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Any questions about Islam, ask it here?


  • 558 Replies
8,257 posts

In Qur'an 5:72-76, there's a mistake; christians are called pagans although pagan religions are non-abrahamic; sometimes the word 'agan' was even used to qualify non-religious people. ("Pagans indeed are those who say that God is a third of a trinity. ")
I suppose this is because of the translation; if not, it's inaccurate.
Derived from that, a question: do those who do not set up any idol, still go to hell if they do not believe in your god?("Anyone who sets up any idol beside God, God has forbidden Paradise for him, and his destiny is Hell.")

Believe in One God, believe in the Last Day, and lead a righteous life, and "the chance" to go to Heaven will be higher for you. Again, no contradiction.

So the chance is higher. But are all three still necessary conditions, or can someone who fulfills only one, say, leads a good life, still has a chance?
5,340 posts

that makes me think. what about the poor people in the more distant places in the world. those tribes usually have their own religion (or no religion at all) but since they are so dintinct from the world they probably dont even know that other religions exist. if they dont know that how are they supposed to convert into the "right" religion? in that way of thinking they are doomed to go to hell from the day they were born

232 posts

that makes me think. what about the poor people in the more distant places in the world. those tribes usually have their own religion (or no religion at all) but since they are so dintinct from the world they probably dont even know that other religions exist. if they dont know that how are they supposed to convert into the "right" religion? in that way of thinking they are doomed to go to hell from the day they were born

Many scholars say, that these people will directly go to Heaven. Other say that, these people will get another test in the Hereafter.

232 posts

In Qur'an 5:72-76, there's a mistake; christians are called pagans although pagan religions are non-abrahamic; sometimes the word 'agan' was even used to qualify non-religious people. ("Pagans indeed are those who say that God is a third of a trinity. &quot
I suppose this is because of the translation; if not, it's inaccurate.
Derived from that, a question: do those who do not set up any idol, still go to hell if they do not believe in your god?("Anyone who sets up any idol beside God, God has forbidden Paradise for him, and his destiny is Hell.&quot

What's meant there is the following; Christians talk about the Holy Trinity. Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. It's a bit off-topic, but, isn't the Son of a God, a God too? Or a half God? So, it's not 100% monotheistic, but more like a polytheistic idea/religion. Paganism is typically used to refer to polytheistic religious traditions. Maybe that's the reason, the word &quotagan" has been chosen.

But it could be a wrong translation too. In many translation does it say "they surely disbelieve who say" or "they are unbelievers who say".

So, actually there's no mistake.

So the chance is higher. But are all three still necessary conditions, or can someone who fulfills only one, say, leads a good life, still has a chance?

I don't think so. But who knows? The only one who can say if someone will go to Heaven or not is God.

3,085 posts

It's a bit hard to explain the idea of the trinity but Christians believe that Jesus who walked the earth was the earthly incarnation of God but also a human (hence the 'son of' thing) so they're technically the same being but Jesus was God in the form of a man.

5,129 posts

i agree for what you said except for that. you cant know if someone is gay or streight by just looking. we dont have signs on our foreheads

people that are gay are open about their being gay. atleast it's like that in the netherlands because you CAN be open about it whitout getting knocked out. i know it's not like that in other countrys. but i think it's just a lack of respect for them. anyway there are many ways for them to figure out if some1 is gay yes or no. also do gay people not fall in love whit evry guy just like a hetro does not fall in love whit evry girl.

what i actualy want to say is that when gays can be open about being gay that you will see that gays are not that much different from other people
1,482 posts

so they're technically the same being but Jesus was God in the form of a man

That's essentially where the split is, aside from the extra prophet and book. Islam see's God as self supporting/sustaining, the idea of believing in anything else with him doesn't go with the whole 'Monotheism' thing. The last line of surah ikhlas is "And there is none like unto Him." -- Basically denouncing the idea of him ever needing/having an incarnation of himself or anything else.
8,257 posts

So I suppose Islam hasn't an equivalent to the holy spirit, since it's also part of the trinity?

5,340 posts

people that are gay are open about their being gay. atleast it's like that in the netherlands because you CAN be open about it whitout getting knocked out. i know it's not like that in other countrys. but i think it's just a lack of respect for them. anyway there are many ways for them to figure out if some1 is gay yes or no. also do gay people not fall in love whit evry guy just like a hetro does not fall in love whit evry girl.

what i actualy want to say is that when gays can be open about being gay that you will see that gays are not that much different from other peopl

again i agree completely except with one thing. i never said anything that is different from what you said.

just like you cant know who is gay and who is streight they canot know who is gay/streight either. if they knew they wouldnt bother trying to hit on streight people.

i never said gay people love all the people from the same gender.

also, the fact that people are open doesnt mean that you can know things like that about them. a gay person can be open about that but im sure most gay people dont just come to you and the first thing they say is that they are gay. they simply dont hide it and thats it.

the only way to realise if someone is gay is if they walk with a tshirt that sais that or have anything connected to that like rainbow coloured clothing. you cant recognise peoples likes and dislikes by their body
232 posts

It's a bit hard to explain the idea of the trinity but Christians believe that Jesus who walked the earth was the earthly incarnation of God but also a human (hence the 'son of' thing) so they're technically the same being but Jesus was God in the form of a man.

So, God made himself be born in a virgin woman. So, he could live, tell the people about his own message, and after that letting himself getting crucified, so he can forgive our sins? The whole trinity thing is a bit strange. My opinion is that Christianity is not a monotheism. And about this trinity; is it 3 in 1 or 1 in 3?

So I suppose Islam hasn't an equivalent to the holy spirit, since it's also part of the trinity?

I think, that the Holy Spirit is Maryam. Father = God, Son = Jesus(pbuh) and the Holy Spirit = Maryam.

So, anybody more questions?

3,085 posts

It's one being that operates through 3 separate parts - not 3 beings that come together as one.

232 posts

It's one being that operates through 3 separate parts - not 3 beings that come together as one.

Still don't get the whole thing :S

1,531 posts

Why do Muslims say that America and Israel are the "Great Satans?'' I know the answer from this side of the argument, but I would like to here an answer from the proverbial camel's mouth.

232 posts

Why do Muslims say that America and Israel are the "Great Satans?'' I know the answer from this side of the argument, but I would like to here an answer from the proverbial camel's mouth.

I almost lost my whole family. My whole lifestyle has changed. Can't find any food, no water, because the weather is bad and because I'm poor. It's too hot. My house has been burned down by some man in uniforms, I think they are soldiers of that god**** country. I see these soldiers everywhere. It's all because of them. It's all because of America. Are you American? Then you are a soldier.

This is the idea of almost everyone in Iraq, or Afghanistan. I suggest you to watch Buried. A good movie. When the one who's been buried, and the insurgent are talking.

So, because America has destroyed his country, it's normal for these people to think of America as the "Great Satan" right? You would do that too, I'm pretty sure of it.

5,340 posts

So, because America has destroyed his country, it's normal for these people to think of America as the "Great Satan" right? You would do that too, I'm pretty sure of it.

honestly i can understand that. but see it or not we are pretty much at war. in a war its obvious that people will get hurt. and hating the whole "enemy" is... just stupid in my opinion. i honestly think that most people almost forgot why this is happening. this war is hurting everyone and by hating you just turn to one of the sides. if you hate, then you are a soldier. the people on the different sides would have a whole different opinion depeding on the place they live/were born and that is what causes us to think the way we think now. ive seen missles, bombs, ive been teached on the 1st grade how to wear a gass mask and how to act when a missle is coming my way. people here HAVE to join the army and throw away years of their life just because of this stupid situation. do i hate the arab countries? nope. i dont know about you but that is my point of view. many people lost many things because of this but it is YOUR decision if you just want to hate or dig alittle deeper then that.
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