The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
(wow, a seven minute ninja)No, because you failed.Why has the doctor not taken me on as his companion yet?~~~Darth Caedus
(no, a 24mins ninja. xD)because that would break the docters code.can a mouse eat a elephant? given enough time.
Yes, as long as the elephant is smaller than a fingernail.Why are elephant's ears used for surfboards?
Ummm because?Why is because a good enough answer?
because your mind can't come up whit any thoughts.why are there no stories about pyramids and peanut butter?
Of course there are lots of stories about them in Vatican secret library. Why they don't let me in special and private sections of Vatican library?
because you do not meet the requirements. like, heal someone from being gay and **** a little boy.why are danger buttons not blue?
Because nature is too lazy.Who was Plato?
Pluto's eccentric little brother.What is "Play-Doh"?
It's a name of an atheist carWhat does PER ASPERA AD ASTRA mean ?
It is a new color that has been recently invented.What is Google?
Something you tell your kids to do when they ask you a dumb question.What is a lamp?
The little brother of the sun.What are stars?
Johnny Depp.What is a refrigerator?
A protection device against nuclear weaponsHow do I get me one of them refrigerators?
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