The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
So the enemies know who to kill first.What items does ****'s Sporting Goods sell?
they blocked the name d1ck
ballsWhat's the speed of dark?
(Hahahahahahahaha)SlowHow do you make a month go b faster?
laugh at fat chickenswhy do chickens look like trains?
Can't you stop questioning the god**** chickens? They don't know what they're doing either!Are you going to give a stupid answer to this question?
...That is an opinion...How do you make a successful RP?
by looking at your hippowhy do people stare at CHICKENS!
Because they believe they have laser eyes and they are trying to cook them.Why are you answering this question?
the voices.... the voices in my head tell me to.why do you press harder on the remote-control when you know the battery is dead?
Cause it really works! (true story)How can I stop wasting money in darned casinos? I'm tired of it
u can still play at the casino untill your broke and then you wont have any money to waste! Genius!
My question is. I heard this equation. Sad+Awesome=Awesome Is it true?
Of course not. The true answer is Sadawesome. Duh.Who's there?
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