've got free will. What's to stop us from doing crap without the Qur'an? Nothing. What's to stop us from screwing with the words from his book? Nothing.

Why would he allow it to be worded in a way that would allow for people to even remotely get the impression that the barbaric cruel acts committed in his name was what he wanted?

We have free will. Any uneducated, raging lunatic can get insane ideas off of texts/documents. A lot of people in rural parts of Afghanistan receive only Islamic education, -- that plus falling bombs plus fake muslims with only political objectives = terrorist.

Why did Allah wait all those billions of years before revealing his divine truth with the Qur'an?

Well, the first few billion because we weren't here yet? And the last bit because he tried with the Bible and Torah first?
I'm not exactly sure what you meant by that one.

Btw, Mage, did you transition here because the Christianity thread died?
9,462 posts

Well, the first few billion because we weren't here yet? And the last bit because he tried with the Bible and Torah first?
I'm not exactly sure what you meant by that one.

Even with out the Bible and Torah we are still left with thousands of years without anything.

Btw, Mage, did you transition here because the Christianity thread died?

No I just happened to watch a video where someone explained how they went from being a Muslim to an atheist and while I was watching those questions popped in my head.
1,482 posts

Even with out the Bible and Torah we are still left with thousands of years without anything.

Besides previous prophets.
It's not as if the book drops down with the words. His message was probably played out repeatedly to the number of prophets he listed, except only in the middle east did someone think to scribble it down. That preservation didn't work out to well, and eventually the Qur'an did.
232 posts

Why did Allah wait all those billions of years before revealing his divine truth with the Qur'an?

In Islam, Propet Adam(pbuh) was the first human being, so around 200,000 years. So, forget these other billions of years.

Why would Allah allow people to use his divine words fro such cruelty?

Why would he allow it to be worded in a way that would allow for people to even remotely get the impression that the barbaric cruel acts committed in his name was what he wanted?

Humans can do whatever they want from God(on earth).

Even with out the Bible and Torah we are still left with thousands of years without anything.

According to one Hadith there is Aprox 240,000 Prophets(pbut). The exact number is not in the Quran however the Quran does state that there was sent a Prophet for each nation.

So there was never a time when there were no prophets.

1,627 posts

Sorry if this was asked already, but is it a crime punishable by death to blaspheme against Muhammed like many Islamic countries consider it to be?

232 posts

is it a crime punishable by death to blaspheme against Muhammed like many Islamic countries consider it to be?

What do you mean with blaspheme? Curse him?

1,627 posts

Curse him?

Yes, and insult him in general.
232 posts

Ok then.

is it a crime punishable by death to blaspheme against Muhammed like many Islamic countries consider it to be?

No it's not. Why would it? Nowhere in the Qur'an does it say to kill someone who insults Prophet Muhammed(pbuh). Let stand the Prophet, you can't kill a blasphemer. People refer to 9:12 but that's just BS. Taken out of context.

In summary, no.

3,139 posts

I know it's Wiki and all, but what does this mean then?

A blasphemer who violates the "right of Man" must seek forgiveness from the person insulted. In the case of an insult to Muhammad, the Muslim community is considered to be under an obligation to avenge the insult because the possibility of forgiveness expired upon the death of Muhammad

1,482 posts

Actually, Jefferysinspiration, Wiki was right.

Your quote is the product of this. [The second sentence in the same article you pointed out]

The Quran and the hadith do not speak about blasphemy.[2] Jurists created the offence, and they made it part of Sharia.[2]

It is tough to separate the BS Sharia laws made by random Jurists from actual Islam.
There wouldn't be any point in Islam if the religion was forced upon everyone. The idea is willful submission/acceptance. Talk bad about anyone you want. I can't guarantee people won't get pissed and jump you in the middle of say, Pakistan if you try to do that, but any sort of blasphemy law in any country is madly contradictory with the religion itself.
I assume countries do it to preserve Islamic culture within their nation. Rulers are probably afraid of decentralized religion that we see in the west. [Also accompanied by terrible church attendance and what-not].
3,139 posts

Maybe i should have read the full article :P

I personally think Sharia law can be way to extreme.

232 posts

I know it's Wiki and all, but what does this mean then?

The first part is true; "A blasphemer who violates the "right of Man" must seek forgiveness from the person insulted." But the rest is just BS. And as Armed Blade said, the Qur'an and the hadith do not speak about blasphemy. Jurists created the offence, and they made it part of Sharia.

I personally think Sharia law can be way to extreme.

What is Sharia law for you? What do you know about it etc.?

879 posts

What is Sharia law for you? What do you know about it etc.?

100 lashes for adultery is extreme. Chopping off one's hand for theft is also extreme. I know that these two punishments only apply under certain circumstances (because we discussed it) but it's still extreme, no matter what.
3,139 posts

What is Sharia law for you? What do you know about it etc.?

I know the general things - what we're taught at univeristy.
And as my father lives in Indonesia i've seen it be executed.

What is it for me? - In some cases, horrible. There was a case in indo where a man got six public floggings, a fine and si months in prison for breaking fast.

Whereas on another island in indonesia, a man murdered someone and got three months.

Justice eh.
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