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Any questions about Islam, ask it here?


  • 558 Replies
19 posts

hats not simple and not true... its like saying that if you put a lion and a human in a cage eventually they will fall for each other. doesnt matter how much you are around something, you wont sudently like it. for example: doest matter how many bananas you will eat you will still hate them if you never liked them.

Have you ever known people from jail? Some men are so sexually starved that they turned to homosexuality to please them. Of course, if a human being, especially a male, is sexually starved, they will act to satisfy this want. They even sometimes turn to gang rapes to satisfy themselves.

And if you do put a human in a cage with an animal and sexually starved, and its an experiment, even then there will be a percentage that will engage.... *throws up*.... that will do this. There's even a "sexuality" for this I believe.

19 posts

Also, I'm still not pretty sure its natural or not, right I do think its more effected by outside influences and your sexual likes. Even though there are countless experiments done for this, I dont think that there is a definate defining experiment to suggest that homosexuality is "in your genes."

I also don't believe in experiments about genes today. The fact is there are great mysteries about our bodies, especially genetics which modern science is everyday discovering new things everyday.

879 posts

Also, I'm still not pretty sure its natural or not, right I do think its more effected by outside influences and your sexual likes. Even though there are countless experiments done for this, I dont think that there is a definate defining experiment to suggest that homosexuality is "in your genes."

I'll say it again: I recommend you to read this.
19 posts

I'll say it again: I recommend you to read this.

Yes very interesting link and I have seen this before. However, what about this study.

Basically, the study that you have given me plans out and gives reason if the gay gene existed. However, does not show evidence for a gay gene on the so called Xq28 chromosome.

But thats going off topic. I really dont want to start another huge debate about this. But I still dont believe in a gay gene.

Nonetheless, my religion teaches me to respect everyone with respect including homosexuals. Even though they are not allowed to practice marriage or sex in an Islamic state, their problem is between them and God. As to say "if" there is a gay gene, I can not explain why God had done this since I am not God. My guess is that it is a test or a Jihad.

19 posts

Sorry for the grammar mistakes, I'm in a rush!

3,085 posts

On the subject of the supposed 'Gay gene' - here's a study from 1993 about the linkage between x28 and male sexual orientation.

my religion teaches me to respect everyone with respect including homosexuals. Even though they are not allowed to practice marriage or sex in an Islamic state,

Your religion obviously doesn't teach respect well enough when it takes away so many rights from homosexuals that it freely allows heterosexuals to have.
5,129 posts

what does it matter if some1 wants to be gay?
aslong they are not going to be very annoying about it and not hit on hetro people. then what actualy does it matter?
just let them have their life as they want. if they are happy that way. no problem.

3,371 posts

I kinda agree with Avorne. If your religon respects them they'll allow them to practice their homosexuality. But you say it doesn't allow them to practice their sexuality and so it's not respecting it.

19 posts

Yet again the link of the chromosome was again a false warning. (the website needs you to sign up if you want the full article). If you were to really detect the gay gene, you would need to use very modern DNA microarry technology inorder to find it, but so far i have not seen it and many gene linkage is either baised or simply false. We can go on and on throwing links at each other, but for the sake of staying on topic, I wont answer anything about this any more.

Your religion obviously doesn't teach respect well enough when it takes away so many rights from homosexuals that it freely allows heterosexuals to have.

Well we actually do have great respect and love for each other, the Prophet Muhammad phuh taught me tolerance and love for one another, even of the transgressors like gays. As for denying the gay marriage, that is the order of God. That is it, its final. He told us not to do something, therefore, it is not permissible.

Why he had done it? I really dont know, and I cant go against it. For gay muslims, it is a great Jihad for them, again i say it to deny sexual desires and do what God tells them and there will be a great reward for them.

19 posts

first sentence "warning" should be "experiment" sorry

PS: I will also be gone for a week, I will not see this in a long time. Continue to ask Reiki000 questions and i will give you an answer your response when i get back.

Salam to you all.

5,340 posts

aslong they are not going to be very annoying about it and not hit on hetro people. then what actualy does it matter

i agree for what you said except for that. you cant know if someone is gay or streight by just looking. we dont have signs on our foreheads. if someone hits on you like that you should feel flattered and EASILY reject.

and for flyguy, i dont think its right that god would test only some people like that. he lets some people have a normal life and he dooms others to reject their own feeling/suffer from hatred/go to hell.
5,340 posts

oh and also i actually do have an example from real life XP. it was pretty disturbing though. 3 DIFFERENT dogs with WONDERFUL life tried to... well you know to do what to me. 2 of them are male and one female. ive never seen the 2 males try it on anybody else (no other humans and no other GIRLS oh and no other dogs either).

it WAS disturbing XD anyway sorry for double posting

232 posts

Being or becoming homosexual because of the environment is not "natural". It's the same like the Chineese people do. Letting Pandas watch po** and letting them have sex after, so these Chineese guys can film it. So, I don't think it's natural.

A bit too much off-topic. Anybody questions about Islam? "is it true that...?" questions maybe.


232 posts

Going on with debunking Contradictions.

9) Will all Christians go to hell?

"Pagans indeed are those who say that God is the Messiah, son of Mary. The Messiah himself said, "O Children of Israel, you shall worship God; my Lord and your Lord." Anyone who sets up any idol beside God, God has forbidden Paradise for him, and his destiny is Hell. The wicked have no helpers. Pagans indeed are those who say that God is a third of a trinity. There is no god except the one god. Unless they refrain from saying this, those who disbelieve among them will incur a painful retribution. Would they not repent to God, and ask His forgiveness? God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. The Messiah, son of Mary, is no more than a messenger like the messengers before him, and his mother was a saint. Both of them used to eat the food. Note how we explain the revelations for them, and note how they still deviate! Say, "Would you worship beside God powerless idols who can neither harm you, nor benefit you? God is Hearer, Omniscient."(Qur'an 5:72-76)"

In John 20:17, we see that Jesus taught that he was neither God, nor the son of God. Many theologians have concluded, after careful research, that today's Christianity is not the same Christianity taught by Jesus.

Two outstanding books on this subject are ``The Myth of God Incarnate'' (The Westminster Press, Philadelphia, 1977) and The ``Mythmaker'' (Harper & Row, New York, 1986).

On the front jacket of ``The Mythmaker'' we read the following statement:

"...Hyam Maccoby presents new arguments to support the view that Paul, not Jesus, was the founder of was Paul alone who created a new religion through his vision of Jesus as a divine Saviour who died to save humanity."

"Surely, those who believe, those who are Jewish, the Christians, and the converts; anyone who (1) believes in(One) God, and (2) believes in the Last Day, and (3) leads a righteous life, will receive their recompense from their Lord. They have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.(Qur'an 2:62)"

Believe in One God, believe in the Last Day, and lead a righteous life, and "the chance" to go to Heaven will be higher for you. Again, no contradiction.

10) Does Muhammad ask for a fee?

"You should know that if you gain any spoils in war, one-fifth shall go to God and the messenger, to be given to the relatives, the orphans, the poor, and the traveling alien. You will do this if you believe in God and in what we revealed to our servant on the day of decision, the day the two armies clashed. God is Omnipotent.(Qur'an 8:41)"

Beautiful right? Oh, and did you know that the Prophet(pbuh), when he died, he had nothing left for his children. No money, nothing. Only some clothes, and that's it. What did you think? That he asked money, so he would spend it for himself? Sure not.

"Cite for them the example of people in a community that received the messengers. When we sent to them two (messengers), they disbelieved them. We then supported them by a third. They said, "We are (God's) messengers to you." They said, "You are no more than human beings like us. The Most Gracious did not send down anything. You are liars." They said, "Our Lord knows that we have been sent to you.
"Our sole mission is to deliver the message." They said, "We consider you bad omens. Unless you refrain, we will surely stone you, or afflict you with painful retribution." They said, "Your omen depends on your response, now that you have been reminded. Indeed, you are transgressing people." A man came from the other end of the city, saying, "O my people, follow the messengers. "Follow those who do not ask you for any wage, and are guided. "Why should I not worship the One who initiated me, and to Him is your ultimate return? "Shall I set up beside Him gods? If the Most Gracious willed any harm for me, their intercession cannot help me one bit, nor can they rescue me.
"In that case, I would be totally astray. "I have believed in your Lord; please listen to me."(Qur'an 36:13-25)"

Again no contradiction.


285 posts

im a muslim too i take religon everyday at school i just dont everyone saying muslims are islamists theres nothing wrong with it its pretty much the same as the bible

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