The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
By hitting yourselfWhy dogs bark ?
They've always wanted to be trees.Why do cows moo?
Because they have fur.Why do people shoot things they don't like.
Because the gun likes them.Who is SunWalker?
The instrument of your death.Why are people idiots?
So there can be smart people.Why does a turtle move?
Because they are rabbitsHow fast is the sunlight ?
As fast as the moonlight.Does E=MC Squared?
No. E=E. Duh.Why are there so many cat videos?
Because everybody hates dogs.Why is the internet not a net?
Because it's a web, woven by a giant spider named Tim Berners-Lee.Why is rock music named after one of the most motionless objects there is?
Because rock music doesn't move you like country music does.Why is the number 7 a number?
So we can get to the number 8Why doesn't my real gun work for dunk hunt?
Because it will OVERHEAT!!!!!Why have been invented comments?
So we could earn Merits Why do Sandals exist ?
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