The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
Dildo's know a lot, ask them.Why is Chuck Norris?
Because Norris Chuck.Why is the Earth round?
Because people walked around it so much that it became round.How does a TV work?
You eat it.What is a stupid question?
It's why we have dumb people.Why are we humans?
'Cause we have many hues, man.What is a mouse?
A mouse is the awkward combination of a mousse and a house.Why is it dark outside?
'Cause the light ran away.Why is it light outside?
Because the sun doesn't want Earth to be dark because he is a nice guy.What could I use a water bottle for?
Play GTA 3.Why can haz cheese?
Because you deserve itwhere am i?
Somewhere in the universe.Why are dogs dogs?
Because they're cats.What's a question?
Because of answers.What is a sun that shines brighter then a sun?
It's called a lamp, if you look directly at it you'll see it shines brighter than the sun you see in the sky.Why can't I eat soup? I've tried really hard, but I can't.
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