The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth. and my crew are back from vacation. what is this stuff going around here?why are we a myth?why is arachibutyrophobia such a long word?
Only one question please.Because it has too many letters.Why is my armatar so cool?
because of the black outlining of the do you know when a smurf suffocates?
They turn skin-color.If 2+2=5 is 8+8=17 or is 8+8=24?
8 + 8= 88Duh! Know your science!Is it a trap?
No, just jailbaitWhy must IG-88 be so cruel?
because IG stands for "i go" and 8 looks like a nut and there are 2. so it spells: "i go nuts". and it seems in a cruel can a house burn up when it burns down?
Only if the lava can fly.Why is green so green?
Because green is has trees in it.Is water wet?
Not if it's ice.Who's the greatest superhero in the world?
Me.Do books have paper in them?
No, they have trees in them, Duh.Where does Batman live?
On a baseball field, usually because he is practicing his batting.Why is Superman weak to kryptonite?
Because his father dressed in green and abused superman often.Why are bow ties cool?~~~Darth Caedus
Because bow ties can be left in the freezer, while neck ties cannot.Why wasn't Spider-man in the Avengers movie?
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