ForumsArt, Music, and WritingCreate a Civilization!

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1,824 posts

Simple, create a civilization, at any time, anywhere, any universe, multiverse or dimension

Civilization Title

Key Points

Military (if any)

Story of the Civilization


If needed, I'll add more things to write. This is kinda based off Sirmed2's work, but broader. This is a competition, winner to be declared after 20 pages. Prize: A Murasaki Medal and one of my own.
Have fun and keep it light, no arguments.

  • 37 Replies
464 posts

Prize: A Murasaki Medal and one of my own.

She let you do that?
6,800 posts

You seem to be making a lot of 'Creation' contest threads. My advice is to stick with one, and help it grow. If it doesn't proove popular, then making another one won't suddenly make everybody warm up to the idea.

1,824 posts

Um. Ahem. I've made two

I believe you're thinking of Sirmed2, not me. Try to read the original post thoroughly, Maverick4.

Now, are you going to write something or not? There's no point coming if you don't. Go on. Let's see how much imagination you have

6,800 posts

I believe you're thinking of Sirmed2

I apologize for my mistake.

Let's see how much imagination you have

1,824 posts

Not to be rude or anything, but I meant that you write something here.

1,824 posts

The Congregation of Metal

Key points: The Congregation is located on a smallish planet on the "left" side of the Rigon galaxy in the Multiverse.
The inhabitants have not made space travel yet, as their original life was destroyed by a great ice age. they now live with everything being steam and metal based

Military; The Congregation keep a large garrison of steam-bots, but they're mostly for law enforcement, as the Congregation's city is the only one not frozen over, so there is no one to fight

Story: The planet was once fully inhabited and in an age not unlike our own, but their planet froze over and destroyed their world and set back the clock. They adapted and everyone lives in a great steam city, ruled over by a council whose titles are those of metals, including Gold, Copper and the overall controller, Iron

Extras: The city has a twin sister underneath it, covered up by the Council, which is inhabited by elves, of a sort.

2,515 posts

this seems like a forum game...

165 posts

Name: Serocona

Key points: The Serocona live on a seemingly large island that is inhabited by their people: the San Rimita. They are the smallest of three other tribes, and are seemingly primitive and poor, but very mysterious, and are feared mostly because their soldiers wear bells to notify that they're coming.

Military: The Serocona barely have a military, for they are the smallest tribe and don't have a good enough population base to hold a strong military. Their best soldier is the Serocona Skirmisher, who is given hardened leather armor and bells, and they wield a sword
and a round shield with an iron spike boss. They are well trained, but are very unorganized and undisciplined. They fight like madmen, though, and the much larger, more well organized armies of the two other San Rimita tribes fear them for their ferocity and speed.

Story: The San Rimita used to live in peace- and they lived under the Honor Code- but some San Rimita dropped the Code or tried using it in a different way. They started arguing, and then fighting- and broke up into three parts- one, the Merg, who kept to the old ways, the second, the Deragos, the ones who altered a few rules and third- the Serocona, who dropped the Code completely and lived by their own ways.

Extras: The Serocona worship a so called god called the Nanriab, or the Hive Mind. It is said to be a myth from the other tribes that it is a huge monster living underground and they have to feed it with a sacrifice, for it shant be stirred.

Broader than my work? :P Mine has more requirements to have the writer give a more vivid view of the civilization.

1,824 posts

Care to give me some, "Sirmed"? And good work.

As for the fact it's broader, you can choose for it not to be medieval, not even on earth, nor this universe. Luckily for you, I'm not downgrading your rating for your obvious lack of understanding.

New Points of Writing: Religion (if any) and Trading/Income

165 posts

Here's a quick thing: The Serocona don't have any trade with anyone. They're a neutral civilization that sits back and grows.

16,287 posts

Faction Name: Populusaquae

Faction type: Transition, from Tribal

Faction Culture: These people have everything to do with water, multitudes of fountains and they build atop water. With their prized possessions being small pots that are really small versions of fountains as they spout water into smaller pots, the more intricate it is shows the richness of the family. they enjoy any sport involving water and many politicians are chosen for their abilities in water.

Faction religion: They worship a few different gods, a 30 ft. Thrasher shark of war, a rather large group of sardines that act as one entity for commerce/friendship/brotherly bonds, two small yet powerful kissing fish whom can change ocean currents for love, and a 30 foot salmon for food/crops/famine

Faction Military: they have a rather small but effective for whatever conflict they get in (not many) military which also acts as a police force in times of peace (most of the time)

Faction Capital: they're faction capitol is a moving city which will follow the will of the tides as a symbol of how water is an all powerful entity. they have no defenses and will lay temporary bridges to any neighboring nation for trade, this has proven against them a few times but the royal guards never let anything happen to the city

Faction Riches: they haven no "money" but they will trade what little valuables they have which others consider highly prized and offer extraordinary prices for, but usually they don't accept it because they're reverence for they're own culture, those who do sell off the pot fountains and items alike are considered criminals of the highest degree and have their eyes taken out as they are not considered worthy to lay them on another holy object

Tridentman: they wield aqua blue leather armor and a large trident

Royal guard: they have intricate segmented armor with they're patron deity (depending on the city the defend) on the armor and wield smaller tridents with bucklers

Thrower: they throw nasty barbed spears and have no armor and only a small sword to defend themselves

-The army is rarely used but they keep it going year around as they know their open nature can come at a cost

-They love outsiders and don't have any inns/hotels as families will accept them into their homes as part of the family

copy pasted from other thread if you don't mind, this wasn't judged and i want it judged

1,824 posts

Wow, that's pretty creative. It could wel have a final listing. Great work!

16,287 posts

D'aww shucks ya makin' me blush

well when is the judging?

1,824 posts

Page ten or twenty, it all depends on how many people participate. But the prize is good.

399 posts

The Alpha-Numerics
Notes:They live at the centre of the universe; in a solar system of 25 planets.
Each planet is inhabited by people except for 3. 1 for power generation, 1 for food growing, 1 for natural resources.
All the planets are at peace.
They worship many gods each has their own aspect which they rule.
They are human, but they have the ability to speak all languages because they are the first living beings in the universe.

Military and Evolutionary State:They have the greatest military in the universe, due to the fact that have many enemies outside their galaxy.
They are completely self reliant, and they are the most technologically advanced people in the universe.

Background; When the universe was just beginning, a whole bunch of gods came forth. They began to create Galaxies and Stars and planets. When they were done they created one great, governing God the keep the Whole Thing in line.
These gods then did one last thing; In the Middle of It All, there was a star, the most perfect, everlasting Star. The gods made 25 planets around it. On the first they placed one seed of life on that planet and from there took a back seat letting life go as it should. only stepping in when they were needed in their aspects. As the Alphas grew older they realized that they needed to populate the universe, and on many different ships, they sent out some cells and that is how the universe was populated and it was how the Alphas got enemies and a reason to travel the universe

Other Stuff: They are a monarchy, though it can be removed in favour of a party that is felt better suited to the throne.
Alphas are Much smarter than human even the dumbest would be considered a genus on earth.

Showing 1-15 of 37