Here's a topic to be creative on, come up with a new kind of animal, include what it eats, what would you call it (dosen't have to be latin) and its features.
Uh, hamster pellets would be the pellets hamsters eat.
It just seemed more fun to think of it the other way =)
And I don't believe in positivism anyway, so if they and their science can live without happiness, joy and love, I am sure there is more to the kittensalads, then~
Sounds reasonable, so all you have to do is stop loving them, and then they die? I think butcher houses would be clean then, machienes can't love, and the people who are working their cutting up the meat, will be desensitized to them and no longer love the kittensalad. Wow right when I read only the name of the creature, kittensalad, I got a picture of kittens in a bowl of spinach and dressing and a guy at a fancy restraunt sitting down with a fork and knife in hand.