ForumsArt, Music, and WritingCreate a Civilization!

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1,824 posts

Simple, create a civilization, at any time, anywhere, any universe, multiverse or dimension

Civilization Title

Key Points

Military (if any)

Story of the Civilization


If needed, I'll add more things to write. This is kinda based off Sirmed2's work, but broader. This is a competition, winner to be declared after 20 pages. Prize: A Murasaki Medal and one of my own.
Have fun and keep it light, no arguments.

  • 37 Replies
25 posts

Usea (This is from Ace Combat 4, but a better idea of what Usea is)

Key Points: Usea is a continent similar in shape to the Eur-Asian continent. They began as a small tribe on the Usean continent, but began to spread and named themselves after the land they lived on. The Useans are a typical people, but have an incredible military.

Military: The Useans train their forces differently, but have instilled the notion that one man can't win a war on his own. This notion was countered when the Legendary ISAF pilots began to down entire squadrons of the enemy on their own. The most famous pilot started as a new recruit who seemed to have a knack for flying. Known only by his callsign, Mobius One ("The Grim Reaper" or "The Ribbon" to the Erusians) is most noted for his destruction of the super-weapons codenamed "Stonehenge" and "Megalith" and his destruction of the feared Erusian Yellow Squadrons.
The ISAF are all of the countries on the Usean continent (Excluding Erusia)in an alliance to fight back the Erusians.
The Infantry are trained like the Spartans. They are taught that death is the greatest glory one can achieve on the battlefield.
The Air Force is trained to be incredibly acrobatic in the air and mercilessly hunt down the enemy unless ordered otherwise.
The Navy is trained highly in the use of long range weapons and laser weaponry. They fight to the end, and captains stay with the ancient ritual of sinking with the ship.

Story: They are one country in and of themselves (Though many smaller ones do exist, but live under Usean rule), considering that a confederation was formed and forced half the civilization to break away. They are known as Erusia. These two were in peace time, but after the Ulysses1994x asteroid was destroyed, the technology used to take it down was taken over by the Erusians, for many of them were built in their territory. They soon discovered they could be used as super-weapons, and began to attack Usea. A long and horrible war began, and took a high toll. Five very famous pilots emerged from the war, and they have been immortalized in Usean history and are revered throughout the world.

16,287 posts

(This is from Ace Combat 4, but a better idea of what Usea is)

it looks like you took it straight from the game :/
1,467 posts

Civilization: Syn Matky

Time Standing: 2036 and on (Year 2065 currently.)

Civilization Name Meaning: Syn Matky is translated from Slovakian as "Son of the Mother". Syn Matky is the son and Russia is its Mother.

Territory: The Syn Matky have wide territories on Earth. They are the largest country currently standing on 2065. They cover half of Asia and half of Europe as well. Much of their territory comes from the original lands of Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania and much of the original nations which maked up the formally existing Soviet Union. However, territory has recently increased by at least up to 10% by only recent war victories.

Population Standings: Syn Matky is one of the most populated countries in the world, currently reaching populations of up to nearly 1 billion citizens. China still standing, having the most with at least 2.5 billion citizens.

Foundation: The founding of the Syn Matky is originally because of the collapse of the Russian Federation in 2034. Syn Matky replaced Russia and other nations quickly joined territory to combine. It was officially formed and settled in 2036.

Power State in the World: Syn Matky is currently recognized as a great power, or a world power. Advances in technology, science and many other subjects have allowed this country to prosper and live in a greater state than others.

Organizations and Treaties: Syn Matky is currently a member of the following world organizations: United Nations, Council of Europe, and Commonwealth of Independent States. They are also involved in the current treaties: Antarctic Territory Claim Treaty System


Hm... Don't feel like doing the rest. Oh yeah and... The Organizations and Treaties are real things. So uh... Don't count me for this.

1,824 posts

Wow, lots of amazing civilizations so far. This is going to get difficult for the contestants.

(I'm going to take the position as "insane commentator" for now)

165 posts

Hmm- can I retry my submission?

There are completely different categories- how would you compare medieval civilizations to modern or future?

Oh, and I see that everyone is making all of their civilizations extremely powerful, take-no-mercy empires. Let's try to have some originality, people! Why not have it so your empire is surrounded by enemies, having to crawl its way to the top- it isn't very interesting to read about an empire that is invincible, or has no competition.

1,824 posts

Aye, you're right.


Your civilization can be an empire, but it cannot rule everything. But the previous posts will be counted into the rankings, it's just all posts from now on will have a slight...twist... to them.

165 posts

K, can I try my submission? It doesn't have to be part of the contest or anything, but I'm in the creative mood and I'd like to submit it here.

1,824 posts

Go ahead. It'll be counted, as it wouldn't be fair not to.

165 posts

Name: Narinan

Faction type: The Narinan are a tribal society, who have taken up more civilized ways such as trade, roads and palaces. They are complete hiearchy, worshipping the High Priest, who declares war or trade.

Key points: The Narinan are famous for their religion, which
is about two gods- one is Darok, and the second Morlan- who created the universe and split it into east and west.
The Narinan have druids and priests go into battle to boost the morale of the men. They can only go to war after sacrificing a human child to their gods.

Faction location: The Narinan live deep in the forests of Kalelar, the most dangerous spot in Mans Telwar. They try their best to stay below the radar, so that they aren't given much attention.

Military: The Narinan keep a large military that departs when they aren't fighting. Their soldiers all go back and live back as peasants, but when war is declared, all men in Narin must fight, save the old, elderly and weak. They are almost never attacked because of how the forests they live in seem to protect them- but if an organized army really tried, it would be able to capture their capital city with ease.
Their archers wear leather bodies to protect them from other arrows or light sword blows, but since they're so swift, agile and easy at hiding they probably won't be found anyway.
Their second soldier type is the Narinan axe man, copied (or
the original form) of the famous Voranite (their neighbors)
axe men. They detest armor and see it as weak and cowardly, and are only given a hatchet and a large round shield with a steel boss. They are a light type of infantry, and are perfect for fighting in the forests.

Story: The Narinan are a completely independant tribe, living in the forests. They are relatively small and weak, but have been in Mans Telwar since the Voranties settled in.

1,606 posts

Name: Araphan Sovereignty

Social structure: the Araphan believe that no one being can control everything, and therefore have three seperarate rulers. The rulers divide the power based on who has experiance in what, and their previous position. The government isn't set up by popular vote, but by qualification by standards of actual output. For example, a 30-year military veteran who had proved worthy in battle would be qualified to be the Grand Warlord. A trader who was successful and uncorrupted would be qualified to be the High Chos: in charge of all diplomatic and financial affairs of the Sovereignty. A wise and powerful Shaman would be qualified to be the Grand Iatoli, bringing the religion into the government.

Points of social importance: All Araphan practice Monotheististic Shamanism, believing that every object is a gift from Deios, the supreme being. Their Shamans are well-educated in specialized universities, sort of like clerical colleges, but on an elite scale. Shamans draw their power from the elements, sometimes combining energy of different sources to create new and sometimes more powerful gifts from Deios. Sometimes they are used in battle again their enemies, the Outworlders.

Triangulated position: They rule a single planet in the Syigos galaxy, localled at 1657X54647Y by 534Z, universal standard correlation. The planet, Araphis, is at 13X45Y by 357Z Galactic Standard correlation.

Military: The Araphan believe in unified military superiority. With a ground force of over 5,000,000 Marines, each one equipped with a plasma repeater, exactly 5000 specially-trained Paladian generals, each one equipped to his or her own specifications. Also in their vast horde: Plasma-Blade Juggernauts. These heavily-armed and armoured soldiers are meant for survival. Each one has over 300d(500 pounds) of armour on in battle, making them the heaviest soldiers on the field. Next are shield-carriers. They carry a ray-shield bar, and simply block incoming fire. Sometimes Shamans join the ranks in battle, using bio-electric staffs that enhance their gifts. They also have a large variety of ships, ground armour, and stations used for battle and supplying.

Economy&trade: The Araphan Tel is the planetary currency. Its worth is fairly large: â"500 Tel for a LandShip, â"5000 Tel for a housing pod. A Tel is a small light-blue coin aquired at the local temple, by giving gifts to Deios. Giving a Runic Tablet would bring a gift of about â"50 Tel, while giving a bio-kenetic staff would bring â"650 Tel. Religion and economy are inter-twined, one based on the other.

History: The Araphan were once a large group on the planet they inhabited, and quickly advanced to the Steam age. Once they did, they used mechanical suits to battle the two other species on the planet: Scyrok, and Harmann. The SCyrok were bug-like creatures, most likely the ascendants of the Outworlders. Once their master hive was destroyed, they left the planet, leaving bio-technology that enhanced the Araphan technology to Bio-Mechanical. Thus equipped, they set about destroying the Other sentient being on the planet, the Harmann. These human-like people were peaceful, and artistic. They used weapons made from the energy of blood, a property known as Plasma. They defended themselves neatly, not attacking, always defending, never losing a soldier. Finally, a large ship was constructed by the Araphan high command: the Nemesis. It destroyed the Harmann, but as a resust was inverted into the Spacial rift formed by the sudden flux of energy caused by the death of thousands of Harmann Mana-wielders.
Once all other cultures were wiped out, the Araphan began to sway to the peaceful, and focused on culture, art, and economy. The Araphan look to the future with hope that they can learn and improve. With a well ballanced economy, they have a good chance of advancing themselves past the Hyperspace age they exist in, to ascension.

165 posts

I have a question: How will you be able to compare medieval with modern/future type civilizations? I mean...

1,824 posts

The creativity and believability of the descriptions is what I'm looking for, not the set time of the world/worldlet

1,606 posts

So, whatcha fink of mine?

1,824 posts

You'll find out when I rank them. I don't want to give anyone any leeway on their position.

16,287 posts

is this ever gonna be ranked or did it die

Showing 16-30 of 37