The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
Apple juice.Snort fridge cream?
Shoe tree bear.When is the new video game coming out?
Around December 39th.Why doesn't February 30th exist?
Because if it did, then everybody would die a day early.[Hey, I passed Darkfire in posts! *feels accomplished] Why is the Cold War so important historically speaking?
^^^ ACK I forget when my sister's log in and I go post under her name. That's me ^J^
Because that war was the only time we didn't have enough blankets to go around.How big is space?
Take infinity times 100 million.How do you know when a tree is dead?
When it stops moving.What is the worst thing you can do to a zombie?
Make love to it.When is the worst time to procrastinate?
When you're on the toilet.If you could kill someone, who would you kill?
Every evil dictator in the world.From 1 to 89 what number am I thinking of?
potato.Desmond the moon bear?
Flying Sauce-er, Johnny.Can you play electric guitar on an acoustic guitar?
My dog can. I threw the tardis into a blackhole.
Well, say hi to the Borg for me.How many swords will it take to kill, 10,000 dragons?
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