The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
a infinite thought about how one plus 2 is a negative outcome.why doesn't donald duck wear any pants?
He thinks hes sexy.Do you like me?
Depends on the weather.Why are avacadoes disgusting?
Because they hate you as must as you hate them.How far is Heaven to Pluto?
Only as far as Russia to Ceres.Why won't the stupid birds shut up?
Because they are unable to shut down.Why can't i divide zero by zero?
Because Mr. Wiilson Said so.Why is poking things papaya fields?
Because the the apocalypse started, but Jim came to the rescue.Who's Jim?
Jim is a cow!How much can you least without eating or farting?
.0356 seconds. Just now, while typing this, I ate my farts at least twenty times!Do you know the alphabet?
Which one?Cnaoy ouias rsd atyhis?
No, I can't.If you're on the north pole, and your friend is on the south pole, and both of you point up towards the sky, who's "up" is right?
Infinite, because they can't aim their plungers upwards and will have to pile into the room with the lightbulb in it until one is level with the lightbulb.Why are weekends so short in comparison to school days?
Because the weekends haven't had their growth spurt yet.Why can't I fly?
because you dont try hard enough.what size shoes does big bird from sesame street ware?
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